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11 Cards in this Set

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Opportunity cost
The value of the next best alternative forgone when a decision is made
Decision is made


Shows the maximum combinations of goods or services that can be produced in a set period of time given available resources, when all resources are fully employed.

Why does a PPF concave to the origin
-There isn't a perfect of mobility between the resources (e.g. re-allocating capital and labour resources from 1 industry to another may require retraining, also financial cost of moving resources)
-There's not a perfect factor of substitutabilty between resources (some resources are more useful in one use than another, also increasing marginal rate of substitution)
Finacial and some resources are more in one use than another
PPF shifting outwards
-Investment (more capital)
-Techological development (better capital)
-Education and training (labour skills)
-Increased labour participation (inventives to work)
Points outside the PPF
Points outside the curve are not attainable with the current level of resources
Points inside the PPF
Suggests resources are not being fully utilised
What's the PPF useful to demonstrate?
Economic growth and oppurtunity cost
What does a straight line indicate on a PPF
Resources used to produce the two goods are perfectly homogeneous and there's a perfect factor of mobility and constant opportunity cost
A skewed line on a PPF suggests?
-New tech
-Improved production systems
Inward shift on a PPF?
-Natural disasters
-Complete lack of investment


-Land =natural resources

-Labour = human resources

-Capital = tools and machinery used in the process of making goods/services

-Enterprise = the risk taker, organises the three other factors to create goods/services