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62 Cards in this Set

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Scarcity means:
we can't satisfy all our wants
we must make choices
True or False
For rich people, there is no scarcity problem.
Name the three productive resources
What kind of statement is 'every child should go to school?'
normal statement
Ceteris paribus
keeping all other factors constant besides the one we want to study
Opportunity cost
the value of the highest valued alternative forgone
Over spring break, you fly to Daytona Beach, Florida and stay in a hotel. Once there, you must decide wheter to spend an afternoon swimming or sailing. The opportunity cost of saiting includes
the pleasure of swimming
The production possibilites frontier is the boundary between
the attainable and unattainable combinations of goods and services
Marginal cost
number of something cut
divided by the additional number of units obtained
Moving from one point to another on a production possibilities frontier implies
increasing the production of one good and decreasing the production of another
A major earthquake occurs in the central part of the U.S. What impact would this have on the nation's production possibilites frontier and why?
It would shift inward because some of the nation's resources, such as capital and labor, would be destroyed
A movement from one point on a production possibilities frontier to another represents
a trade off
If the PPF is bowed outward, the opportunity cost is
What is the quantity demanded?
the amount of a good people are able and willing to buy during a specific time period and at a given price
The law of demand refers to how
the quantity demanded changes when the price of the good changes
In stores, it is common to find products marked as 'on sale' at a lower price than usual. What explains this behavior?
the law of demand is being used to increase the quantity demanded
As Americans have a higher income, the demand for health care would
Gas and cars are complements. When gas prices rise, the demand for cars will
People expect that next years auto price would increase. What will happen to the demand for auto this year?
The phrase 'a change in demand' most directly implies a
shift in the demand curve
If consumers' preferences for a good increase, then
the good's demand curve shifts rightward
Ford found a new and more efficient way to produce cars. What will happen to supply?
Milk can be used to produce cheese or butter. If the price of a pound of butter rises, what happens to the supply of cheese?
the supply of cheese decreases
With the news that a hurricane may hit TX (important oil production area in the US) next month, what is likely to happen to the supply of oil this month
In a market, the supply increases and demand decreases. What will be the change to market price and quantity
price falls
quantity undecided
Price floor may cause
Price ceiling may cause
The pollution caused by a steel plant is an example of
negative externality
The argument for government subsidy for flu vaccination is
positive externality of the flu vaccination
The price elasticity of demand measures
how responsive the quantity demanded is to changes in price
If the price of a six pack of Pepsi falls from 4 to 3 and the quantity purchased increases 80%, then demand is
If a substitute good is easy to find, then demand for a good is
If demand is price inelastic and the price is lowered, what of the following occurs
the total revenue of the firms selling the product decreases
If money wage increases, aggregate supply would
If oil price is lower, aggregate supply would
When the price level is lower, the quantity of real GDP demanded would increase because of
the real balance effect
When aggregate demand increases, given other things constant, what will happen?
price level increases, real GDP increases
Oil prices rise by 100%. What are the effects on the economy?
price level increases and real GDP decreases
Affregate equilbrium occurs when
treal GDP demanded equals to the real GDP supplied
M1 includes
checkable deposits
travelers checks
M2 includes
currency in circulation
small time deposits
saving deposits
Bank reserves include
banks deposits with the central bank
When a bank calls in a loan of 1 million, how much money is created?
1 million
Citi bank will get more reserves when
the Fed buys bonds from Citi bank
If an economy is at a recessionary gap, a proper fiscal policy should be
increase government expenditure
If an economy is at an inflationary gap, a proper fiscal policy should be
increased tax
If an economy is at a recessionary gap, a proper monetary policy should be
lower interest rate
If an economy is at an inflationary gap, a proper monetary policy should be
to sell securities in the open market
real income
= (nominal income)/CPI
= (nominal income)/(real income)
annual rate of inflation
[(CPI in year - CPI in previous year)/
(CPI in previous year)] *100
real intreset rate
= nominal intreset rate - inflation rate
Marginal propensity to consume (MPC):
(change in consumption spending)
/ (change in income)
Spending multiplier
= 1/(1-MPC)
Increase in GDP
gov spending * spending multiplier
Nominal income
the actual numner of dollars recieved over a period of time
Real income
The actual number of dollars recieved adjusted for changes in the CPI
Nominal intreset rate
the actual rate of intreset without adjustment for the inflation rate
Real intreset rate
the nominal rate of interest minus the inflation rate
Aggregate demand curve
the curve that shows the level of real GDP purchased by households, businesses, government and foreginers at different possible price levels during a time period, ceteris paribas
real balance effect
the impact on total spending caused by the inverse relationship between price level and the real value of financial assets with fixed nominal value
Discretionary Fiscal Policy
the deliberate use of changes in government spending or taxes to alter aggregated demand and stabilize the economy