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145 Cards in this Set

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Population (N)

A group of the same species that live together and reproduce

Population size vs growth rate

pop size depends on I,E,B and D

growth rate is in a closed system so only B and D are considered

Immigration vs Emigration

Immigration animals enter the population

Emigration animals leave the population

continuous vs discrete growth

continuous growth time is infinitely small used when b and d are constant?

seed bank

seeds that lay dormant in the soil

time lag

used when growth rate is dependent on an earlier point in time

density dependent vs independent

dependent-b and d are influenced by population density e.g. crowding, reduction of b, increase of d

this is due to limited resources

independent- b and d are not affected by not affected by population density, there is exponential growth

intrinsic rate of increase (r)


measures the increase of individuals in a pipulation over time

r>0 exponential

r<0 extinction

r=0 constant

doubling time

no matter the starting size of the population it'll double after a fixed time period

finite rate of increase (lambda)

used in discrete equations

a ratio measuring the proptional change in population size from 1 time step to the next

deterministic vs stochastic

deterministic-outcome is only determined by inputs, no chance, basically perfect world with no uncertainty

stochastic-variability associated with good and bad years of population growth

basically variability in b and d is present

carrying capacity (K)

The max pipulation tha can be supported by the environment

stable equilibrium vs unstable equilibrium

stable- no matter what the starting population is, it will always move to K

damped oscillations vs stable limit cycle

stable limit cycle-periodically rising and falling about K, never settling on an equilibrium

large rt

damped oscillations-overshoot and undershoot K until K is finally reached

medium rt

age(x) vs age class(i)

age is how old an individual is

age class-if something is in the 5th age class it's age is between 4 and 5

fecundity/fecundity schedule b(x)

average number of female offspring born per unit of time to an individual female at a certain age

semelparous vs ieroparous

semelparous-reproduce once in a lifetime

iteroparous-reproduce multiple times in a lifetime

annual vs parennial

annual-plants complete life cycle in 1 season

parennial-plants complete life cycle in more than 1 season

cohort S(x)

number of individuals that survive each year that were born at the same time

Survivorship/survivorship schedule l(x)=S(x)/S(o)

proportion of original cohort that survives to age x

probability an individual will survive from birth to age x

Type I,II,and III survivorship curves

type I-humans, large amount of young and less old individuals

type II-birds

in between type I and III

type III-insects

little young and lots of old individuals

Net Reproductive Rate (Ro)

mean number of female offspring produced per female over her lifetime

Ro=1 constant

Ro> 1 population increase

Ro < populatoin decrease

generation time (G)

average age of parents of all offspring produced by a single cohort

life history trate trade-offs vs constraints

trade-off: more energy on reproduction, less energy on everything else

constraint-physological/evolutionary limitations that prevent the evolution of certain life history traits

r selection

low population density, resources aren't limited

early reproudction

semelparious reproduction

large r

many offspring but poor survivorship

type III curve

small body size


organisms with limited resources

late reproduction

iteroparous reproduction

small r

few offspring with good survivorship

type I curve

large body size

exploitative vs interference vs pre-emptive competition

exploitative-populations compete for shared resources

interference-individuals and populations behave in a way that reduces another individuals/population's exploitation

pre-emptive: indviduals/populations compete for space

combination of both interference and exploitative


plants engaging in interference competition with chemicals and whatnot

intra- vs inter-specific competition

intra-specific: competition between members of the same population

inter-specific: competition between individuals of different populations

competition coefficients

alpha- the amount of N2 individuals equivalent to N1 individuals

beta-the amount of N1 individuals equivalent to N2 individuals

state-space graph

graph with population 1 on the horizontal axis and population 2 on the vertical axis


set of abundances for which growth rate of 1 species is 0

capture efficiency

the effect of a predator on the per capita growth rate of the victim population

coonversion efficiency

ability of the predators to convert new victims into additional growth rate for the predator population

functional vs numerical response

numerical-per capita growth rate of the predator population as a function of the victim abundance

functional response-rate of the victims captured by the predator as a function of victim abundance

type I, II, III functional responses

type I-predator consumes more as prey abundance increases

type II-increases to a max and constant rate of increase of prey consumption per predator

type III-occurs if predators switch to prey items that become more common


an organism that can't regulate its body temp except by behavioral means like basking

