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76 Cards in this Set

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Gross Domestic Product
the total market value of all final goods and services produced within a given time period by factors of production located in the US.
what does GDP stand for?
Gross Domestic Product
What does it include?
1. Only includes final goods and services intermediate goods such as tires price of the car includes price of intermediate, tires 2. Only productive goods and services are counted non productive goods and services are not. Used cars. 3. Output produced abroad by domeswtically owned factors of production NOT INCLUDED because violates domestic.
value added
market value of a firms output plus the value of the inputs that it has purchased from others
Not counted in GDP
Anything that is purely financial transaction because nothing is produced. Sale of stocks or bonds not counted. However, if you use a stockbroker then whatever you pay him is counted because he provides a service.
Private transfer payments
not counted in GDP if you win the lottery or grandma gives you 1000 dollars cash no effect because there is no service
Public transfer payments
welfare payments, social security payments veterans payments interest paid on the public debt count?????
Gross National Product
The total market value of all final goods and services produced in a given time period factors of production owned by a countrys citizens regardless of where it has been produced. This has been eliminated which is bad because this is more accurate than GDP. Ex. Japanese company counts their GDP in ours but their cash goes to them.
2 methods of calculating GDP
Expenditure approach and income approach
Expenditure approach
looks at what was purchased/ We have to adjust because sometimes we sell stuff we produced last year or we don't sell everything we produce
Income approach
Measures the income (wages, rent, interest profits) received by all the factors of production in producing all of those final goods and services.
Expenditure Approach has 4 elements
1. Households (consumer) consumption C. 2. Firms Investment Ig (Gross Investment). 3. Government all forms (state, local, federal) G. 4. The rest of the world-net exports (exports-imports)
Non durable good
food, clothing, recession proof because even during a recession people have to eat used up w/in a year
Durable good
Something that lasts a long time. Car, dishwasher, heaters Big ticket items
Dr. visits, lawn mowing, education
Investment Gross Private Domestic Investment Total investment
capital new housing plants equip, machinery, investment in physical capital not like stock market
non residential investment
machinery tools plant equip
investment in new houses. Goes up in value and can be rented out. That's why it is included in residential not consumer
Change in business inventories
to adjust for things we made before or after. Marshall's is in this category
GDP equation
GDP=final sales + changes in inventories. This is to account for production not being equal to sales
How to figure inventory
inventory at the end of the year - inventory at the beginning gives the total increase
gross and net
gross is total, net is after you've taken stuff out
net income Gross income
capital depr is accounted for gross income fails to take into account the fact that capital depreciates over time.
Net interest equation
net interest=gross investment - depreciation
govt. purchases include
state local and fed govt. for final goods and services govt worker salaries, bombs, tanks. Welfare and interest expense govt transfer payments and social security payments NOT INCLUDED Federal transfer payments such as the bailout plan also not included
Net exports
exports-imports. Remember GDP is a measure of production measure of GDP is based on sales and sales don't equal production
produced domestically so we want to count it but it's sold abroad so when adding up sales we would understate production because we would miss exports.
produced abroad and not counted in GDP so when adding they are in our sales but that would overstate GDP because they weren't produced here so subtract imports from exports
Can we compare GDP? Why or why not?
No we cannot because it doesn't take inflation into account
Nominal GDP
GDP measured in current dollars. Has to be adjusted to compare prices across time so we need a price index
Real GDP
Nominal GDP adjusted for inflation
Real GPD equation
Real GDP= nominal GDP/price index x 100
Can we compare Real GDP? Why or why not?
Yes we can because there are no more inflation.
The business Cycle
the ups and downs in GDP usually looking at changes in real GDP over time
Temporary maximums in level of econ activity
A period in which real GDP declines for at least 2 consecutive quarters (6 months)
a prolonged and deep recession
output and employment begin to go up prices may begin to rise
How is unemployment calculated?
the Beauro af labor statistics collects and reports unemployment once a month
How could they measure it more accurately
people filing for aid and assistance 2. people looking for work. 3. voter question. 4. census out that ais once every 10 years. 5. tax returns
current population survey
monthlky survey of 60000 houses said to be representative of the overall population has been used since the 1940's
Noninstitutionalized population
16 and over not in some institution, mental, hospital, prison, armed forces, placed into employed, unemploued, or not in labor force
how to be counted as employed
must be working ANY work for pay as little as an hour for pay or profit during the same week. All persons who did at least 15 hours of unpaid work in a family owned enterprise, or if you are temporatily absent from work due to vacation or illness you are still counted.
persons who did not work during the week at all. Made specific active efffort to find a job in the previous 4 weeks. You were available to work
Active effort
job interview, answering job adds, going to employment agencies, sending out resumes
labor force equation
labor force=employed + unemployed
unemployment rate equation
unemployment= number of unemployed / labor force *100
labor force participation rate equation
labor force /population (100)
all persons who were not working and were waiting to be called back to a job they have been laid off from work need not look for a job and are still counted in unemployment
frictional unemployment
The portion of unemployment due to the normal workings of the labor market used to denote short term job skill matching problems between jobs possibly, Economists not overly concerned
Structural unemployment
Portion of unemployment due to changes in the structure of the economy that results in certain industries. Longer run adjustment problems. Workers lose jobs because their skills are no longer needed. Economists not overly concerned
Cyclical unemployment
People who want to work and have skills who still can't find a job. Economists want this to be eliminated
Natural rate of unemployment equation
natural rate of unemployment = Structural + frictional
Actual unemployment rate equation
Actual rate of unemployment = frictional + structural + cyclical
Shortcomings of unemployment rate
1. part time workers are counted as fully employed when they want more hours understatement of employment. 2. Discouraged workers individuals who are unemployed but havae given up searching for a job,. understatement of unemployment
a rise in the general level of prices. Some prices could be falling or staying the same but in general prices are going up
Is inflation troublesome
Depends on what happens to your income if your income rises at the same rate there is no problem
Measuring Inflation
Measured by consumer price index or CPI calculated by the bureau of labor statistics. It is used to inxex social security payments, adjust tax brackets, many pricate firms use it to index homes, land lords use it to index rent prices.
How is inflation calculated?
By taking 300 typical goods and services typically purchased by the urban consumer. THen they price it in each year the current year and the base year.
CPI equation
CPI= price of market basket in specific year prices/ price of same basket in base year prices times 100
sometimes prices go down People on social security aren't typical urban consumers
Escalator clauses
used to adjust payments or salaries for changes int he price level
New amount=original amount-current year index/original year index
limitations of the CPI
1. Market basked is for typical urban consumer not everyone is typical urban consumer. 2. can't show where it's more expeisive just where prices are rising faster. 3. quality changes are not accounted for. Such as comps were exp. now they do more and are cheaper
Demant pull inflation
Whole lot of demand price goes up. Too much money chasing not enough goods.
Cost push
Cost of production rises and supply goes down. It is more expensive to produce things.
Losers of inflation
1. Elderly because of fixed incomes. 2. Poor because fixed income. 3. Savers money not worth as much. 4. Creditors like banklending unanticopated inflation
Winners of inflation
1. debtors cause they pay back with dollar value down money 2. Flexible/adjustable incomes. 3. Government borrow dear dollars and pay back cheap dollars
elderly, those with fixed incomes, savers, creditors
debtors, adjustable incomes, Government
GDP equation
Y intercept is?
consumption when your income is zero
Marginal propensity to consume
Slope of c function the proportion or fraction of any additional number that is spent.
Marginal propensity to save
slope of savings function- proportion of any additional income saved.
Non income determinants of Consumption
Expectations of furture income and prices, wealth, interest rates, and household debt