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207 Cards in this Set

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How are life histories evolved?
life histories are evolved in a way that works for a particular species

this has led to variations on spacing
the distance between neighbors
Random Spacing
there is no predictable pattern of distribution of individuals, they are as likely to be in any one place as any other
Clumped or Aggregated Spacing
groups tend to be found together

most common pattern

in a broader sense, clumps may be distributed randomly or in a pattern
Clumped or Aggregated Spacing
families (humans or other)
troops of baboons
schools of fish
flock of birds
gaggle of geese
covey of quail
pride of lions
herd of bison
swarm of bees
pack of wolves
colony of ants
pinoak flat
oak grove
pine bluff
cedar glade
corn field
Even or Uniform Spacing
there is even spacing between individuals
Even or Uniform Spacing
-honeycomb example is almost perfectly even (although the bees in the cells cannot choose the spacing pattern)

-breeding sunfishes often have the "honeycomb" spacing
Causes of Clumped Spacing Patterns
Habitat Patchiness
distribution of moisture, food, cover
Causes of Clumped Spacing Patterns
Mode of Reproduction
vegetative reproduction by underground stems, dispersal radius of seeds, gathering to find mates (leks, mayfly swarms)
Causes of Clumped Spacing Patterns
Mode of Foraging
hunt together (lions, wolves)
Causes of Clumped Spacing Patterns
flocks of birds see danger, musk oxen form rings, "selfish herd"
"Selfish Herd"
group to let the other guy get eaten while you hide in the masses
Causes of Even Distribution
Competitive interaction

-territoriality of birds: "dear enemy"

-some plants produce toxins in the soil to prevent others from growing nearby
What are the attributes to spacing often due to?
the attributes of spacing are often due to the social system in animals
a group of individuals of the same species organized in a cooperative manner

-based on communication (visual, auditory, chemical)
Disadvantages of Society
attract predators
transmit disease
social stress
local food shortage
When Advantages Outweigh Disadvantages...
sociality is a valid solution
Advantages of Society
Protection from Predators
more eyes to notice danger, more mouths to provide warning (which allows also better foraging success because less time has to be devoted to watching)
Protection from Predators
hard for a predator to decide which one to chase

ex. covey of quail and a fox (or human)

ex. human with dipnet after fish (pelicans use same approach a successful human would)
Protection from Predators
Physical Defense
ex. ants, wasps, etc. can attack en masse

ex. mobbing behavior of birds
Selfish Herd
individuals in the middle are most safe

a selfish herd is not a society
Selfish Herd Examples
bird nests in the middle of a colony are safer from predators

fishes in school dart inward - safer individuals constantly change as the school rolls inward
Bird Nest in the Middle
Why even try to nest on the fringe?
at least the organism can be warned when the predator is approaching
Advantages of Society
Increase Foraging Efficiency
spend more time feeding, less watching so the organism can feed better in groups
ex. birds

predators stand a better chance of flushing prey
Social Facilitation
learn to act like others in the group

if one individual discovers a more efficient means to do something, others can pick up on it
ex. Japanese Macaques

Human Groups: support groups, Greek organizations, fashions, fads
Information Transfer
waggle dance of honey bees

bird colonies can tell which members forage better and follow them
Hunting Strategy
ex. lions, wolves
Advantages of Society
hygienic removal of ectoparasites

get those guys in hard-to-reach places
What does the choice between being social or territorial depend on?
it may depend on distribution of resources
Example of Organisms with no choice between social or territorial...
Hymenoptera (ants, wasps, bees, sawflies) and Termites have no choice but to be social
Birds and Mammals choice between being social or territorial
they may be either, depending on the time of year

-if resources are evenly distributed, being territorial may work best

-if resources are patchy you can't defend your share so be social and search for the patches together
Birds Changing from being Social to Territorial Example
in spring, when resources are good, ducks, small birds (robins, meadowlarks, cardinals, etc.) occupy a territory

when winter conditions occur, they flock to locate food patches
obligatory social behavior with precise roles for differet members
Eusociality Characteristics
-cooperative rearing of young

-fairly permanent colony: offspring mostly remain cooperatively associated with parents

-division of labor: sterile and reproductive castes
Eusociality General Rules
-the queen is an egg factory

