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35 Cards in this Set

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Deadweight loss
caused by a policy is the reduction in economic surplus that results from adoption of that policy.
Pareto Efficient
A situation is effecient if no change is possilbe that will help some people without harming others
Accounting profit
The difference between a firms total revenue and its explicit costs
Economic Profit
The difference between a firms total revenue and the sum of its explicit and implicit costs, also called excess profit
Allocative function of price
Changes in prices direct resources away from overcrowded markets and toward markets that are underserved.
Rational function of price
Changes in prices distribute scarce goods to those consumers who value them most highly.
Barrier to entry
Any force that prevents firms from entering a new market
economic rent
The part of the payment for a factor of production that exceeds the owners reservation price, the price below which the owner would not supply the factor.
Explicit costs
The actual payments a firm amkes to its factors of production and other suppliers
Implicit costs
The opportunity costs of the resources supplied by the firms owners
Normal profit
The opportunity cost of the resources supplied by the firms owners; Normal profit= Accounting Profit- Economic profit
Present value
For an annual interest rate r, the present value (PV) of a perpetual annual payment (M) is the amount that would have to be deposited today at that interest rate to generate annual interest earnings of M: PV=M/r
time value of money
The fact that a given dollar amount today is equivalent to a larger dollar amount in the future because the money can be invested in an interest bearing account in the meantime.
Economies of scale
Hurdle method of price discrimination
THe practice by which a seller offers a discount to all buyers who overcome some obstacle
Imperfectly competitve firm
A firm that has at least some control over the market price of its product
Marginal revenue
The change in a firms total revenue that results from a one unit change in output
Market power
A firms ability to raise the price of a good without losing all its sales
Monopolistic competition
Industry struture in which a large number of firms produce slightly differentiated products that are reasonably close substitutes for one another
Natural monopoly
A monopoly that results from economies of scale
An industry structure in which a small number of large firms produce products that are either close or perfect substitutes
Perfectly discriminating monopoly
A firm that charges each buyer exactly his or her reservation price
Price discrimination
The practice of charging different buyers different prices for essentially the same good or service.
Price setter
A firm with atleast some latitude to set its own price
A coalition of firms that agree to restrict output for the purpose of earning an economic profit
Commitment device
A way of changing incentives so as to make otherwise empty threats or promises
Credible promise
A promise to take an action that is in the promisers interest to keep
Credible threat
A threat to take an action that is in the threateners interst to carry out
Decision tree
A diagram that describes the posible moves in a game in sequence and lists the payoffs that correspond to each possible comibation of moves
Dominant strategy
One that yields a higher payoff no matter what the other players in the game choose
Dominated strategy
Any other strategy available to a player who has a dominate strategy
Nash equilibrium
Any combination of strategy choices in which each player's choice is his or her best choice, given the other player's choices
payoff matrix
A table that describes the payoffs in a game for each possible combination of strategies.
Prisoners Dilemma
A game in which each player has a dominant strategy and when each plays it, the resulting payoffs are smaller than if each had played a dominated strategy
Tit for Tat
A strategy for the repeated prisoners dilemma in which players cooperate on the first move then mimic their partners last move on each successive move.