never homeothermic


cold blooded animal

regulates body temp using external sources

can be homeothermic


warm blooded animal

maintain a constant body temp independent of environment


thermoregulation that maintains a stable internal body temp regardless of exernal influence


solution that has a lower solute concentration than another solution


solution that has the same solute concentration as another solution


solution that has a higher solute concentration than another solution


transfer of heat by the movement of air or liquid moving pass the body


transfer of heat between objects that are in direct contact with each other


causes both heat loss and heat gain through radiation from the sun



adjustment or changes in behavior, physiology, and structure of an organism to become more suited to an environment



adaption to a new environment or change in the old


atmospheric conditions affecting an individual or small group of organisms, especially when they're different from the climate of the rest of the community


capture and consume food


area where a species inhabits

patch quality

based on resources present within a patch

habitat suitability

the more habitat ensures survival for an individual, the higher the suitability. Also more suitable when there's low density of individuals and high amount of resources

ideal individuals

individuals that choose the best habitat for survival


any area defended by an individual or population

ideal free distribution

individuals will choose the habitat with the highest suitability

limiting resource

growth rate of a species is determined by the nutrient in lowest supply relative to need, nurtrient that leads to lowest growth rate

Monod growth

if a group of species have the same limiting resource then the the species with the lowest need for that resource will win

Zero Net Growth Isocline

Outside the isocline the population increase, while inside it decreases. The isocline represents whent he reproductive rate equals mortality rate

Consumption vector

vectors that show the change in resource availability due to consumption

rank abundance graph

bar graph with species rank on x-axis and species proportional abundance on the y-axis. Species are ranked from most to least abundant. Proportional abundance=pi

species richness

number of species in a sample aka the number of species represented by one bar

species evenness

heights of each bar in the rank abundance graph

max species evenness indicates that all species samples have the same number of individuals


sample collected of a species resulted in only 1 individual being collected. It indicates that it's a rare species


sample collected of a species, resulted in only 2 individuals being collected, also a rare species

sampling with/without replacement

Sample without replacement-You have a certain number of individuals that you collect. You take a subsample of the species you collect, without putting that subsample back you take another one.

Sample with replacement-same as above but you replace the subsample before taking another?

rarefaction/rarefaction curve

Rarefaction curve has species abundance on the x-axis and species richness on the y-axis. Rarefaction curve is generated by taking multiple subsamples from the data and averaging out the number of species found in each sample. A steep slope indicates more species can be found while a plateau indicates there are few species left to discover.

Species density

number of species collected per a standardized sampling effort

interpolation vs extrapolation

interpolation-make inferences based on a sample

extrapolation-make references beyond our sample

probability of an interspecific encounter

probability that 2 individuals in a sample represent 2 diff species


more extreme latitudes have fewer species?


lower elevations have more species?


study a group of populations linked by immigration and emigration

local vs regional vs global extinction

local-single population dies out

regional-all populations in a system die out

global-opposite of local extinction?

gene flow

transfer of alleles or genes from one population to another

genetic drift

change in the frequency of a gene varient in a population due to random sampling

genetic rescue

introduced genetic diversity that reduces inbreeding depression


short tandem repeat of nucleotides


naturally occuring variants that affect a single nucleotide


variation of a gene


movement of a gene from one species into the gene pool of another


a set of DNA variations, polymorphisms, that tend to be inherited together

species-area relationship

bigger islands hold more species than smaller islands

area effect

larger the area of the island the more species present

distance effect

nearer islands have more species

source pool

mainland full of species to potentially colonize an island

immigration rate

number of species that can colonize an island per unit of time

immigration decrease as more species are added to the island due to fewer species present in the source pool to colonize the island

extinction rate

number of species already present on the island going extinct per unit of time

extinction will increase with more species on the island because there are more species to go extinct

turnover rate

when immigration and emigration are at equilibrium

primary succesion

new substrate is formed and colonized from natural event like a volcano or glacier

secondary succesion

previously established community is removed by disturbance, such as human intervention, forest fire, etc.

pioneer species

hardy species that thrive in harsh physical conditions of a newly disturbed patch. Have high fecundity, dispersal potential, rapid population growth rate, and low competitive ability

climax community

Species that isn't replaced by any other group of species. For example, the pioneer species are eventually replaced by another group of species that also alter the environment. This community is self-replacing and invasion-resistant.