-workers build and maintain the colony, care for the queen and offspring

-in some groups the workers serve also in protection, other groups have special soldiers
Special Genetic System
-female (queen) mates during a nuptial flight, stores sperm

-later, fertilized eggs produce females (workers) and unfertilized eggs produce males

-thus the females are diploid, males are haploid
Special Genetic System
Family Relations
-the workers are sisters caring for the mother

-sisters are half related to mother, fully to father (he's haploid) so sisters are 3/4 related to each other

-the queen is half related to sons, half to daughters

-sons are fully related to the queen
Why sterile castes?
to help a relative is not like in diploid organisms: we are half related, they are 3/4

-your own offspring (for sisters) would be half related to you

-your mother's offspring are 3/4 related: to help mother raise offspring is to produce individuals more closely related to you
Special Genetic System
Mammal Case
Naked Mole Rats - hairless, burrowing rodent from Africa

-only one female breeds, but if she dies another replaces her

-caring for young in cooperative but onlly breeding female nurses
If the Naked Mole Rats are diploid, then why eusocial and why only breeding female nurses?
-nurses because onset of nursing usually is brought on by hormons during pregnancy in mammals

-latrine site: breeding female leaves a chemical which inhibits other females, until she dies and another becomes the mother
pair bond between individuals

-may be for one season (birds and mammals where both are required to be able to successfully raise young)

-may be for life (ducks, geese, swans, some hawks, etc.): share learned experiences, don't have to deal with a novice
a single member of one sex bonds with several members of the other sex
the most common form of Polygamy

one male with several females

Polygyny Example
harems like in elk

male often defends and herds the female

females benefit because the strongest male wins the harem, therefore the offspring have a genetically fit father: this means the female's offspring are more likely to survive
type of polygamy

sex role reversal: one female has severall males
Polyandry Example
seen in a few birds

male builds a nest to attract female, she picks the best mates, leaves an egg and moves on

she has less invested in the egg than the male does in the nest - he is more likely to stay so she can leave
"one night stand" - meet copulate, depart (no continuing bond relationship)

seen most in mammals, works if female can get enough food to feed self and young (male is not required)

male leaves because he can (female carries young internally - no nest to construct or incubation with which he must help)

this system is most open to invasion by parasites and viruses
Philosophical Questions for Ecology of Human Mating Systems #1:

Does a social system with welfare or child support make humans more promiscuous (casual sex)?
consider: the male can leave because the child would be cared for, the female might think less about the future because the state or legal system would insure that the child is cared for
Philosophical Questions for Ecology of Human Mating Systems #2:

Would increased promiscuity lead to unwanted pregnancies (duh!) thus increasing the demand for legalized abortion?
consider: the female still is left with the pregnancy as a result of copulations. Without a bond relationship with a male to share in child-rearing efforts and costs, she may want a way out (abortion). Recall that females of some birds will leave their eggs because they can (polyandry). Would human females with the technology to terminate a pregnancy brought about through copulation with a lesser quality male (love 'em and leave 'em type) want to do so?
What determines the nature of mating systems?
habitats and environment
Polygyny Threshold
Assume that female fitness (measured as relative number of grandoffspring) is related to habitat quality...

if habitat quality within the breeding are is quite variable, females may choose to become polygynous rather than monogamous
What sex usually drives the mating system?
Reasons for a Female Driven Mating System
males will have the brightest colors, the biggest antlers, the greatest size, etc., that females like - thus she selects the mate in most cases

males want to mate with anything of the same species if they can - it means potentially more offspring carrying their genes

-females want to be selective - they are limited in the number of offspring they can produce to carry their genes so they want the best genes possible in the father
Polygyny Threshold Reasoning
a female wants the greatest fitness possible, so if a male can defend a territory enough better than another male's territory (which is unmated) the may give up monogamy for fitness
essentially adultery in human terms

it is when a female mated to one male mates also with another male
Female Advantage to Cuckoldery
her advantage genetically is that is reduces the chances of mating with an infertile male (a bird will not know the egg is sterile, so continues wastefully the incubation process), and increases the variation in her offspring
DNA Techniques reveal Cuckoldery is common
DNA techniques which give accurate assessment of paternity have shown that many species exhibit cuckoldery (causes problems with interpretation of previously mentioned mating systems)
Cuckoldery Study in Germany
study where paternity was determined for fathers of children born as some hospital. It turned out that a large percentage (around 30%) of the proud new fathers actuallly were not the fathers. Cuckoldery apparently is common in humans.
change; descent with modification

thought to occur most commonly through natural selection
Successive Generations
genes that produce phenotypes that leave the most offspring are more common in successive generations

thus, evolution through natural selection is based on a change in proportions of gene (alleles)
Philosophical Twist

