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165 Cards in this Set

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the contribution of progeny to the next generation. (Probability of having grandchildren).
Charles Elton
1920's. Studied Spitzbeugen (tundra). "food is nitrogen"
solutions to assimilation, reproduction, ability to respond to stimuli
primary producers/ energy from the sun
consume anima. + plant tissue and break down assimilated carbon compounds
how do humans get carbon
from eating other organizms. ultimate source of C02 is in the atmosphere
convert c02 into organic matter using oxidation of inorganic molecules especially hydrogen gas and hydrogen sulfide or methane as a source of energy.
-found in 02 deficient places like deep ocean floor and hydrothermic vents
use sun's energy (photosynthesis)
short wave radiation from the sun drive chemical reactions that result in the fixation of c02 into carbohydrates and 02 is byproduct.
light reaction
initial photochemical reactions. chlorophyll absorbs light energy which causes an unstable state. photon energy transfered.
dark reactions
c02 is biochemically incorporated into simple sugars
light compensation point
light level where carbon uptake equals the role of carbon loss in respiration
negative effects of highlight of high light levels
moment of substance from areas of higher to lower concentration until both are equal
all forms of energy can be concerted to heat
1ST Law of thermodynamics
energy cannot be created or destroyed
2nd law of thermodynamics
no conversion of energy is %100 efficient
certain amt. of energy becomes unavailabe
thermal energy
rate of bivration of molecules. always flows from hot to cold.
rule of "home range"
the larger the animal the greatethe range it has to cover to get food
1926. Studied biomass of corn for 100 days.
keystone species
influence community structure disprportionately to their numbers. removal will mean loss of diversity. exp. african elephant, sea otters, coral oculina arbuscula.
food chain
represents flow of energy from prey to preditior
basal species
do not feed on other species but are prey
intermediary species
feed and are fed apon
secondary producers
herbivores, carnivores, and omnivores
species that explore a common resource
functional type
define a group of species based on their common response to the environment
trophic level
organisms that obtain energy in the same # of steps. some consumers and omnivores occupy more than 1 level.
grazing food chain
source of energy for first level consumers (herbivores). flow is unidirectional
detrital food chain
energy source is dead organic matter. snails, beetles, milipedes, earthworms. is dominant in most ecosystems. flow is not unidirectional. each consumer trophic level is recycled.
NPP Net primary productivity
the available energy for grazing herbivores. Includes ingested, consumed, assimilated, respirated and waste materials
consumption efficiency
ratio of ingestion to production. defines the amt. of available energy being consumed in a trophic level that is consumed by the next higher level. All energy entering the ecosystem as NPP is lost through respiration.
trophic efficiency
measure of energy between trophic levels. Its the rate of productivity in a given trophic level to the trophic level it feeds on. 10% rate of transfer
Inverted triangle
occurs because of short life cycles and rapid reproduction.
home range
the area an animal uses in a year. varies with fodd resources, body size and meatbolic need
a defended area
particles of energy from the sun. turn to heat when they reach the atomosphere then plants turn them into photochemical energy.
chemical reaction results in loss of energy in a system
reactions must absorb energy to proceed
the reduction of potential energy
GPP gross primary productivity
the total rate of photosynthesis or energy assimilated by the autotrophs
Net Primary Productivity
the rate of energy storage as organic matter after respiration. NPP=GPP-R
optimall foraging theory
natural selection should favor efficient foragers. measured in energy/nutrient gain and correlates with fitness.
Marginal value theorum
predicts the amt. of time an individual should stay in a resource patch. prey density, travel time and time required to extract.
an enzyme whcih causes carboxylation
cellular respiration
involves the oxidation of carbohydrates to generate energy in the form of ATP (takes place in mitochondria). happens in all living cells.
cells in plants where photosynthesis takes place.
openings int the surface of the leaves of terrestrial plants where c02 enters via diffusiton
the movement of a substance from areas of higher to lower concentration into even. C02 diffuses into the atmosphere until it equals atmosphereic amt. C02 is measured in ppm= amt. of molecules.
turgor pressure
force exerted outward on a cell wall by the water contained in the cell. cells are most efficient when fully hydrated. the movement of water through a plant is passive transport. may be + or -
Gibbs free energy (G)
energy available to do work
water potential
free energy of water along soil/plant continuum. when relative humidity of atmosphere is 100% water potential =0 when humidity drops water potential of the atmosphere becomes negative. water potential drives diffusion from high to low free energy.. turgor pressure and humidity effects plant water potential. it is typically -
osmotic potential
lowerinf of plant water potnetial due to concetration of solutes in cells. always negative
matric potential
the tendency of water to adhere to surfaces, reducing free energy and water potential. always negative
aquatic plants
lack stomata. c02 is mixed into water to form bicarbonate the reaction is reversible. c02 diffuses directly from the water to the cell membrane. bicarbonate can be a source of carbon but aquatic plants must convert it first.
photosynthesis and respiration increase when
the temperature rises. phtoosynthesis reaches a maximum but respiration continues to rise until it reaches critical temps then decreases. this is controlled by temp of leaf not air.
terrestrial plants exchange heat by
convection and evaporation
aquatic plants exchange heat by
boundry layer
still air or water surrounding a leaf
Maintenence of relatively constant internal environment
homeostatic plateaus
limited range of tolerances using negative feedback. for animals its physiological and behavioral. exp sweating, shivering. animals produce heat through metabolism and mobility .
the ability to conduct/transmit heat through solids. body core exchanges heat with surface area by conduction. fat and movement of blood affect it.
