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99 Cards in this Set

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Systemic Biology
The study of the diversity of living organisms, their relationships and evolutionary history
Inferring evolutionary relationships, mathematical structure that models the evolutionary history of a group shows descent relationships of “tips”

mathematical structure that
models the evolutionary history of a group --
shows descent relationships of “tips”
Most recent common ancestor
Monophyletic group
An ancestor and all of its descendents
Paraphyletic group
An ancestor and some, but not all, of its descendants
A general integrated system
comprising two or more levels, where groups (units in the hierarchy) are nested within
Phylogenetic Taxonomy
• Get rid of ranks
• Define taxa by reference to their phylogenetic composition
• Given a tree there is no ambiguity as to the clade to which a name applies
Unique derived character state
Shared derived character state
Ancestral character state
• carrier of encoded information
• metabolism for generating and consuming biochemical energy
• replication
Sedimentary rocks, 3.7 bya C12/C13 ratio
First cyanobacteria 3.4 bya
Features probably similar to modern Bacteria, Archaea
Before multicellular organisms
After multicellular organisms
Ediacaran fauna
Jellyfish, sponges, trace fossils of triploblasts
565–543 Ma
The Burgess Shale
515-520 million years ago
Soft-bodied and hard-shelled animals, tall sponges and algae
Bilaterally symmetric
Every major modern phylum of animals
Diploblastic animals
Two embryo levels
ectoderm and endoderm
e.g. cnidarians, ctenophores
Triploblastic animals
have 3 embryonic tissue types,
ectoderm, endoderm, and mesoderm
e.g. bilaterally
symmetrical animals
Most animal phylogenies have occured
Basal lineages
occur earlier
in the fossil record
Phyletic gradualism
gradullly increasing
Punctuated Equilibrium
old species, punctuated
Punctuated Gradualism
Endemic Biotas
organisms found in limited regions
along with close relatives
Law of Succession
living species in an area
are frequently closely related to fossils in that
area, providing evidence that the species of that
area evolved there
a change in allele frequencies
more than two alleles in a population
point mutation
frameshift due to extra point, chance errors during synthesis or repair, creates new alleles
chromosome inversion
inversion of DNA sequence, radiation, alleles in the inversion are locked into an unit
gene duplication
unequal crossing over during meiosis, "extra" gene is free to mutate and perhaps gain a new function
Addition of chromosomes, error in meiosis, can create new species
mutation, migration, random genetic drift, selection
any observable and measurable characteristic of an organism
phenotypic variation
genetic and environmental
variation no longer discrete
change in heritable mean phenotype, variation must be heritable
natural selection
a difference, on average, between the
survival or reproduction of individuals with certain phenotypes
compared to individuals with other phenotypes *because they
carry those phenotypes
selectively advantageous
they survive better or reproduce better
Evolution by natural selection
1. Individuals in the population vary in phenotype
2. Variation in phenotype is heritable
3. Some individuals survive or reproduce better than others
4. Survival and reproduction are nonrandom with respect
to phenotype
the population comes to look like
(and be like genetically) the individuals that
survive and reproduce the best
Natural Selection produces
the extent to which an individual contributes genes
to future generations
Directional Selection
goes away from the mean, selection for/against homozygote
stabilizing selection
cause the mean to be the same but less variation
diversifying selection
less in the middle but the mean still stays the same
gene pool
the totality of the alleles of a given sexual population that
could be contributed by members of one generation to members of
the next generation
H-W equilibrium
no change in allele frequency
Hardy Weinberg assumptions
1. diploid, sexual organisms
2. random mating
3. No mutation
4. No gene flow
5. No genetic drift
6. No selection
gene flow
the movement of alleles from one population to another
population by movement of individuals or gametes
homogenizes allele frequencies
genetic drift
The change in gene frequencies
due to chance events or sampling processes
chance effect
•mortality,predation, disease
•differences in offspring #
•gamete frequencies = expected
•failure to mate
characteristics of drift
• causes random fixation of alleles
• more powerful (changes allele frequencies faster) in small popns
• leads to loss of heterozygosity
founder event
establishment of a new population by a small
number of individuals
founder effect
A change in allele frequencies that occurs
after a founder event due to genetic drift
inbreeding depression
decline in fitness of inbred progeny
relative to outcrossed ones
effective population size
The size of an idealized breeding
population that would lose genetic variation via drift at the
same rate as is observed in an actual population
a trait that evolved for its current role due to natural selection
evolved for some other role &
later co-opted for current role
an earlier stage of an exaptation
(when trait had a different role)
a general term for a trait that is
walked on lake bottoms, walked on muddy surrounds of waters edge, and walked on muddy surrounds of
waters edge.
Hypothesis of Adaptation
Examine current utility
A) Is structure consistent with function?
1. observation: e.g., nectar feeding & bill
2. experimentation: e.g., fruit fly wing patterns