Religion vs. Evolution
religion says everything produces after its kind, therefor species are stable

evolution says things change into new forms through conventions like natural selection, therefore species are not stable, but change over time
Philosophical Twist

Religion vs. Evolution Consideration
in a changing environment (they all do, we see human intervention causing such changes today) a species that cannot change will go extinct

-a declining or extinct species does not have a stable population

-a population able to adapt by changing gene frequencies is a stable but changing population
Philosophical Twist

Religion vs. Evolution Conclusion
therefore, according to this argument, the ability of species to change leads to their stability, and they can do so only by producing after their own kind, i.e., ability to adapt or change is the primary force behind stability, or evolution could be seen as they force designed by a Creator to add stability to the creation
Evolution affects...
populations, not individuals
Hardy-Weinberg Law
phenotypes and genotypes tend to come into equilibrium in populations if destabilizing factors are not operative


binomial expansion

p and q are allele frequencies
Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium is based on...
assumptions that almost are never met

-its value is in allowing us to sort out the causes of evolutionary change
Hardy-Weinberg Assumptions
1) random mating - each individual has an equal chance of mating with any other-sexed individual

2) no random genetic drift - larger population so no chance events

3) no gene flow - immigrants bringing in or emigrants taking away rare alleles

4) no mutation - which would add new alleles

5) no natural selection - no alleles favored or selected against
What are life history characteristics based on?
environmental constraints
Evolution of Life History Traits
Stable Habitats
the environment is predictable so populations will be near K

ex. climax forests, cave, ocean depths

these environments will tend to select organisms that can develop life history strategies keeping the population in check near K, or K-selecting - low reproductive rate
Evolution of Life History Traits
Unstable Habitats
K may be moving at different times so it is difficult to track K

these environments tend to select organisms that can respond quickly to change, so biotic potential (r) is more closely approximated (r-selecting), high reproductive rate
r-selected traits
-early maturity (>r)
-numerous young
-small young (to be numerous)
-iteroparous (animal)
-annual (if plant)
-less parental care (too many young)
-less competitive ability (habitat may be empty)

several breeding iterations per season
K-selected traits
-later maturity (decrease r)
-few young
-larger young ( > survival by investment)
-long life (slow growth and maturity)
-semelparous (animal)
-perennial (stable environment)
-more parental care (teach survival skills)
-more competitive ability (population near K, so may be crowded)
animal breeding once per season
Definition of species into r-selecting or K-selecting catergories is relative
coyote (K) : grasshopper mouse (r)

grasshopper mouse (K) : vole (r)
Life history traits cannot be...
cleany categorized by human models
flexibility to alter traits

ex. when density is low, eagles, some colonial birds, and beavers have been shown to breed at earlier ages

ex. litter size may be larger in low-density populations of beaver, deer, river otter, etc.
Practical Applications of Understanding Life History Strategies
an endangered species that is K-selected requires closer monitoring because reproductive potential is low
ex. California Condors, eagles, grizzlies

for hunting interests: it is difficults to sustain populations for hunters if K-selected
-most game species are relatively r-selected
study of the biological basis of social behavior
helping others at a cost to one's self
Altruism in Genetic Terms
behavior that raises the fitness of another individiual while lowering one's own fitness
Why is altruism a difficult concept?
because you can explain most acts in terms of its opposite - selfishness
behavior that benefits the individual at a cost to others
Altruism vs.Selfishness Example
someone is drowning and another person swims out to save them

-even a good swimmer has a small risk of drowning, so the act could be altruistic

-the protector knows the scorn he/she would recieve for not acting and wants to avoid the social cost (actually a selfish act)

