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39 Cards in this Set

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National income can be defined as the _____ of producing the GDP.

total factor cost

The GDP excludes

the production of many items for which no monetary transaction takes place.

(mom at home)

The national income equals

GDP minus capital consumption allowances minus indirect business taxes

What dollar GDP is more appropriate for measuring changes in total output?

constant dollar GDP

The real or constant dollar per capita disposable income takes into account changes in

both the price level and the size of the population

Current forecasts of the GDP for future decades rely heavily on

the population forecasts

*affecting labor-force

The GDP is

the current market value of final goods and services produced by the nation's economy over a period of time (one calendar year)

National income is equivalent to total earnings in the form of

wages, rent, interest, and profits

Transfer payments are added to national income in the process of

determining personal income

Personal consumption expenditures

account for the largest component of spending in the US

National income accountants eliminate double counting of intermediate goods by

using only the value of final goods

A transfer payment is

a payment of money in return for which no current goods or services are produced.

The value of leisure is not taken into consideration in

GDP accounting

Constant dollar figures

are more accurate than current dollar figures when using the GDP as a measure of the increases in our level of living

Consumer purchases of goods and services

is the largest category of spending in the calculation of the GDP

Intermediate products

are not included in the value of GDP

Transfer payments are included in personal income because

no current goods or services are produced

Income taxes

constitute the main difference between personal income and disposable personal income

The US unemployment rate excludes

unemployed workers who are not actively seeking work

A sizable part of increases in the US labor force in the past few decades has been due to

the influx of women

Service-oriented jobs make up more than ______ of total employment in the US labor force.


The number and the percentage of US workers in labor unions have _____ in the past decade.


The total labor force

includes all persons in the non institutional population who are either working or seeking work.

Maximum employment was ___ defined in the Employment Act of 1946.


The Employment Act of 1946 makes the government responsible for

maintaining maximum employment, production, and purchasing power.

Structural unemployment is caused primarily by


US workers tend to be

geographically immobile

Many economists believe that increases in the minimum wage tend to create a

labor surplus

A speeding up in the replacement of capital and durable consumer goods

during a depression tends to start a recovery

Members of the armed services are counted as a portion of the

total labor force

Increasing mechanization is causing a continually ____ demand for unskilled labor


The measurement of a business cycle is obtained by adjusting the real GDP for

seasonal variation, the trend, and random fluctuations

Cost changes generally ____ behind price changes during the business cycle.


A recession occurs whenever theres a

decline in real GDP for two or ore successive quarters

Involuntary inventory accumulation

may occur during the contracting phase of the business cycle

Inventory depletion in depression can lead to

increased production in recovery

The innovation theory is classified among

the real or physical causes of the business cycle

Profits and profit margins tend to ____ during the late recovery and early prosperity stages of the business cycle


When the real GDP increases, unemployment usually
