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15 Cards in this Set

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When bacteria remove nitrogen and its compounds from the soil, reducing fertility and agriculture effectiveness.


PO4 ^-3 very necessary, limiting nutrient. Found in fertalizers.

Greenhouse gases

Gases in the atmosphere that I allow suns radiation to pass through but not leave causing a warming of the climate

N fixation

Process in which bacteria convert N2 into ammonia

Pioneer species

1st species to colonize an area after a disturbance. Usually plant.


Upper layer in a thermal stratefied lake. Usually warmer, O2 rich with higher pH.

Fossil fuels

Remants from previous organic matter. Burnt for energy producing CO2 and causing the greenhouse effect


Stools from bats or birds. Makes good fertilizer

Climax community

After a succession, when the community is stable. Defines biome.

Zombie parasites

Parasites that change behaviour of host

Parasites, paraditoids vs hyperpatasites

Parasites- small weak organism feeding on larger, stronger organism. Reproduce quickly and are very specialized.

Parasitoids: lives most of its life attached to a host and ultimately kills the host

Hyperpatasites : a parasite whose host is a parasite

Herbivore and plant fitness

Plants evolve physical and chemicals ways to deter herbivores. Help clear area.

N cycle vs P cycle

Nitrogen is abundant in its gsseous form. Needs to undergo fixation to be usable.

P is not found in gaseous state or the atmosphere. Found in rocks, land and water.

1 va 1 succession

1° big disturbing event that keaves not even soild around. Prokaryotes and non vascular plants may become pioneera into this new land. Generally plants with wind blown seeds will do better. These will help rebuild the soild. Once we have soil 2ndry succession can start and more animals can thrive in the area. 2ndry can also be from minor disturbances.

Nitrogen cycle

1. N fixation : nitrogen is converted into ammonia by bacteria in soil.

2. Assimilation: plants absorb nitrates from their roots. These plants get eaten by other animals.

3. Ammonification: decaying process in which ammonium is release by decaying corpse back into soil by fungi and bacteria.

4. Nitrification: converting ammonion back into nitrates by bacterja so plants can absorb.

5. Denitrification: extra nitrogen leaves the soil into air.