-humans are fond of claiming they do such things becuase they care, but what about selfish deceit?
Bottom Line to Altruism vs. Selfishness
many behaviors can be interpreted either way, depends on definition
Situations that do Cost
still, there are apparent situations in which there appears to be a cost to the individual for behaviors it performs

thus, explanations are sought because it seems maladaptive to not be selfish
Reason for Kin Selection
genes are the units of natural selection

from the point of view of the "selfish gene", the gene wants to leave as many copies of itself as possible (it doesn't care about the individual having offspring as long as lots of relatives are produced - it gives the same result)
Kin Selection Example
in terms of copies of genes, you would risk you life for 2 siblings (each half related to you) or 2 offspring, 4 uncles or aunts (each is 1/4 related to you), or 8 cousins (each is 1/8 related)
Basis of Kin Selection
help relatives because it is the same as helping yourself (genetically)
Kin Selection as an Explanation for Hymenoptera
kin selection is the primary explanation for eusociality in evolution of castes of social hymenoptera

recall these give up reproduction to help sisters and other relatives, genetically because sisters are 3/4 related (haplodiploidy)

note: haplodiploidy is not the only possible cause of eusociality - termites and naked mole rates are diploid
Kin Selection as an Explanation for "Helpers at the Nest"
"helpers at the nest" sometimes seen in birds

helping parents raise another set of offspring is helping genetically related individuals

this system can develop when moving out on your own would be unsuccesssful due to predation or poor success at rearing offspring
Reciprocal Altruism
may not occur in nature except in humans (and that is debatable)

it is the expectation that help you give will someday be returned to you

it is easily invaded by cheaters who accept help but would not return it
For Reciprocal Altruism to Work:
1) there must be stable association (helper and helped remain in contact)

2)organisms can recognize individuals

3)organisms can remember well

4)cheaters will be outcast

in humans, education and growing up (maturing) is the process of gaining the game rules
Human Sociobiology
some anthropologists, sociologists, etc., argue that human culture can't be studied as biology because the genetic influence on social behavior is minimal
Human Sociobiology
Point to Ponder
the structure of the brain, allowing humans to be what they are, is under genetic control
Human Sociobiology
we shouldn't study humans this way because it could lead to racism and sexism
Human Sociobiology
as humans, we often use science to support out prejudices rather than to correct them

further, we are a bit proud and don't want to believe some things (even if they are true)

ex. do humans wear breeding colors (makeup, clothes) to advertise desire to copulate?
result when death rate exceeds birth rate for all populations of a species until all individuals are gone
Extinction as an Ultimate Fate
extinction is the ultimate fate of all species, partlly because evolutionary change may gradually remove one typological species and replace it with a genetically modified one
What is extinction generallly caused by?
a change in environmental conditions for which the population cannot compensate

specialists are more susceptiable than generalists, who have a wide range of tolerance
Human Role in Extinction
the human role has been to accelerte extinction due to our effectiveness in causing change
Human Notice of Extinction
we notice extinction on islands moreso than in local situations where immigrants may repopulate
What prompted classification of species?
rate of loss
imminent danger of extinction throughout the range
ones approaching endangered status
not commonly found so might be threatened - hard to get information so should be monitored
Optimal Foraging
the notion that animals should try to maximize energy gain with a minimum of energy expenditure
Optimum Prey
those that fill the stomach with one individual composed of useful food (less nondigestible material), and which are relatively common

it is tough to be optimal, but several species approximate it
Smaller Food Packages
provide less energy, and the hunt and chase must continue
Larger Food Packages
less common and may be difficult to catch and kill, more costly
Foraging Entails Several Decision Steps:
1)deciding where to look
4)capturing and handling
Step One: Deciding Where to Look
evaluate your potential success when foraging at different places (partly involves distance between patches because travel time is lost for foraging)
Step Two: Searching
when in a patch, look for food

decide how long to search before leaving for another patch (giving-up time)
Step Three: Pursuit
when potential food is spotted, must decide whether it is worth pursuit

may be too far away, or aware of you, or too small to be of benefit

actual pursuit is based on a decision of probability of capture

pursuit will cose some time and may make other prey aware of your presence
Step Four: Capturing and Handling
after capture, which may take additional time following pursuit, time is taken to handle the food (orientation, evisceration, etc.)
How is efficiency increased?
by forming search images
Search Images
identify and focus on a common food that is a good energy package
Other Considerations in Finding Food:
1)food must provide specific nutrient requirements

