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27 Cards in this Set

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species change over time

Lamarkian evolution

species change over time, based on the great changed of being--less complex organisms start at the base of the chain and evolve up the chain over time


consists of individuals of the same species that are living in the same area at the same time

Darwin and Wallace

evolution occurs because traits vary among individuals in a population and because individuals with certain traits leave more offspring than others do

two predictions of natural selection

-Species change through time; -species are related by common ancestry


any trace of an organism that lived in the past

extant species

Species living today

vestigial trait

a reduced or incompletely developed structure that has no function, or reduced function, but is clearly similar to functioning organs or structures in closely related species


a similarity that exists in species because they inherited the trait from a common ancestor

Genetic homology

occurs in DNA, RNA, and amino acid sequences

Developmental homology

recognized in embryos--many embryos look similar when developing--some mammals have gill pouches

Structural homology

Similarity in adult morphology/form

Three levels of homology

genetic, structural, developmental

artificial selection

When a human chooses certain individuals with desirable traits to reproduce

Darwin's four postulates of natural selection

1)individual organisms in a pop. vary in traits

2) some of the trait differences are heritable

3)Only some individuals in the pop. survive long enough to produce offspring, some will produce more than others

4)Individuals with certain heritable traits are more likely to survive and reproduce

Natural selection

Occurs when individuals with certain characteristics produce more offspring than do individuals without those characteristics


the ability of an individual to produce surviving ,fertile offspring relative to that ability in other individuals in a pop


a heritable trait that increases the fitness of an individual in a particular environment relative to individuals lacking that trait

Hardy-Weinberg Principle

mathematical null hypothesis for the study of evolutionary process.

Claims of hardy weinberg

Allele frequencies: p +q = 1

Genotype frequences: p2 + 2pq + q2 =1

When alleles are transmittedvia meiosis and random combinations of gametes, frequencies do not change over time

Assumptions of hardy weinberg

-Random mating, -no natural selection (all members of of parental generation survived and contributed equally to gene pool) -no genetic drift (selection of population represents actual population) -no gene flow (no immigration or emigration) -no mutation

Directional selection

The average phenotype of a pop changes in one direction

Purifying selection

When disadvantageous alleles decline in frequency

Stabilizing selection

Selection that reduces the extremes in a population. Reduces genetic variation and no change in the average value of a trait over time

Disruptive selection

Eliminates average phenotype and favors extreme phenotypes

Sexual dimorphism

Any trait that varies between males and females

Genetic drift

Any change in allele frequencies in a population due to chance, happens especially in small populations