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36 Cards in this Set

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Mutual Interdependence
Actions of one firm will affect the entire market
cooperating among firms to raise each others profits
agreement among firms to resist output to achieve monopoly power
Game Theory
two players make one decision independently and at the same time, move of the other player is unknown
Prisoners Dilemma
game in which payoffs are such that the choice set that maximizes total welfare fails to maximize individual wellfare
Derived Demand
demand for a resource that depends on the demand for the products it helps to produce
Marginal Revenue Product of Labor
The change in total revenue from a one unit increase in labor
Marginal factor cost
change in total cost from one unit increase in labor
perfect competition
many small employers compete for many workers with identical skills, firms are price takers (wage takers) and face a perfectly elastic supply of labor
1. a single buyer in an industry
2. faces the entire, upward sloping market curve
3. price makers, but as labor rises, wages rise as well
exploitation of labor
using a persons labor without offering adequate compensation
labor union
group of workers organize to advance the interest of the group
withholding of labor services by a labor union
market failure
inability of a market to bring about the socially optimum allocation of resources
marginal social cost
added costs imposed on society as a whole by additional unit of good
marginal social benefit
additional gain to society as a whole from an additional unit of a good
MC-MB rule
socially optimal quantity of a good occurs where MSC=MSB
Negative externalities/external costs
an uncompensated costs that an individual or firm imposes on others (MSC= S+Marginal External Cost)
Positive externalities/external benefits
uncompensated benefit that an individual or firm confers on others (MSB= D + Marginal external benefits)
payment designed to encourage activities which yield external benefits
public goods
goods that are non-rival and non-excludable
Non Rival in consumption
ones benefit doesn't impede available benefits to others
good which supplier cannot prevent non-payers from obtaining benefits
Free Rider Problem
inability f potential providers of a good or service to obtain from those who benefit
excise tax
per unit tax levied on the production of a specific good
characteristics of ogligopoly
1. few, mutually interdependent firms
2. high barriers to entry
3. imperfect information
Cartel facts
1. cartels are illegal in the US
2. can increase profits in all firms- regardless of product
3. when all members follow rules, firms split monopoly profit (best group outcome)
Incentive to cheat in a cartel
more elastic
factors that break down collusion
-large number of sellers
-differenciated products
-differences in costs
-antitrust policy
effects of hiring a worker
- quatity of output rises
-total revenue rises
-total cost rises
union goals
- maximize wages
-minimize employment
union actions
advertise union, apprenticeship programs, lobby for inc. min wage, lobby for import restrictions, lobby for more immigration laws
factors that increase demand for labor
1. Increase in the demand for output
2. increase in members productivity
3. increase in the price of substitute labor
factors that decrease the Ed of demand of labor
1. decrease in the Ed for output
2. decrease in the number of substitute inputs
role of government in the US
1. define/enforce property rights
2. correct market failure
3. additional regulations
characteristic of public goods