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15 Cards in this Set

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Recent advances in our understanding of what make consideration of aquatic terrestrial linkages an urgent ecological and environmental issue?
the importance of continental to global scale connectivity among terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems
Consumption warnings have been issued for fish in how many US states? why?
44 states in the US due to levels of mercury contamination that can cause neurological and developmental problems in children
how does the current period of winter ice cover on lakes and rivers compare to the period of winter ice cover in the past?
currently, a 1.2 degree Celcius warming of air temperature int he north temperate regions has led to freeze dates that average 5.8 days later and ice breakup dates that average 6.5 days earlier per 100 years
in this article, "streams" include ___ while "lakes" include ____?
flowing waters are referred to as streams while standing waters are lakes
_____ is the most critical resource for human civilization and it is one of the primary conduits transporting ____?
water; also one of the primary conduits transporting contaminants and pathogens across the landscape
metabolism refers to?
the rates at which whole ecosystes, or their component parts, process carbon through primary production and respiration; the most fundamental of ecosystem processes and is influenced directly by changes in climate, landuse, and atmospheric deposition
does measuring dissolved oxygen consumption in lakes and streams allow for complete estimation of metabolism in lakes and streams? why or why not?
no; you need to also measure changes in DOC, DIC, nutrients, and other variables
temperature changes that alter lake phenology may upset aquatic food webs by?
causing a mismatch between the seasonal timing of populations of primary consumers and their food resources
how does atrozine impact frogs? at what levels?
atrazine impacts frogs by inducing sex changes in frogs at levels 30 times lower than EPA's safe drinking water standards and 40 times below levels found in rainwater in agricultural regions of the US
atmospheric deposition can lead to?
nitrogen enrichment, acidification, accumulation of mercury and toxic organic compounds
what is the alpine distillery?
one of the most insidious mechanisms of contamination
graph the relationship between human population within a watershed and nitrogen output into rivers
directly proportional relationship
the extensive connectivity of lakes and streams provides a conduit for ____ with consequences that translate to ____?
waterborne pathogens and invasive exotic species to enter the landscape, with consequences that translate to costs in billions of dollars per year
what are frustules?
the silica cell walls of diatomes leave behind after they die that provide signals of environmental change
what are GLEON and STREON?
the Global Lakes Ecological Observatory Network and Stream Ecological Observatory Network