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66 Cards in this Set

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What is c.p.
only one variable changes, all others held constant
What is Macroeconomics
the study of events that affect the economy as a whole
What are basic questions addressed in Macroeconomics
GDP, cost of living, inflation, interest, adn monetary policy, taxation, adn fiscal policy
What is Microeconomics
the study of smaller part of the economy
What are basic questions addressed
how markers function, firm behavior, and comsumer behvaior
What is a key issue in the study of economics
What is Scarcity
never enough to go around, people want more than they can have, and limited resources
What are economic resources
are those items used in the production of good and services that stasify wants
Examples of resources
Lands, labor, capital, and enterprenerusip
What are 3 basic questions of economics
1. What will be produced
2. How will it be produced
3. Who will consume it
Efficency is needed B/C resouces for proudction of good and services are limited we must
make chocies about what goods and services will be produes and how resources will be used to produce them
What questions apply to efficiency
Questions 1 &2. ---What will be produced, and how will it be prodcued
What is question of equity
b/c of scaricty, we must decide who will consume the good, and sevices produced, or how thye will be allocated or distributed
What is capitalism
market based economy
1. private ownership
2. freedom of choice
3. competition
4. Reliance on markerts to answer 3 basic question
IS there buyers and sellers in captalism
What is demand
WILLINGESS and ABILITY to comume goods and services
What is demand driven by,
unlimited wants and needs,
Consumer demand for a good or service is influenced by
price of good, or service, income, tastes, and price of other goods and services
What is Law of Demand
consumers will buy more of a good or service as the price decreases, quanitity DEMANDED variers INVERSELY with price
What is utility, and comsumers are belived to be
refers to the value or satisfaction a person gets from consuming a good or a service----consumers are utility maximziers
What is Marginal Utility
the value of consuing one additional unit of a good or service
What is marginal vs average(BAD)
how much will we get from next decision vs, how much utility is ually achcied
What is the Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility
the more you consume, eventually the lower amount of satisfaction you get from each additional unit
What is the quantity demand for diminishing marginal utility
as the value or satifaction of consuming an additional unit of a good or service decreases with each additional consumed, the PRICE the consumer is willing to PAY also decreases (DOWNSLOPING DEMAND CURVE)
What is utility maximizing rule
consumers will make chocices so that marginal utility of good A divided by price of good A is EQUAL to B/B
What happens when marginal utility received from good A is > B,
then consumer can gain more statifaction by consuming one more unit of good A
What is opportunity cost
the value of the next best alternative use of the resource used in producing a good or serivce (EVERYTHING cost something)
What are substitutes, and effects on utility
interchagneable good and service--consumer receive simialr levels of utility from either good or service
What are completments
good that are consumed together--use of one means use of the other
What is elasticity
how responsive is demand for a good or service to a change in some factor that has an impact on demand
What is own-price elasticity
change in quantity demanded for a good given a chagne in price of that good
What is ED=
%Change in QD/%Change in price
If Elastic [ED] >1
% change in QD > %change in price
What is inelastic
<1, change in price> change in QD
What is unit elastic
=1.0, the % change in quanity demanded=% change in price
What is Economics
the Study of how resourceds are distributed among competing alternative uses in order to satsify human wants
How is economics evaluation or investigated
systematic manner
What is income elasticity of demand
change in demand for a good given a change in income
Income Elasticity of Demand=
%change in DEMAND/%change in income
What role does have on norma and cyclical goods
increase in income, leads to an increase in demand
For Income elasticity of demand as income increase
consumers are willing to purchase more
What effects does Income elasticity have on Demand curve
SHIFT--no change in price
What happens to inferior good with increase in income
an increase in income, leads to a DECREASE in DEMAND
What effect do inferior good have on demand curve
What is CROSS-Price elasticity
change in QUANTITY demand for a good given a change in prices of OTHER GOODS
What happens to substitues in cross price elasticity
increase in price of one good, will result in an increase in demand of another
What happens to complements in cross price elasticity
INDIRECT--increase in price of one, will lead to decrease in demand for the other
Differance between change in quantity demanded and QUANTITY
quantity demanded=price change, and movememt along line

quanity--everything but price, SHIFT in entire demand curvfe
What is production possiblities curve
represents possible combinations of 2 goods, that can be made in a given time period, increasing quanity of one, decrease quanity of other
What are point below curve indicative of prodcution possible, on curve, and above
below--inefficent use of resource
on--efficent use of resource
above--unattainable level
What is law of supply
as the price of a good or serive icnrease, the quanity a firm is willing to supply increase
How does a firm maximize profits
minimzie cost, and total revenue is greater than total cost
What is marginal output
is the increase in output with a one unit increase in the input of a factor
What is diminishing marginal returns and terms of cost
increase production of one good, there a poitn where inefficiences occur--costs are rising faster than output
As the profit decreases on additonal units produced, what is require
a higher price is required as an incentive to produce that unit
What effect does Law of Diminshing returns have on supply curve
UPSLOPING---firms are will to supply more good at higer prices
What is the market
markets exist where there are buyers adn sellers willing and able to produce adn consume a good or service
What do buyers want ideally
maximize satisfaction--EXPLAINS behavior
What do sellers want ideally
maximize profits--EXPLAIN behavior
What is the market equlibrium
werhe firms and comsumer aggree
What types of markets exist
Perfect Competition, Monopolistic competition, Oligopoly, and Monoply
What are characteristic that define markets
producers, type of product, barriers to entry, non-price compeition, and control over price
In perfect compeition do comsumers pay full price
What is total number of buyers and sells in perfect competition
LARGE number of buyers, adn sells are small relative to market
Is prodcut standrad and no barrier to enter perfect competition
Is there some degree of government involvment in our market