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24 Cards in this Set

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Reproduction plants vs animals
plants routinely have multiple modes of reproduction, animals generally stick to one
natural selection
selection among variation that exists in the natural populations for the organisms that are the best fit with the environment (many more organisms born than can survive)
advantages / disadvantages of sexual reproduction
+ novel combinations of genes for natural selection to work on
-> greater potential for adaptation when conditions change
- energy & resources devoted to mating
- dependent upon finding a mate
advantages / disadvantages of asexual reproduction
+ no need to find a mate, don't devote resources, may be able to reproduce earlier in life
+ offspring likely to do as well as parent
- less genetic diversity
modes of asexual reproduction
stolons - above ground stems
rhizomes - below ground stems
reiteration - new from break or damaged stem
layering -
corms & tubers - fleshy stem sections
bulbs - fleshy stems, thickened leaf bases, new plant from lateral stems
suckers - sprouts from roots
leaf fragments - leaf margins
apomixis - produce seeds that are clones of the parent - no recombination
reproduction via seeds that are clones of the parent
in plants, what are the mobile gametes?
mosses and ferns - swimming sperm
seed plants - pollen grains that produce male gametophyte
cells retain all of the genetic information (encoded in DNA) necessary to develop into a complete plant
Carries water and inorganic solutes (N, P, K) from the roots to the leaves
Usually xylem tubes are located inside the plant
Carries organic solutes (e.g. sucrose) from the leaves throughout the plant
Usually phloem is located outside of xylem
less raw material for natural selection to act upon
approx 50% of species are self-incompatable
strategy of last resort
reproductive assurance
when a plant will allow self-fertilization if cross fertilization has not occurred.
strategies to avoid self-fertilization
spacial separation of gametes
temporal separation of gametes
protogynous, protoandrous
temporal separation of gametes in plants
protogynous - female first
protoandrous - male first
monecious, diecious
monecious - plants have both make and female parts
diecious - plants have either one or other sex, not both
pre- and post-zygotic reproductive isolation
pre-zygotic reproductive isolation - prevent fertilization
post-zygotic reproductive isolation = embryo fails to develop from incompatible pollen
individual member of clonal group - eg single aspen tree
genetically distinct individual - eg clonal group of aspen trees
life history strategies
- allocation of resources between growth, defense, reproduction
- timing of reproduction
- seed requirements - small vs large seeds
tolerance - fecundity tradeoff
inverse relationship
high stress environment -> big seeds to provide nutrients
more reproduction - shorter life spans
indicator of reproductive effort in plants => seed size
monocarpy, semelpary = reproduce once in a lifetime
iteropary = multiple reproductive bouts
r vs K
life history strategies
r = intrinsic rate of reproduction - fast growth, many offspring, low investment in each
K = carrying capacity, slow growth, few offspring, high investment in each offspring
Competitive vs Stress tolerant vs Ruderal
Grime 1977: C & S are variants of K strategy
C - allocate resources to growth
S - resources to stress tolerance, maintenance, defense
R - resources allocated to reproduction - early successional
life form diversity -
epiphytes, hemiepiphytes, vines / liannas, epiphylls, mosses & ferns, herbs, shrub, under canopy, canopy, emergents