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116 Cards in this Set

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What 3 questions was Malthus trying to answer?
Industrial revolution, but poverty
What should counter poverty
Should gov do anything about poverty?
When were utopian writings at their height?
The enlightenment
Why did Malthus believe that mankind ends up at subsistence level of living?
Agricultural supplies grow slower than the population.
What happens to income per capita according to Malthus?
There is no rising trend, it fluctuates along a flat trend line.
What are the 3 assumptions of the Malthusian population model?
BR is determined by custom
DR is inverse of material stnds
material stds = per capita income
According to malthus what happens to death rates as we get wealthier?
They decline
According to malthus, what happens to material living standards as population increases?
Material living standards decrease.
WHat has to happen for population to increase?
Birth Rates > Death rates
How does malthus believe you convince the poor to stop reproducing?
1) Control the rate of births
2) Risning death rates (more likely)
What kind of checks did Malthus believe there were on population?
1) Positive checks
2) Preventitive checks
What are Malthusian Positive checks?
war, famine, pestilence
What are Malthusian preventitive checks?
moral restraint, abortions, prophylactics
What was the one way malthus believed could allow you to escape the overpopulation trap?
Continual technolocial advancement.
What was Malthus's fundamental macroeconomic question?
Are general gluts possible in capitalist market economies?
What is Says law?
Supply allows its suppliers to act upon their own demand. Prices adjust.
What did Malthus think of says law?
It was bullshit.
Why did Malthus disagree with Says law?
To create new production to consume, individuals channel savings into investments. But when they save more they arent able to spend that money on consumption.
How did Ricardo respond to Malthus's criticism?
Prices will just fall.
Extra production will create econs of scale and lower unit costs.
Who was Ricardo a contemporary of?
Contemporary of Malthus.
Who contributed the theory of rent (marginal productivity of land)?
What was Ricardos fundamental conclusion regarding growth?
Economic growth has a tendency to peter out.
According to Ricardo, why did growth have a tendency to peter out?
Because we run into diminishing returns.
What was Ricardo's fundamental question?
Can I figure out how the slices of the economic pie gets distributed?
Who created the theory of distribution?
According to the Theory of Distribution, variable factors of production are paid what?
The value of its marginal product.
According to ricardo, what are the 3 variable factors?
capital, land, labor
What variable factors does ricardo combine?
Capital and labor.
What things did Malthus and ricardo share?
Ricardos theory of distribution was unable to determine what share went to labor. So he valued subsistence wage.
According to ricardo, where are workers paid from?
A labor fund. This fund decreases as population increases.
According to Ricardo, who wins during a population boom?
Only landowners
According to Ricardo, what factors of production are fixed?
Why did ricardo believe that we encounter declining profits?
Lack of land. You cant grow a fixed factor.
What are the assumptions of Ricardos Labor theory of value?
wage rates across industries =.
p = a*w
According to Ricaros Labor Theory of Value, what happens when you introduce production time?
Workers take a kind of loan from employers. Wages are paid out of previous earnings.
What are the assumptions of Ricardian equivalence?
Capital markets are efficent, competitive, and uniform
Consumers are rational
Ppl realize debt = taxation
What was the conclusion of Ricardian equivalence?
it does not matter whether a government finances its spending with debt or a tax increase, because the effect on the total level of demand in the economy is the same
How does issuing debt cause same damage as a tax?
Gov takes out bonds
Govt owes face+coupon next yr
W/ discout effect thats the same
Why is taxation and debt the same according to ricardo?
They withdraw the same amount of spending from the economy
How did ricardo believe countries can move beyond their PPF curve?
Through trade and comparative advantage.
What 3 different kinds of supply did mill identify?
, inelastic,
something in between
What were Mills 4 primary contributions?
Methodology in social sciences
Clarification of Benthems utility
individual freedom
theory of represnetative gov
Who replace mills work on political economy?
Alfred Marshall 60 years later
What was mills opinon of says law?
Agreed, increased levels of output are dependent on accumulation and investment on capital.
What direction did Mill believe that economies travelled?
From a progressive state to a stationary state.
What was mills fundamental question?
Given a single cost function, how are profits from two seperate productions to be allocated in jointly produced goods?
What are joint supplies?
Two goods have a joint cost of production. chicken and eggs, coke and coal gas.
How did mill answer his fundamental question?
the two prices equal their average joint costs.
What was Mills relation to socialism?
Sensitive. For a time a Saint-simonian. Sympathetic to ideals, but not their analysis.
What did Mills think about redistribution?
Like equality, wanted to redistribute wealth, not income. Wealth is not an end in itself.
According to Mill, what was the proper roll of government?
Necessary and optional functions.
According to Mill what were the necessary functions of government?
enforcement contracts
certain public goods
How much gov intervention did Mill want?
Placed burden of proof on those that would advocate intevention. Laissez faire should be the rule.
Who first voiced majority of popular exceptions to laissez faire?
What was Mills relation to the marginalists?
Acted as a bridge to later marginalists.
What did Marx have to say about classical economics?