H conduction = -k x change in temp/distance or length heat travels. density and specific heat influence object conductivity.
transfer of heat energy between a solid and a moving fluid.

H convection = -h A(heat transfer of a surface area) (Temp of Surface - Temp of surrounding medium)
heat transfer coefficient
represents how easily heat can move through the fluid . depends on fluid type (gas or liquid) and flow (velocity and viscosity.
the greater the surface area per volume
the faster the heat transfer
internal heat production (homeothermy)
fairly constant temp independent of external temp. maintain body temp by oxidizing glucose and other energy rich molecules in process of respiration.. rate of respiration is proportional to their body mass.
gaining heat from environment (poikilothermy)
variable body temp. rising temp increase enzymatic activity which controls metabolism and respiration with low temps. when temp is low they are inactive
use both endo and ectothermy. exp bats, bees, hummingbirds
operative temp range
range of body temp poikilotherms can carry out daily activities
blood circulation system in sharks and tuna. aquatic poiks change physologically to adjust to upper/lower limits of temp tolerance.
thermonuetral zone
range of environmental temps within which metabolic rates are minimal
critical temps
upper/lower temp where metabolic rate increases
have high energy production through aerobic respiration.
-high levels of physical activity for longer.
-exploit wider range of thermal envrionments.
-use insulation fur/feathers/ body fat
as size of organism increases surface area relative to interior, body volume decreases. more surface area is needed for 02 diffusion. lungs, circulatory systems etc. increase surface area.
ultimate resource that leads to fitness
heat flow at any defined portion of the earth's surface
energy flo
abiotic and biotic
biotic energy budget
food energy leads to new biomass/ fitness. includes defecation and excretion and respiration
abiotic energy budget
solar, ground and cloud radiation. convection evaporation, conduction. black body radiation loss.
black body radiation
regulates based on skin temp. insulate by fat or fur. 37 deg C= 4-50 micron per minute (wavelength). higher blackbody temp = more energy radiated
Eart av temp
16deg C
Temp of surface- temp of surrounding area
how are plants cooled
by water. sometimes air (boreal forests)
plants in cool regions
needle leaves with few stomates. air cooled. needles are close so enegy better shared.
plants in polar regions
live in boundry layer (close to ground). plants radiate heat back and forth. cold winds pass over.
most abundant type. most succesful adaptation. 43% production efficency. usually small- large animals must live in warm places. metabolic activity declines during food and water shortages. can be serpentine. temp maintained by heat (solar) or by env.
require a lot of energy. smaller homeotherms need more calories. low net production effeciency.
can undergo rapid drastic metabolic chnages. some go into hibernation. temp is crucial for flying.
mostly done by pikilotherms
hibernation in homeotherms
become heterotherms and invoke controlled hypothermia (redux of body temp) body temp approaches ambient temp (below 10 deg C) high c02 state calle acidosis.
body temp falls below freezing without freezing. increases solutes in some fish, reptiles.
ectotherms that can maintain activity comparable to endortherms. supply oxygen directly to tissues. doable b/c small
combination of temp, humidity, wind
shortwave radiation
shorter wavelengths, energetic phtons
longwave radiation.
cooler objects. earth.
photosyntheticly active radiation
PAR wavelength from solar radation used for photosynthesisq
earth tilt
responsible for seasonal variations in temp and day length
atmosphereic pressure
amt. of force from airs weight exterd over a given surface area. with altitude, density and air pressure decline
environmental lapse rate
the rate at which temp decreases with altitiude. decreased pressure results in reduce rate of motion for molecules and decline in temp.
adiabatic colling
decrease in air temp through expansion rather than heat loss to the surrounding atmosphere
coriolis effect
earth rotation is slower at the equater than the poles so the air masses are deflected. Northern hemisphere- to the right. southern- to the left.
systematic patterns of water movemtn
2 great circular water motions moving clockwise in N hemisphere and counter clockwise in southn.
latent heat
amt. of energy released or absorbed during a change of state
vapor pressure
amt. of pressure water vapor exerts independent of pressure of dry air
saturation vapor pressure
water vaport content of air at saturation.
relative humidity
amt. of water vapor in the air expressed as a precentage of the saturation vapor pressure.
