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54 Cards in this Set

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When defining comparative advantage, the Ricardian model and the Heckscher-Ohlin model both assume
constant returns to scale
If all factors of production are doubled then output will
Also Double
External economies of scale occur when
cost per unit of output depends on the size of the industry. Silicon Valley
Internal economies of scale occur when
the cost per unit of output depends on the size of a firm.
External economies of scale may result if a larger industry
"allows for more efficient provision of services or equipment to firms in the industry.
Internal economies of scale result when
large firms have a cost advantage over small firms, which leads to an imperfectly competitive market.
An oligopoly is an industry with
only a few firms
A characteristic of a monopoly (and to some degree an oligopoly) is that marginal revenue generated from selling an additional unit of output is
Lower than the price of output.
The marginal revenue curve lies
Below the Demand Curve
Monopolistic competition is a model of an imperfectly competitive industry which assumes that
"Each firm can differentiate its product from the product of competitors.
A firm in a monopolistically competitive industry is expected
"to sell More the larger the total sales of the industry and the higher the prices charged by its rivals. And to sell less the larger the number of firms in the industry and the higher its own price.
Because trade increases market size, trade is predicted to _______ average cost in an industry described by monopolistic competition.
Because trade increases the variety of goods that consumers can buy under monopolistic competition, it________ the welfare of consumers
As a result of trade, the number of firms in a new international industry is predicted to______ relative to each national market.
According to the Heckscher-Ohlin model or Ricardian model, countries specialize
inter-industry trade
When trade only occurs between industries.
In a Heckscher-Ohlin model suppose that
"The capital abundant domestic economy specializes in the production of capital intensive cloth, which is imported by the foreign economy.
Intra-Industry trade
When trade only occurs within an industry
If domestic country is capital abundant, it still has a comparative advantage in cloth, It should therefore____ more cloth than it_____
It should therefore export more cloth than it imports
Gains from inter-industry trade reflect
Comparative advantage
Gains from intra-industry trade reflect
Economies of Scale (lower Costs) and wider consumer choices
The monopolistic competition model does not predict in which country firms locate, but a comparative advantage in producing the differentiated good will likely cause
a country to export more of that good than it imports
Countries with similar relative amounts of factors of production are predicted to have
Intra-Industry trade
Countries with different relative amounts of factors of production are predicted to have
Inter-Industry trade
About ____% of world trade is intra-industry trade according to standard industrial classifications.
is the practice of charging a lower price for exported goods than for goods sold domestically
Dumping is an example of
Price Discrimination: The practice of charging different customers different prices
Price discrimination and dumping may occur only if
¨imperfect competition exists: firms are able to influence market prices.markets are segmented so that goods are not easily bought in one market and resold in another
Dumping may be a profit maximizing strategy because
differences in foreign and domestic markets
One difference is that domestic firms usually have a _______ share of the domestic market than they do of foreign markets
Because of less market dominance and more competition in foreign markets, foreign sales are usually ______ responsive to price changes than domestic sales.
Domestic firms may be able to charge a high price in the domestic market but must charge a low price on exports if foreign consumers are _____ responsive to price changes.
Because the firm is a monopolist in the domestic market, the domestic market demand curve is _______ sloping, and the marginal revenue curve lies below that demand curve.
Because the firm is a small competitive firm in foreign markets, the foreign market demand curve is _______, representing the fact that exports are very responsive to small price changes
To maximize profits, the firm will sell a low amount in the domestic market at a ____ price PDOM , but sell in foreign markets at a ____ price PFOR.
High price domestic, Low price Foreign.
Dumping (as well as price discrimination in domestic markets) is widely regarded as _______
If external economies exist, a country that has a large industry will have ____costs of producing that industry’s good or service
An example of ______________ is that Specialized equipment or services maybe needed for the industry, but are only supplied by other firms if the industry is large and concentrated
External Economies of scale
Labor pooling
a large and concentrated industry may attract a pool of workers, reducing employee search and hiring costs for each firm.
Knowledge spillovers
workers from different firms may more easily share ideas that benefit each firm when a large and concentrated industry exists
Trade based on external economies has an ambiguous effect on national welfare.
"There may be gains to the world economy by concentrating production of industries with external economies.
Dynamic external economies of scale (dynamic increasing returns to scale)
exist if average costs fall as cumulative output over time rises.
Dynamic increasing returns to scale could arise if the cost of production depends
"on the accumulation of knowledge and experience, which depend on the production process over time.
A graphical representation of dynamic increasing returns to scale is called a
A learning Curve
A way to look at the advantage that an industry has or "head start"
Dynamic Increasing returns to scale
Dynamic increasing returns to scale has been used to justify what
External economies of scale refer to
the amount of output by an industry.
Internal economies of scale refer to
The amount of output by a firm.
With monopolistic competition, each firm has some monopoly power due to product differentiation but must compete with
other firms whose prices are believed to be unaffected by each firm’s actions
Monopolistic competition allows for gains from trade through ____ costs and prices, as well as through _____ consumer choice.
Monopolistic competition allows for gains from trade through lower costs and prices, as well as through wider consumer choice.
Monopolistic competition predicts intra-industry trade, and does not predict changes
in income distribution within a country
Location of firms under monopolistic competition is __________, but countries with ________ relative factors are predicted to engage in intra-industry trade.
Location of firms under monopolistic competition is unpredictable, but countries with similar relative factors are predicted to engage in intra-industry trade.
Dumping may be a profitable strategy when a firm faces______ competition in its domestic market and faces______ competition in foreign markets.
Dumping may be a profitable strategy when a firm faces little competition in its domestic market and faces heavy competition in foreign markets.
Trade based on external economies of scale may increase or decrease national welfare, and countries may benefit from temporary protectionism if their industries exhibit external economies of scale either at a point in time or over time.