ecology is the study of the abundance and distribution of organisms in space and time, and their interactions with each other and their environment

food web

organisms in the same habitat connected based on predator-prey and consumer-resource interactions

grazing vs detrital food chain

grazing-primary producers are the first trophic level

detritus-decomposers are the first trophic level

primary producer

any organism that can convert light into energy

primary consumer

an organism that feeds on primary producers

secondary/tertiary consumer

a consumer that feeds on other consumers



energy flow

energy that flows through the different trophic levels

trophic cascade

a change in the abundance of tertiary consumers affects the entire food web

indirect interactions

impact of 1 organism/species on another that's mediated by a third organism/species

bottom-up vs top-down control

bottom-up: increased production results in greater productivity at all trophic levels

top-down: consumers depress the trophic level on which they feed and this indirectly increases the next lower trophic level

intermediate disturbance hypothesis

species diversity is maximized when ecological disturbance is neither too rare or too frequent


excessive plant/algea growth due to increased amount of 1 or more limiting growth factors needed for photosynthesis


reduced oxygen content in a body of water

primary production

synthesis of organic compounds from atmospheric or aqueous CO2

net vs gross primary production

net-rate at which all plants in an ecosystem produce net useful chemical energy

gross-amount of chemical energy as biomass that primary producers create in a given length of time

nitrogen mineralization

organic nitrogen, from dead organism or animal waste, is converted into ammonium (NH4) through bacteria


converting nutrient into usable form?


converting an element from an organic to an inorganic state


decomposition of plants accounts for majority of nutrients in an ecosystem, nutrients like N, C, and P


sum of evaporation and plant transpiration into the atmosphere


Ratio of the mass of carbon to the mass of nitrogen in a substance

Can indicate the nitrogen limitation in plants or if molecules in sediment came from terrestrial or algal plants


Cellulose that binds cells, fibers, and vessels together, found in wood

tropical rainforest

Large amount of rainfall year round. High temps, humidty, and diversity.

tropical savanna

Grasslands with drought-resistant trees and shrub species. They have a regular wet and dry season and hot temperatures year round. Very rich diversity


Mostly drought resistant shrubs and succulents. Low precipitation. Found between 25-40 degrees latitude


Wet season during winter and dry during fall, spring, and summer. Trees, shrubs, and evergreens that can withstand fire and drought grow here.


Area dominated with grass, few if any trees.

temperate forest

Moderate climate and deciduous trees.

boreal forest

Cold environment with more precipitation than tundra. Mostly evergreen type trees.

arctic tundra

Marshy plain that experiences permanent freezing. Little precipitation or evaporation.


largest and most diverse ecosystems

kelp forests and coral reefs

Coral reefs are mostly in warm waters and form along continents, islands, and atolls.


areas where freshwater streams/rivers merge with the ocean

rivers and streams

Higher oxygen levels at the surface and more fish. Higher species diversity, plants and algea, in the middle of river. Mouth of river has the least amount of diversity due to less light and oxygen.

lakes and ponds

Isolated bodies of water with limited diversity.


Areas of standing water that support aquatic plants. Have highest species diversity of any ecosystem.

vostok ice core

Longest ice core drilled and shows data from past 4 glacial cycles


Period of warmer global temperatures between glacial periods.

carbon dioxide

Primary greenhouse gas emitted due to human activites


Second most prevalent greenhouse gas emitted by humans. More efficient at trapping heat than CO2


Hydrogen isotope

intergovernmental panel on climate change

Likely that there's been significant antrhopogenic warming over the past 50 years averaged over each continent except antartica

mauna loa

Annual growth rate of CO2 at mauna loa is similar to global growth rate

kyoto protocol

International treaty that requires that state parties reduce greenhouse gases

commerce clause

gives congress power to regulate commerce across state lines thus allowing congress to restrict disposal out of state wastes

property clause

congress has power to make rules and regulations about territory/property belonging to the US

necessary and proper clause

congress has the power to make all laws that are necessary and proper to execute the powers of gov

treaty power

president can propose and negotiate treaties between the US and other countries


basically makes treaties legally binding

endangered species act

Signed into law in the 1970s, meant to keep imperiled species from extinction.

clean water act

Regulates discharges of pollutants into surface water and the quality of the surface waters in the US