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57 Cards in this Set

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In a market economy the decisions of what how and whom are often determined by?
consumers and business owners
Economic decisions in a command economy are often made by?
government agencies
Which is not considered an economic and social goal of society?
economic efficency
economic growth
Changes in a market economy tend to be...
It is dificult for economies to achieve all economic goals because
the pursuit of one often leads to the impossiblity of achieving of another.
the invisible hand is a metaphor used by adam smith
to explain that if all people were free to pursue their self interst,the economy would naturally be guided to achieve the best for all.
The have nots will
rebel against the capilist syst. and instigate capistalism
one key strenght of a comand econ is
ability to adapt to differing needs in society
a mixed econ is
an econmic system that combines the qualities of other economic systems
although computers have increased in production they have eliminated many jobs.
achieving econ growth while not being able to achieve economic stabability.
Johns parents were fisherman and now he is this is a...
traditional economy
jamie works in factory to fulfil gov qoutas. apartment owned by gov...this is a ....
command economy
The law of supply states that the price of a good rises, the quantity supplied decreases
The law of demand, the price of the good rises the amount demanded decreases
a rise in the price of chicken feed shifts the supply curve of chickens leftward
a rise in the price of chicken feed shifts the curve leftward....study the demand curve
New Technology for manufaturing computer chips is developed. The new technology will
contribute to cheaper production of computer chips
the ------ deparment compiles the nations output and incomes.
one weakness of a sole proprietshio it that the
owner faces unlimited liability
one advantage of a corporation is
lifespan that is not linked to it's specific owner
the manin adventage of partnerships have over sole proprietorships is
ability to specialize
Which of the following is an economic right of all businesses is us?
voluntary exchange
which of the following is and economic responsibility of all the businesses in the united states?
conduct biz in an economic and responsible manner
more money becomes available for economic growth
people save
saving makes economic growth possible because...
buyers and sellers are working together to save
in order to use the savings of others economy must have an..... system of savers investors and financial institutions
the gdp which is the gross market value of all final goods and services produced in a nation in a yr is calculated by
adding the expidures of the four sector, consumers, gov't business, and foreign copies) in the nation in one yr
gdp is not a good measure of total production because
only includes final goods
doesn't count household llabor tc
black market
real gdp
nominal gdp
whats the inflation rate from year 2 to 3 to the nearest percent

and 3 -4

10 perc

monopolys are typically created becuase
industry has high barriers to entry
monopilies have disadvantage in...

an industry dominated in a small number of forms
one distinct difference
monolistic vs perfect competition
product differentiation
the shoe industry has many different types of shoes and brands this is an example of...

or an oligraphy?????
the airline industry in america is an example of--------------becomes new firms dominate the industry
main dif between inflation and deflation
inflation is an overall increase in price whie deflation is an overall decrease
trough is
measured when economic growth is decreasing??????????????/
major downturn in econ growth
econ growth likely to occur?
decrease unemploy
increase gdp
econ growth likely to occur?
increase unempl
hi inflation rate
econ growth likely to occur?
increase gdp
econ growth likely to occur?
econ growth likely to occur?
Labor movement refers to the...?
efforts of workers to improve their economic position
Labor movement resulted in...
outlawing of child labor, 8 hr work day, safer working conditions
A labor union is...
seek better treatment, collective bargaining, goes on strikes if demands are not met
The war industries board
converted business to the war effort in ww1
One of the most imp economic results if ww1 for the united states was the...
the united states moving from being a debtor nation to a creditor nation
During the hundred days
congress passed many bills to relieve the great deppresion
the federal deposit insurence corporation
insured back depositers savings
the social security act sought to help
the unemployed, unemployable, elderly
the civilian conservation corps
Civilian conservation corps provided work to single young men, requiring them to send most of the money home to their families
the agricultural adjustment act brought much criticism because
offered money to farmers to destroy crops and leave land uncultivated
The econnomic prosperity of 1990s was primarily due to
internet, development comp industry, dot com business
entry level economists typically must have a
bachelors degree
economic knowledge is
important in every job