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87 Cards in this Set

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Anything that is used to produce goods and services
The condition in which our wants are greater than the resources available to satisfy those wants
Scarcity means that we have to make ____________.
The most highly valued opportunity or alternative that we give up when a choice is made
Opportunity Cost
What are 2 consequences of scarcity?
1. Rationing Devices
2. Competition
A way of deciding who gets what portion of the available resources and goods.
Rationing device
Rationing exists because of __________.
In economics, this term means additional or the cost to produce one additional unit.
Marginal cost
What are the four factors of production?
1. Land
2. Labor
3. Capital
4. Entrepreneurship
The physical and mental talents that people contribute to the production of goods and services.
Who is faced with scarcity?
Everyone - individuals, businesses, countries, and society in general
Produced goods that can be used as resources for further production such as factories, machines, and tools.
Capital or Capital goods
The situation in which more of one thing necessarily means less of something else.
Who is referred to as the "Father of Economics"?
Adam Smith
What are the 3 basic economic questions that each society must answer?
1. What goods will be produced ?
2. How will the goods be produced ?
3. For whom will the goods be produced?
Why does scarcity exist?
Because resources are limited and the wants of society are unlimited.
What do we call an economy that is based on customs and beliefs that have been handed down from one generation to the next?
Traditional Economy
A _________ is an economic system in which government controls and may own many of the resources.
A __________ is an economic system in which individuals (not government)own most, if not all, the resources and control their use.
Free Enterprise or Capitalism
What options or choices do people have when dealing with scarcity?
1. Do without the item
2. Find alternatives to satisfy the want
3. Pay more for a scarce item
What is the "Labor Theory of Value"?
The theory that states that any value in produced goods comes from the labor used to produce those goods.
A "Free Enterprise System" is also known as ...
"Capitalism" or a "Market Economy"
Adam Smith's concept that we do good for others not out of kindness but rather for our own personal gain is called _________?
The "Invisible Hand Theory"
This individual is best known for his socialist views that self interest and particularly big business is not beneficial but rather harmful to society.
Karl Marx
According to your textbook, what are the 3 causes for globalization today?
1. The end of the cold war
2. Advances in technology
3. Government policy changes
What do we call a tax on imports?
What is demand?
The willingness and ability of buyers to purchase goods
What is the "Law of Demand"?
As price goes up, quantity demanded goes down and
As price goes down, quantity demanded goes up
What are the 2 consequences of scarcity?
1. Rationing devices
2. Competition
What are the two major economic systems?
Free enterprise and Socialism
In what direction does a demand curve slope?
Downward from left to right
When demand increases, what direction does the demand curve shift?
Demand curve shifts to the right
When demand decreases, in what direction does the demand curve shift?
Demand curve shifts to the left
What is the only factor that can cause a change in quantity demanded (a movement along the original demand curve)?
A change in "Price"
How is a change in "quantity demanded" shown on a chart?
As a movement along the original demand curve
What does elasticity of demand measure?
How much buyers respond to a change in price
What is the "Law of Supply"?
As price goes up, quantity supplied goes up and
As price goes down, quantity supplied goes down
How is the law of supply shown on a graph?
As a "direct relationship" - price and quantity supplied move in the same direction
What is "supply"?
The willingness and ability of sellers to produce and sell different quantities of a good at different prices
What is the only factor that can cause a change in "quantity supplied" ( a movement along the original supply curve)?
A change in "Price"
In what direction does a supply curve slope?
Upward from left to right
Under what 2 conditions is a supply curve vertical?
1. When additional units can no longer be produced
2. When there is no time to produce additional units for a particular event
What doe we call financial aid or payments made by a government to a certain industry?
What do we call a legal limit on the number of units that can be imported into the country?
In what direction does a supply curve shift when there is an increase in supply?
The supply curve shifts to the right
In what direction does the supply curve shift when there is a decrease in price?