2)not all common foods are acceptable - poisonous

3)risk of predation - good food source doesn't matter if you die (birds at a feeder are watchful)
Devices in Some Animals for Food
pockets on gophers, some mice; large ruminant stomach; crops of birds
least fit are lost to natural selection, so pursuit of optimal foraging is an ongoing process
Red Queen Hypothesis
-must run to stay in place

-predators capture prey least able to escape, so surviving prey pass on genes for greater ability to escape

-less efficient predators die and contribute nothing to the next generation

-thus, prey are one step ahead of predators in becoming more adept

-problem with bringing in exotic species to another land
eating plants, mostly insects and mammals are herbivores
eat herbaceous plants
eat herbaceous parts of woody plants
Smaller Insects
may mine leaves, bore into plants, etc.
Due to animal use of plant tissues...
plants have responded to herbivory in several ways
Preventative Plant Adaptations
Thorns and Spines
defend against herbivory
Preventative Plant Adaptations
Stinging Hairs
ex. nettle has HCl on tips of hairs
Preventative Plant Adaptations
such as tannins that make plant tissues unpalatable or hard to digest

such as toxic alkaloids and other chemicals that deter herbivores

in some plants production of defensive chemicals is induced by browsing
Responsive Plant Adaptations
grazers may eat the apical meristem which would have produced a seed head, so the plant compensates by growing 4 lateral meristems and actually increasing fitness
Some animals have responded to anti-predators devices so they can still use them to their advantage...
1)obtain food source without competitors

2)use the plants poison as protection for the herbivore (ex. Monarch Butterfly on Milkweed)

3)can use the defensive chemical as an indicator of food supply
Herbivory affects plant distribution and abundance...
overgrazing results in fields of species with herbivore defenses because others are selected against

studies of exclosures (herbivores are excluded)
-deer may browse new growth thus affect regeneration species composition
fruit eating

usually birds, mammals, insects
Mutualistic Relationship between Plant and Animal
with frugivory plant and animal are in conflict (seed predators destroy potential reproduction), but sometimes the relationship is mutualistic

-animal gets food, voids seeds elsewhere helping dispersal of plants

-development of color vision by mammals (primates) probably is related to colored fruit
Seed Predation
removes potential plants from the population

mostly done by insects, birds, and mammals
Seed Production Example
ex. oaks

may have large or small mast production in different years

may be because of climate (good year), energetic demands (store energy for future burst)
Seed Predation Adaptive Angle
bumper crop satiates the seed predator before all seed are gone in a good year

must vary production so predator can't K-select to the predictable seed crop

must synchronize with other trees
Seed Predation Adaptive Angle 2
bumper crop satiates so other seeds are stored (buried) for possible later retrieval - squirrels may plant the forest so this may be similar to production of nectar for pollinators
if predators and prey limit one another, population cycles would occur
models that simulate population predation cycles
Lotka-Volterra Model
Write in later
Rosenzweig-MacArthur Models
refined Lotka-Volterra by including carrying capacity

see figure in notes
Rosenzweig-MacArthur Model in Notes
results in stable oscillations because the predator isocline is at the peak of the prey isocline
Other RM Models Yield Different Results
1)when predator is efficient at getting prey, predator isocline is to the left of the peak of the prey isocline, resulting in diverging oscillations and extinction of one or both (spirals outwards)

2)when predator is able only to by efficient at high prey density (nearer K), predator isocline is to the right of the peak of prey isocline, resulting in dampened oscillations leading to stable densities of both populations (spiral inwards)
Threshold Densities
important - if there is a refuge protecting low densities of prey, they are secure and predation becomes important only after those densities are exceeded - prey populations can grow even if predators are abundant
What are population curves based on?
population behavior over time
Flat Curve
some variation but not large amounts (similar to K-selected concepts)
Irruptive Curve
at irregular intervals, large peaks appear
Cyclic Curve
peaks and lows occur at regular intervals
All models we have covered are overly simplistic, but the insight they provide coupled with the real data have provided a conclusion:
for a predator-prey system to exist there must be complexity

-prey need a refuge from predators

-predators must survive thorugh prey scarcity (may be due to prey switching or movement to better patches)
Cyclic Populations
in biological terms, a cycle has a predictable regularity (although amplitude may vary)
Where do cycles tend to occur?
in high-latitude ecosystems (esp. tundra and boreal forest)

muskrats may be cyclic in the North but not in temperate regions

-lynxes are cyclic in North America but not in Eurasia

-thus, species are not necessarily cyclic but places seem to be
Length of Most Cycles
most cycles are on 3-4 year or 9-10 year terms

explanations have included predator-prey cycles, fire cycles, parasites, sunspots: most of these have been discarded

