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31 Cards in this Set

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What is elasticity?
how much the demand/supply changes with a change in the price
what is an inelastic product
when the change in price doesn't effect the demand/supply
What are some examples of elastic products. What makes a product elastic?
luxuries such as vacations. These product take a short time to change, there are substitutes for the product, and the % of income spent on the product is low
What are some examples of inelastic product, and what makes a product inelastic?
items such as toilet paper and gasoline. These products take a long time to change, there are no substitutes, and the % of income spent on these products are high.
If the market is narrow, will there be more or less substitutes for it?
less substitutes for it
Is a product elastic or inelastic if E>1
Is a product elastic or inelastic if E<1
What is the formula for calculating the elasticity
(amount of change in demand/original demand)/(amount of change in price / original price)
Define diminishing marginal utility
the more resources you devote to something the less marginal return you receive.
What are some examples of capital goods
fertilizer, tractor, cars, taxi
What are some examples of consumption goods
oranges, cars, veggies
If a point lies inside a curve then
anything inside of the curve is inefficient
What is the only thing that can shift a curve to the right
a shift due to technology advances
What makes a point on the curve unattainable
when the point lies outside of the curve
What are the four factors of production
1. land 2. labor 3. Capital (money equiptment) 4. Entrepreneurship (knowledge, vision)- risk taker that creates ideas, products and markets, that create jobs and wealth.
What are the two types of markets
Factor markets (real estate, labor market, physical capital) and product market
What is a venture capitalist
invest money in Entrepreneurs, which is a big risk
What are negative externalities
a situation when one benefits but many pay. Example include pollution and taxes on cigarettes
What are positive externalities
situation when one pays but many benefit. Example, donations, research and development( subject to diminishing returns at the company level but increasing returns at the society level) and a college education(society benefits)
Give an couple examples of things that are subsidized
education and research and development.
What does diversification mean?
putting your savings into several different areas.
What are 2 examples of funds
exchange trade and mutual funds
What do index funds do
invest in companies from all sectors of the economy
What are the three keys to saving money
1. start saving as soon as possible 2. get out of credit card debt and stay out of it 3. don't let money sit in the bank at 2-3%
What is outsourcing
U.S. firms producing goods overseas at cheaper labor rates.
What are two protectionism measures
the use of tariffs (taxes on imported goods) and quotas ( limits on the quantity of imported goods)
What are the arguments for protectionism
1. protect jobs 2. protect high wages 3. protect infant industries 4. national security
what are the arguments against protectionism?
1. loses jobs 2. prices are higher 3. infant industries become dependent on help
What does comparative advantage mean
the ability to produce something at a lower opportunity cost.
what are the arguments against protectionism or for free trade
1. gives product variety 2. economies of scale- bigger size of a company means that materiel cost can be ordered in bulk, lowering cost, which are passed on to consumers as cheaper prices.
What are the winners and losers involved in a subsidy of U.S. farmers
Winners: U.S. farmers, consumers worldwide. Losers: U.S. tax payers, international farmers