The supply curve shifts to the left
What causes equilibrium price to change?
Changes in either supply or demand or both at the same time
What is an "equilibrium price"?
The price that occurs when the quantity demanded is equal to the quantity supplied
Do supluses in the market cause prices to go up or down?
Do shortages in the market cause prices to go up or down?
What effect does an increase in supply have on equilibrium price?
Equilibrium price falls
What effect does a decrease in supply have on equilibrium price?
Equilibrium price rises
What effect does an increase in demand have on equilibrium price?
Equilibrium price rises
What effect does a decrease in demand have on equilibrium price?
Equilibrium price falls
When supply and demand change at the same time, what happens to equilibrium price when demand increases more than supply?
Equilibrium price rises
When supply and demand change at the same time, what happens to equilibrium price when supply increases more than demand?
Equilibrium price falls
What do we call a price set by the government that is below the equilibrium price?
Price ceiling
What do we call a price set by the government that is above the equilibrium price?(minimum wage is an example)
Price floor
In the U.S. the richest 10% of the population own what percent of our nation's wealth?
What are the 4 characteristics that define a market?
1.Number of buyers/sellers
2.Identical or different products
3. How easy or difficult is it to enter a market
4. Are sellers price searchers or price takers
What is a price taker?
A seller that can sell all of its output only at the equilibrium price and not at a penny more
Which market type are price takers?
Perfectly competitive market
What is a price searcher?
A seller that can sell somie of its output at various prices (price is determined through trial and error)
What are the 3 major "barriers to entry" in a market?
1. Legal barriers
2. Extremely low per-unit costs
3. Exclusive ownership of a resource
What are the 3 types of "legal barriers"?
1. Public franchises
2. Patents
3. Copyrihts
An exclusive right granted to an inventor of a product or process for a period of 20 years is called __________?
This gives the orginators of literary or artistic productions the right to publish, print, or sell their intellectual property for a period of 70 years>
What is an oligopoly?
A market that is dominated by 3 or 4 firms that control 75-80% of the markets sales
What is minimum wage?
A government set wage floor (minimum wage in Illinois is $7.50 per hour)
What happens when minimum wage is set above the equilibrium wage rate?
It results in employers being willing to hire fewer workers
What is "Derived Demand"?
Demand for labor based on the demand for the product that the labor produces
Because price and quantity supplied move in the same direction, this is shown on a graph as what type of relationship?
Inverse relationship
Since price and quantity demanded move in opposite directions, this type of relationship is referred to as __________?
Direct Relationship
What does "elasticity of demand measure?"
How much buyers respond to a change in price
What does "elasticity of supply measure?"
How much sellers/suppliers respond to a change in price
This individual who wrote "Wealth of Nations" believed that self interest causes people to work hard and take risks, which benefits society.
Adam Smith
Are price floors located above or below the equilibrium point and do they create a surplus or a shortage?
Price floors are located above the equilibrium point and create a surplus
Are price ceilings located above or below the equilibrium point and do they create a surplus or a shortage?
Price ceilings are located below the equilibrium point and create a shortage.
If all else remains the same what will happen to price if there is a decrease in demand for a good?
Price will decrease
Any place where people come together to buy goods and services
What 2 elements are necessary for "demand" to exist?
1. Willingness to buy
2. Ability to buy
The demand for necessities such as milk, water, and electricity is usually ...
Inelastic demand
What law states that as price goes up, the quantity demanded goes down and as price goes down, the quntity demanded goes up.
Law of demand
What law states that as price goes up, quantity supplied goes up and as price goes down, the quantity supplied goes down.
Law of Supply
a law that states that as a person consumes additional units of a good, eventually the utility or satisfaction from each additional unit of the good decreases.
Law of diminishing marginal utility
When there is an increase in demand, does the demand shift to the right or left
It shifts to the right
When there is a decrease in demand, which way does the demand curve shift?
It shifts to the left