-present explanation use an evolutionary response approach similar to seed predation
Functional Response to Food Availability
predators could respond to increases in prey by targeting the common prey (recall search images) and increasing the percentage of the prey population taken
Numerical Response to Food Availability
where predators are attacted to a site of high prey density

also occurs if reproduction is stimulated to produce more predators
Batesian Mimicry
a harmless species resembles one that is not harmless
Batesian Mimicry Example
Monarch Butterflies feed on milkweed which contains toxins

the toxins are stored in the Monarch's body so it is toxic to predators

predators quickly learn not to eat Monarchs

thus, Viceroy butterflies look like Monarchs but are not toxic, in order to gain benefits

Viceroys are less common to make the system work
Batesian Mimicry Example
scarlet and milk snakes look like coral snakes
Mullerian Mimicry
several dangerous species resemble one another

when predator learns to fear one, it also fears the look-alikes
Organisms also may mimic..
aspects of the environment
Cryptic Coloration
protective coloration to hide the organism

Camouflage Examples
catepillars look like leaves, bird dropping, twigs

gray treefrogs look like bark, green treefrogs like leaves

copperheads look like the leaf litter

African pebble plants (look like desert rocks)
Aposematic (=warning) Coloration
bright colors in striking patterns

ex. black and white of skunks
ex. poison arrow frogs
Aggressive Resemblance
predator looks like the prey or like something harmless in the environment
Aggressive Resemblance Examples
fireflies - one species flashes appropriate response for another species, lures the male in by those means, then eats him

cleaning wrasses - another species looks the same but rips out flesh rather than parasites
Defensive Resemblance
look like environment or other features for defense

ex. shape of walking stick; dragonfly naiads look like leaves; eyespots in moths; catepillars swell and look like snake heads

eyes are important in nature
one organism gets a nutritional benefit at the expense of another organism, without killing it
Parasitic Organisms
viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoans, flatworms, roundworms, spiny-headed worms, some crustaceans, some insects, mistletoes, dodders (yellowish stringlike bodies that twine around other plants)
Parasite Example
some species rasp holes into other fishes and suck out fluids
Parasite Example
an oceanfish that has the male parasitic on the female

-small male attaches to female and they develop a placenta-like fusion of his mouth and her skin

-female still acts as an individual but male becomes little more than a gonad
a less intimate relationship to the host

found on the body, tap into fluids occasionally

ex. ticks and mites may spend much of their lives off of the hosts
most intimate relationship, live in the body
flies or wasps that live inside the egg, larva, or pupa of another insect
Complex Parasitism
some relationships are so complex that parasites have parasites
Analogous to blood-sucking parasites are...
the sap-sucking ones (aphids)
Parasite Environment
many parasites, especially endoparasites, live in a generally K-selecting (stable) environment
Parasite Environment Example
tapeworms live in the intestine surrounded by food, at almost constant pH, moisture, and temperature

-they are highly adapted for holding position (suckers and hooks)

-due to constant environment, they (like most parasites) are degenerate

-they primarily are sets of gonads, able to produce millions of eggs (r-selected strategy)

Why do most parasites produce so many eggs?
good chances of parasite survival but low chances of egg survival
Degenerate Parasites
have no mouth, eyes, digestive system, etc.
Parasite Competition
Some parasites may deal with competition

-think of the host organism as a habitat patch or patches

-if there are preferred patches to be had and 2 types of parasites both want access to the patch, competition and displacement may occur
Parasite Competition Example
tapeworms and spiny-headed worms prefer they upper intestine

when occuring together, the spiny-headed worm stays and the tapeworm is displaced posteriorly
AIDS Transmission
known to be transmitted most through sexual contact
Most Epidemic Spreading of Viruses
are density-dependent based on the number of individuals in the population

-in AIDS it is also density-dependent, related to the population (# of) sexual contacts (= promiscuity)
AIDS and Monogamy
in monogamous or celibate situations, density essentially is 0 so there is no epidemic
AIDS and Promiscuous Situations
in promiscuous situations density is high

