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61 Cards in this Set

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measurement of how changing one variable affects others
how to find price elasticity of demand
% change in Qd / % change in price (start value + end value / 2)
narrowly defined goods
goods for which there are close substitutes, higher price elasticity
broadly defined goods
goods for which there are no close substitutes, low elasticity
how time effects elasticity
higher in the long run (gas prices)
perfectly elastic demand
price drops but Qd always stays the same, elasticity = infinity
perfectly inelastic demand
price rises but Qd stays the same, elasticity = 0
inelastic demand
elasticity i less than 1
unit elastic demand
elasticity = 1
elastic demand
elasticity < 1
total revenue
amount paid by buyers and received by sellers, price of good x quantity of good sold
effect on total revenue if demand is inelastic and price increases
increase in total revenue
effect on total revenue if demand is elastic and price increases
decrease in total revenue
effect on total revenue if demand is unit elastic and price changes
total revenue remains constant
income elasticity of demand equation
% change in Qd/ percent change in income
increase in income causes a(n) _______ in demand for a normal good
increase in income causes a(n) ______ in demand for inferior goods
cross-price elasticity of demand
measures the response of demand for one good to changes in the price of another good
cross-price elasticity of demand equation
% change in Qd for good 1/ %change in price of good 2
price elasticity of supply
how much quantity supplied responds to change in price
price elasticity of supply equation
% change in Qs/ % change in price. ALWAYS POSITIVE
failed to keep the price of oil high. they reduced the amount of oil they supplied, prices doubled, people got mad, prices dropped
effect of interdiction and education of supply of drugs
interdiction reduced supply, education reduced quantity and prices dropped
price ceiling
legal maximum on the price of a good or service
effect if price ceiling is higher than equilibrium price
price ceiling is not binding
effect if price ceiling is lower than equilibrium price
price ceiling is binding, causes shortage, sellers must ration goods among buyers
price floor
legal minimum on the price of a good or service
effect if price floor is below equilibrium price
price floor is not binding
effect if price floor is above equilibrium price
price floor is binding, causes surplus
fair labor standards act of 1938
established minimum wage
effect if minimum wage is above equilibrium
unemployment, higher income for workers who have jobs
effect of a tax on buyers
price has to fall to keep Qd the same
effect of a tax on sellers
increases sellers cost so price rises and Q drops
tax incidence
how burden of tax is shared
effect on tax if supply is more elastic than demand
it's easier for sellers than buyers to leave the market so buyers bear most of the burden of the tax
effect on tax if demand is more elastic than supply
it's easier for buyers than sellers to leave the market so sellers bear most of the burden of the tax
payroll tax
deducted from your paycheck by FICA. half paid by workers, half by business
wellfare economics
studies how allocation on resources affects economic well-being
willingness to pay
maximum amount the buyer will pay for that good
consumer surplus
amount a buyer is willing to pay for a good - what the buyer actually pays. total is the area below the demand curve and above the price
value of everything a seller must give up to produce a good
marginal seller
seller who would leave the market if the price were any lower
producer surplus
amount a seller is paid for a good minus the sellers cost of providing it, area between supply curve and price
total surplus
total gains from trade in a market, value to buyers - cost to sellers, used as a measure of society's well-being
resource allocation maximizing total surplus received by all members of society
free market
equilibrium is efficient. gov can't raise total surplus by changing market allocation of resources
laissez faire
french for "allow them to do," notion that gov shouldn't interfere in the market
central planning
central planner allocates resources, would have to know every seller's cost and every buyer's wtp for every good, not efficient
revenue from tax
size of tax x quantity sold
deadweight loss
amount tax reduces total surplus
effect of inelastic supply on dwl
harder for firms to leave the market when tax reduces producer surplus so tax only reduces q a little and dwl is small
effect of elastic supply on dwl
easier for firms to leave the market when tax reduces ps and greater the dwl
effect of inelastic demand on dwl
harder for consumers to leave the market when tax raises buyer price, so tax only reduces q a little and dwl is small
effect of elastic demand on dwl
easier for buyers to leave the market when the tax raises buyer price, greater dwl
marginal tax rate
tax on the last dollar of earnings, usually about 40%
effect of inelastic labor supply on dwl
dwl is small
effects of changing the size of the tax
when tax increases, dwl rises. higher tax reduces size of the market
presidents in favor of reducing tax rates
reagan and bush
laffer curve
shows relationship between size of tax and tax revenue
supply-side economics
economic growth by lowering barriers for people to produce goods and services
revenue neutral, bring in the same amount of revenue as income tax system today. raise output per person by 17%. collect 100% of paycheck, receive monthly pre-bates, businesses return operations to US, close down IRS, underground economy pays taxes