resting metabolic rate low
-production effeciency high
-adverse periods easily passed in torpor
-max advantage taken of epsodic gluts of food
usually insects. most successful group on earth
logistic model of poulation growth
dN/dt =rN (1-N/K)
density dependency
influence population in proportion to its size = decline in per capita resources eventually reaching crucial level
density independent
env. factors affect population regardless of # of individuals
intraspecific competitiion
same species. but as long as availbity of resource does not impede survival growth or reproduction no competition exists.
scramble competitiion
growth and reproduction are depressed equally across individuals in a population as the intensity of competition increases. can lead to local extinction.
contest competition
some individuals claim enough resourses while denying others a share. only affects a portion of the population. usually species practice scramble or contest but not both.
no direct interaction but species effects other by depleting resource.
direction interaction (bird defending nest)
density dependent growth
inverse relationship between population density and individual growth. slowed growth and development because of insufficent resources. exp. white clover. as density increases plants are smaller. tadpoles are slower and fewer turn to frogs.
consumption comptn
exp. acorns- squirrels deer etc.
space is taken. barnacles.
trees and plants
non territorial. exp. scavenger.
ecological niche classes
class I- communiy function. (elton) who is eating whom
class II- species definition
class III quality of environment
Climate Change
long term climate change- ice ages
milankovitch- published paper- earths orbital changes. orbit slightly shorter on one side. southern hemisphere absorbs and holds heat more than south.
greenhouse effect
air is heated from blow. co2 h20 ch4 absorb longwave (earths) radiation ch4 (methane) is 30x more active. humidity radiates back to earth.
fundamental niche
total space available. full range of resources w/o competition factors.
realized niche
inhabited space. "real world"
success is measure a generation later
niche overlap
when 2 organisms use a portion of the same resource simulateously
competition release
a species expands its niche in response to the removal of a competitor.
natural selection
the differential success (survival and reproduction) of individuals within the population that results from their interaction with their environment.
-cariations occur among individuals within a population in some heritable characteristics
-this variation results in differences among individuals in their survival and reproduction.
any heritable behabioral morphological or physical triat of aan organism that has evolved over a period of time by the process of natural selection such that it maintains or increases the fitness of an organism under a given set of environmental conditions.
sympatric species
2 species living together/ similar niches
allopatric species
seperated population become different enough that they cannot interbreed
species cline
population interbreeding
david lock
closely related pairs of birds shag and cormorant. eat diff food. hunt in diff areas
robert macauthur's warblers
developed behavioral ecolog. 5 spc of warblers all eat eat spruce budworms. nest in different parts of the tree
character displacement
shift in niche involving a species morphology behavior or physiology. divergence of phenotypic traits relating to exploitation of a shared and limited resource.
specific leaf area
surface area cm2 to weight
shade plants
produce broader thinner leaves, have lower comp. point, light saturation point and lower max rate of photosynthesis. longer roots and slower growth.
c4 photosynthetic pathway
has 2 types of photosynthetic cells. uses PEP carboxylase enzyme.
increases efficiency of C02 and RuBP
reaults in higher rate of photosynthesis
chloropasts in mesophyll and bundle sheath
have greater water efficiency but need more energy to produce PEP. usually in tropical grasses and arid shrubs
CAM pathway
c02 transformed into 4 carbon compounds( like c4 pathway) but happens in mesophyll
inefficient in fixation of c02 (like c3 and c4)
reduces water loss by openining stomata at night. has smaller thicker leaves. found where water is restricted.
fertilzation effect
higher rates of diffusion and photosynthesis under elevated atmospheric c02 concentrations
c3 most effected
several species may or many not be related
have similar niche
utilize similar resources
in tropics especially
darwin's finches
2 species brought by hurricane to galapagos. beak sizes changed to avoid competition.
chambers in aquatic plants allow exchanges of gases
knees. specialized growths of root systems. mangroves. cypress.
plants taking in high levels of h20 w salinity
shade plants produce less increasing chlorophylll and lowering respiration
found animal ecology in 1920s. food chain and eltonian pyramid
lindemann and hutchinson
energy is dissapated up the ecological pyramid. follows laws of thermodynamics
typical ecol efficiency of producers. 2%
plant efficiency
bright light 8%. dim light 20%. dim light seperate chloropasts- 36%
c4 photosynthesis
best in dry hot osmotically stressed habitats
c3 photosynthesis
most common. in all trees and algae
Lindemann (trophic effeciency)
composed of consumption, assimilation, and net production efficiencies from 10% (herbivores) to 1% (top predators)
ecosystem is driven by 2 energy flows
food chain and climate. both interconneted by heat production of food chain in respiration.
mass heat transfer
determins major zones or climate belts of various combinations of warm, cold, wet dry. moutains can alter.
milankovitch orbital cycle
describes heating and melting of ice. ice age possible in 1000 years
competitive exclusion
strong competition of 2 species leads to the extinction of one
allocation of resources in ways that minimize compteition
character displacement
reinforces differences