-because of the male sex drive, males tend to have more sex partners than females, and gay males have the most (according to a TV documentary)
AIDS Bottom Line
AIDS is the results of a virus that has taken an adaptive opportunity to invade a niche created by sexual behavior

AIDS existed because we can't date and keep our clothes on, or get married and remain faithful to the marriage
AIDS Philosophical Problem
most religions urge monogamy but this has not led to real monogamy in most human populations

could natural selection now create monogamous relationships as the standard for human behavior, considering a much higher mortality rate for non-monogamous individuals?
Effects of Parasites on Host Numbers
parasites may keep some populations below K, preventing competitive exclusion, and thus increase species diversity
Parasite Effect on Host
some parasites are almost benign in affecting their host, others may kill it

this depends upon evolution of the particular parasite-host system
Parasite Effect on Host Example
-in Arkansas, we killed almost all of our deer long ago

-later, we brought some in to restock (from Michigan, which had brainworm)

-brainworm has little effect on deer, but does affect moose (Michigan example) and elk (Arkansas example)

-the Game & Fish Commission tried to restock elk, which usually fails due to brainworm
Parasite Effect on Host Consideration
parasite is beneifited if the host is relatively unaffected - live in harmony with your environment because if the environment dies, so do you

-if the host is killed by the parasite, the relationship is probably new

-evolutionary outcome is greater resistance by the host and less virulence by the parasite

-question: human parallel as parasites on the land?
Some Parasites Alter Behavior of the Host
life cycles may include intermediate hots that must become prey for they determinate host

thus, some parasites may alter behavior of the present host to increase vulnerability
Parasites Altering Host Behavior Examples
ex. larvae of some flukes live in eyes of fish, partially blinding then so more vulnerable

ex. another fluke moves to the tentacles of the snail host; being brightly colored and pulsating, bird predators see them more easily
Mutualism and Parasitism
in some cases what begins as parasitism may end up as mutualism

ex. deer, cows, etc. have a large cecum with a microfauna that can digest cellulose

-this may have originated as parasitic micro-organisms
one species lives in association with another but at no cost to the other

gain to the commensal may be food, transportation, support, shelter
Commensalism Examples
Remora - has suction cup to attach to shark , eats shark leftovers

Arkansas Example: use of beaver ponds by river otters

Epiphytes: "upon plants" - one uses another for support, perhaps Spanish Moss

Human Commensals - house mouse, norway rat, house finch ("sparrow")
feeding on dead or dying tissue
dead animal material

insects, birds (vultures), some mammals, bacteria, fungi feed on carrion
Vertebrate Example of Saprobism with Carrion
Condors and Vultures
Condors and Vultures are most purely scavengers of carrion

-thes birds have bare heads allwoing them to stick their heads into carcasses without getting feathers messy

-the legs don't have feathers and waste product run down the legs (which usually disinfects)
Vertebrate Example of Saprobism with Carrion
Bald Eagle
the Bald Eagle generally scavenges dead fish (Franklin didn't like it as the U.S. symbol because it "didn't get its food honestly")
Vertebrate Example of Saprobism with Carrion
hyaenas have powerful jaws to crush bone to get at the marrow
Insect Examples of Saprobism with Carrion
-most beetle or flies, larvae or adults feed

-burying beetles bury a carcass to remove competition, even shaving the carcass to remove blowfly eggs
Plant Examples of Saprobism with Carrion
some plants have adapted to use these insects as pollinators by having odors similar to carriosn (ex. skunk cabbage, pitcher plant, stinkhorn mushroom)
fecal waste products, esp. of large herbivores are used mostly by insects (beetles and flies)
Saprobism with Dung
ex. dung beetle (tumblebugs) or scarabs as in Egypt
- shape dung into balls, roll them away and bury them with eggs

- very important system due to amount of fecal material produced by large herbivores - it is a frequent and stable niche which can be occupied
Saprobism with Dead Trees
various insects (beetles, wasps) burrow into trees and begin decomposition

-fungi are common as decomposers

-bessbugs slowly move through the wood, also isopods, centipedes, roaches
Saprobism with Litter
decaying leaf layer would get very deep if not decomposed

-if accumulation is greater than decomposition rate, fires might get hot

-allochthonous material in aquatic systems: many detritivores (aquatic insects) depend on materials from terrestrial habitats
--these form the base of many aquatic food chains