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102 Cards in this Set

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Spatial variation in community structure


spatial variation in vegetation types

vegetation zone

temperature changes as latitude changes

latitude zonation

temperature changes as altitude changes

altitude zonation

There is a _______ in vegetation from east to west due to decreasing humidity (moisture) in the US.


major regional ecological community of plants and animals


biome: high precipitation, high temperature

tropical rainforest

biome: low precipitation, very low temperature


biome: very low precipitation, high temperature


life zone that is based on temperature

Merriam life zone

life zone based on avg. annual biotemperature and precipitation

Holdridge life zone

sum of the avg. daily temp. over the year for the days when avg. daily temp. is >0 degree Celsius divided by 365

average annual biotemperature

evaporation+transpiration (plant water loss); important indicator of moisture

Potential Evapotranspiration (PET)


PET ratio


humidity will remain stable overtime


humidity will increase over time (wet)


humidity will decrease over time (dry)

high latitude--> low latitude

temp increases

low altitude--> high altitude

temp decreases

major ecosystems that result from predictable patterns of climate as influenced by latitude, global position, and altitude


four ecoregion domains in north america

polar, humid temp, dry, humid tropical

Biogeographical regions are based on _______

distribution of terrestrial animals

number of species in a certain area

species richness

When PET increases species richness _____ but will eventually level off.


species that is only found in a certain area (state)

endemic species

States with the greatest endemic species have the greatest ________. California, Hawaii, Texas, Florida

species richness

two most important abiotic factors that affect species

moisture and temperature

decrease in species richness as one travels northeast from california


decrease in species richness as one travels north from Texas


decrease in species richness as one travels north from Georgia


decrease in species richness as one travels northwest from South Carolina


decrease in species richness as one travels from Southern Mexico to Northern Canada


As you travel east-west, grasses become _______.


_____ are needed to maintain grasslands.


Grasslands have _____ rates of evaporation.


Two dominant animals in grasslands

grazing (bison) and burrowing (prarie dog) species

patches of grass are seen

bunch grass

tallest grass on tallgrass praries

big bluestem grass

lawn of grass is seen (grows uniformly)

sod grass

two kinds of bunch grass

orchard grass and little bluestem

two kinds of sod grass

kentucky blue grass and western wheatgrass

Forests show a/an ______ in their ANPP as temperature increases.


Grasslands show a/an ______ in their ANPP as temperature increases.


a tropical grassland with scattered trees or shrubs; mostly located in Africa


The world's largest diversity of ________ is found on the savannas of Africa.

ungulates (hoofed animals)

Most deserts are located in these two places.

Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn

Two examples of a Semiarid Desert

Gobi and The Great Basin

Two examples of an arid desert

Australian Great Desert and the Sahara in Africa

a region where the subsoil is frozen (called permafrost, a permanently frozen ground layer)


Two types of tundra

arctic and alpine

type of tundra that is found around the north pole

arctic tundra

type of tundra that is found on the top of tall mountains, including those in the tropics

alpine tundra

stunted form of trees that are characteristic of transition zones between alpine tundra and subalpine coniferous forest


______ a krummholz there are no coniferous plants


_____ a krummholz there are coniferous plants


Three types of forests

coniferous, temperate deciduous, tropical

Coniferous forests consist of all ________.


seeds that are enclosed in an ovary during development


seeds are enclosed in ovary


All conifers are evergreen except ____ and ____ ______.

larches and bald cypress

6 important genera of conifers

picea, abies, pinus, larix, tsuga, juniperus

conifer, Norway Spruce, native to northern and central Europe, monoecious


conifer, Basalm Fir, northern to most of northern US and into Canada, monoecious, widely used as Christmas tree


conifer, Loblolly Pine, widely distributed in the southeastern US, fast growing, moderately tolerant to shade when young but becomes intolerant, monoecious


deciduous coniferous, Eastern Larch, native to N. America and Arctic Circle, one of the last to drop leaves in autumn, needle flat and light green, monoecious


conifer, Eastern Hemlock, native to Eastern Canada and Applachia, Monoecious with the flowers in separate clusters on the same branch


conifer, native to northern Asia, Europe and the US, has one of the widest distributions of any shrub, typically dioceious, fruits used in making gin


The only deciduous conifer (rest are evergreen)


the only dioecious conifer


6 important genera of deciduous trees

fagus, acer, quercus, betula, liriodendron, populus

deciduous, American beech, late successional species, predominant in Indiana and Eastern third of the US, lower points on PAR vs. light curve


deciduous, Sugar Maple, late successional species, similar to American beech (low point on PAR light curve), mostly in the North-eastern part of US


deciduous, Eastern Red Oak, main source of food for small animals, similar distribution to sugar maple but also extends farther down, monoecious


deciduous, yellow birch, not abundant in Indiana


deciduous, Tulip Tree, State tree of Indiana, grows in low lying area (really big tree), is a discontinuous species (can be found in one location and in another far far away)


oldest and most primitive angiosperm family


deciduous, trembling aspen, common in boreal forests, most widely distributed tree in America, has asexual reproduction, dioecious


Most Broadleaf Trees in temperate areas are deciduous but there are 3 exceptions:

Eucalyptus, Nothofagus, Magnolia

large oval and waxy leaves that help drain rainwater quickly

drip tips

freshwater lakes

lentic ecosystem

depression in the ground that results from moving glaciers

Pothole lakes

forms due to retreating glacier and larger than a pothole lake

glacial lake

forms due to water accumulated after a volcanic eruption

volcanic crater lakes

forms when the river changes its course

Oxbow lake

lentil ecosystem stratification layer that is at the top of deep water

limnetic zone (eplimnion)

lentic ecosystem stratification layer that is at the top of shallow water; where halophytes grow (roots are in soil but flow in water)

littoral zone

lentic ecosystem stratification layer that is in the middle area and has compensation level


lentic ecosystem stratification layer that is the bottom layer

profundal zone (hypolimnium)

type of lake, low surface to volume ratio; clean and clear; low in primary and secondary productivity

oligotrophic lake

type of lake, low in oxygen, high surface to volume ratio, muddy and shallow, more nutrients

eutrophic lake

freshwater rivers

lotic ecosystemsb

body of land from where all water drains to the same river


ocean zone that is sunlit

euphotic zone

middle zone of ocean

disphotic zone

zone of ocean where there is no sunlight

aphotic zone

plant species that produces small plant embryos instead of seeds


something that takes in carbon from the atmosphere without which the rate of CO2 assimilation decreases

carbon sink

forms when SO2 interacts with humidity (mixture of smog and sulfur dioxide)

industrial smog

forms when NOx interacts with sunlight

photochemical smog

4 conditions for photochemical smog formation

sunlight, temp greater than 18 degrees Celsius, presence of nitrogen oxides, presence of volatile organic compounds

source of pollution is easily pin pointed and identifiable (ex: factory)

point source pollution

source of pollution comes from a large area

non-point source pollution