Not very nice things, except for Adam smith
What did Marx believe that classical economists ignored?
Classicists ignored historical context. They only talked about limited time periods.
What were the 6 stages of history according to Marx?
Primitive communism
Puree Communism
According to Marx, what was each stage of history characterized by?
A different method of production.
Who was a dialectacl materialist?
What is Marx's theory of exploitation based on?
Ricardos labor theory of value
What is the starting and ending point of history according to marx>
What is primitive communism marked by>
Communal property, no classes
What is slavery created by?
Created by the first suprluses
Exploitation of one class by another
When does class conflict begin?
What creates feudalism?
class conflict
What is the difference between feudalism and slavery?
Feudalism is better at hiding the explotation
According to Marx where/when is value created?
It is created in production, prior to exchange.
According to Marx, what is the value of an object determined by?
Value is created by the labor embedded in the object,
Who are the 3 leaders of the Marginalist revolution?
William Jevins
Carl Menger
Leon Walras
What was the big connection that the marginalists made?
They connected the principle of diminishing utility and the theory of demand.
How much math did Menger use?
Menger was very reluctant to use math to describe what he saw as social phenomen.
What important principle did Jevans contribute?
The Equimarginal principle
What is the fundamental question of the equimarginal principle?
How does an optimizing consumer make choices when confronted with different goods and a budget constraint?
What is the conclusion of the equimarginal principle?
Consumers will arange their prefferences so that marginal utility goods are relative to price.
Where is Benthem formally embedded?
With Jevans utility maximings consumers assumption
What did Jevans do with indifference curves?
He constructed a behavioral model explaining our choices. Determines where demand curves come from.
Who founded the Austrian school?
Carl Menger
According to Menger, why are goods valuable?
They serve various uses whose importance differs.
What was one of mengers key insights?
Used the subjective theory of value to conclude that both sides gain from trade.
Who attacked the historical school?
Carl Menger
How much math did Menger use?
Menger was very reluctant to use math to describe what he saw as social phenomen.
What important principle did Jevans contribute?
The Equimarginal principle
What is the fundamental question of the equimarginal principle?
How does an optimizing consumer make choices when confronted with different goods and a budget constraint?
What is the conclusion of the equimarginal principle?
Consumers will arange their prefferences so that marginal utility goods are relative to price.
Where is Benthem formally embedded?
With Jevans utility maximings consumers assumption
What did Jevans do with indifference curves?
He constructed a behavioral model explaining our choices. Determines where demand curves come from.
Who founded the Austrian school?
Carl Menger
According to Menger, why are goods valuable?
They serve various uses whose importance differs.
What was one of mengers key insights?
Used the subjective theory of value to conclude that both sides gain from trade.
Who attacked the historical school?
Carl Menger
What was the historical school?
History provides all the answers
economics vary over cultures
No unified theories of economics
Who pioneered the development of general equilibrium theory?
Leon Walras
WHo discovered the marginal theory of value independently of jevons and menger?
Leon Walras
What is the Walras theory?
if all other markets in an economy are in equilibrium, then that specific market must also be in equilibrium.
What 3kinds of economies of scale did Marshall predict?
Increasing cost industries
Decreasing cost industries
Neutral cost industries
According to Alfred Marshall what is a decreasing cost industry?
Expansion in supply lowers cost due to economies of scale.
What 2 forms can economies of scale have?
External: caused from production gains
Internal: Decreases in input prices
Who do we generally attribute the synthesization of supply (classical) and demand (marginalism)?
Alfred Marshall
According to Marshall, what determines price?
The interaction of supply and demand.
Which later economist was a heterodox?
Thorstein Veblen
Was Thorsten Veblen a marxist
Compared to margnalist and classicalists, where did Veblen focus his work?
On how preferences are formed.
Whose work paved the way for behavioral economics?
Thorstein Veblen
What was Veblens major work?
the Theory of the Leisure Class
According to Veblen what are the 2 primary human motivators
Self Preservation
What problem does Veblen have with conspicous consumption?
Overtime the bar for what we need continues to rise. Can lead to positively sloped demand curves.
According to Veblen the quantity demanded of a good depends on what?
The Actual price of the Good
THe conspicuous price
What happens if the Veblen effect overwhelms the standard price effect?
Results in positively sloped demand curves
What was Veblens criticism of the neoclassicalists?
Assumptions on taste, preferences and how they effect consumption. Ppl do not engage in utlity calculs.
What are the 4 conclusions of the General Theory of employment, interest and money?
Econs can have too little AD
Self corrections work slowly
Government can boost AD
Monetary policy can be ineffective
According to Keynes, a lack of AD does what?
Invalidates Says Law
Creates involuntary unemployment
What theorists did Keynes admire?
Malthus, a shame that ricardo won.
According to Keynes how can governments boost AD?
Fiscal and monetary policy
What was Keynes views of savings/investment?
Not just a function of interest rates.
Why did Keynes argue that monetary policy might not always work?
There is a zero bound on nominal interest rates
At an interest rate of 0, what happens?
People believe that cash and bonds are perfect substitutes