2. Historical inference
A) Concentrated changes test
B) Phenotypic convergence
(analogous solutions to recurrent problems)
Concentrated changes test
Determines if there is an evolutionary correlation between a trait and its function
the adaptationist program
* all traits are for something
* all traits are optimized
by natural selection
* some traits may be neutral
* traits may not be optimal in all contexts
neutral variation
1) Nucleotide variation may be neutral
2) Phenotypic variation may be neutral
1) Ecological trade-offs
different environments favor different trait values
2) Functional trade-offs
traits must adhere to physical or physiological “rules”
genetic constraint
when a species lacks the genetic
variation that is required to produce a potentially
adaptive trait
Three components of fitness
survival, fecundity, mating success
sexual selection
Differential mating success (among members of same sex)
caused by heritable trait differences that confer a mating
mating success
number of mates secured by an individual
across lifespan
sexual dimorphism
A difference between the phenotype of
females & males within a species
parental investment
females more than males
gamete investment
female more gamete investment
male-male selection
type of sexual selection, fighting between men for mates, sperm competition
material benefits
• choosy females may benefit directly by acquiring resources
• better male competitors may acquire more mates by defending
access to or providing superior resources

larger nuptial gifts, better mate feeding and parental care
good genes benefit
choosy females may benefit indirectly by mates with good
viability genes
pre-existing sensory bias
-a signal is favored because it “exploits” a
sensory bias in the receiver (female) and thereby confers
a mating advantage to the sender (male).
Fisher's run-away sexual selection
1). Advantageous variation in male trait arises
2). Genetically based female preference for trait is favored
intersexual selection
3). Genetic correlation established between male trait and
female preference
4). Trait spreads in population because females choose it, and
indirectly choose preference for it. If average female preference
is slightly greater than average male trait, trait value will
intrasexual selection
sperm competition
and combat
intersexual selection
good genes, direct
benefits, sensory bias, and runaway mechanisms
behavior that decreases the fitness of the
ACTOR and increases the fitness of the RECIPIENT
direct fitness
results from personal reproduction
indirect fitness
results from additional reproduction
by relatives that is made possible by an individual’s
actions (above and beyond what they would have achieved
on their own)
inclusive fitness
the sum of an individual’s reproduction through
relatives made possible by its action (indirect fitness) and
its own reproduction (direct fitness)
kin selection
mechanism of increasing inclusive fitness
through apparent altruism
need to recognize kin
Hamilton's rule
B=benefit to recipient
r=coefficient or relatedness
c=cost to actor
extreme altruism
1. Overlapping generations
2. Cooperative brood care
3. Reproductive and non-reproductive castes
A reproductive system in which males
are haploid and develop from unfertilized eggs, while females
are diploid and develop from fertilized eggs
females maximize their inclusive fitness by
helping their sisters rather than producing offspring
Reciprocal altruism
an exchange of altruistic acts, separated
in time, between two individuals
1. Animals must be long-lived (lots of time for reciprocation)
2. Animals must live in stable groups (time for reciprocation)
3. Must be able to recognize cheaters (good memories…)
4. No hierarchy to altruistic interactions (symmetrical)
Life History
an individual’s pattern of allocation, throughout life,
of time and energy to various fundamental activities, such as growth,
repair of cell and tissue damage, and reproduction.
the darwinian demon
Lives forever
Matures at birth
Gives birth to huge numbers of offspring
Rate of living age theory
(1) Aging rate (life span) correlated with metabolism
“live fast, die young”
tradeoff between survival and reproduction
more mating, less survival
invest more in early reproduction and lifetime reproduction goes down
ecological mortality
mortality due to extrinsic factors like predation, accidents
intrinsic mortality
mortality due to intrinsic factors such as wearing down of body parts
Delayed senescence in island population
-lower mortality rates
-late-acting deleterious alleles are exposed to selection
& purged.
clutch size
more eggs would decrease
probability of offspring
smaller than optimal