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32 Cards in this Set

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Gross Domestic Product

The market value of all final goods/services produced within the country over a given period of time

GDP = C + I + G + NE

Why does the Fed want to manipulate GDP?

So there is low unemployment and low inflation

Market Value

GDP = Q * P

Products must be produced for market use, not homegrown

Real GDP


Shows real production and indicates how well the economy is doing


Does not include intermediate goods

Prevents double-counting



Service--action performed

Both must be useful (not harmful) and not free


Value of production whether we have sold it or not

Within the country

Can be a foreign company producing inside the US

Over a given period of time

Does not apply to a specific date

Per Capita Income

Country's GDP / Population

Not an indicator of standard of living


Two ways to measure GDP

GDP is the sum of all incomes

GDP is the sum of all spendings

GDP expenditures

Consumption, exp. of household sector, C

Investment, exp. of business sector, I

Gvmt, exp. of the government sector, G

Net Exports, exp. of foreign sector, NE

GDP = C + I + G + NE


Largest component of GDP (65-70%)

Most stable

Types of consumption

Durable goods--useful 3+ years

Non-durable goods--useful <3 years


Types of Investments


Inventory--Produced, but not yet sold

Government Spending

At all levels (Federal, State, Local)

Only includes what gvmt paid on actual goods/services

NOT TRANSFER PMTS--Medicare/food stamps

Net Exports

Smallest component

Often negative

"foreign investments"

Sometimes added to I, making it gross inv.

NE = Exports - Imports

Consumer Sentiment Index

Questionnaires given by Univ. of Michigan

Used to predict what the economy might experience

Consumers are "king of the economy"

Crowding Out

Government spending causes private sector to shrink

Hated by Freedman|Gvmt inefficient/ineffective

Trend in US and Europe

Velocity of Money, V

The average amount of times money has changed hands over a period of time

Calculated by equation of exchange

Determined by consumers

Equation of Exchange

Total value of purchases = Total value of sales

MS * V = GDP

Velocity as a Variable

Predictable/Stable, Monetarists like Friedman

Monetary policy effective

Unpredictable/Random, Keynesians like Tobin

Monetary policy harmful

Goals of the Fed

Low unemployment

Low inflation

Unemployment, U

Number of unemployed looking for job /

Labor force

currently 5.6%

Labor Force

Number employed + Number unemployed

Inaccuracy of U

Discouraged workers--unemployed not seeking employment

Part-time workers--not considered employed

Black-market workers--receiving income + unemployment benefits

Pros to lower U

More products+services rendered

Lower u = Lower taxes

Strong association in crime+unemployment

Fed's main goal

Lowering inflation


Increase in prices this year proportional last year

CPI(y2)-CPI(y1) / CPI(y1) * 100

currently 2.5%

Who is hurt by Inflation

Hurts those with fixed income

(Retirees, contractor/workers, bond buyers)

Who gains from Inflation

Government, Employers/corporations, banks

Cons of inflation

Increases wealth gap

High inflation becomes volatile

People avoid using money as MOE --> barter

Investments decrease, U increase

"by fighting inflation you can indirectly reduce U"