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25 Cards in this Set

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the study of the choices
that individualsmake given the
presence of scarcity.
limited resources but
unlimited wants
Resources produced using land and labor
Entrepreneurial Ability
knowledge and nerve to
take business risks and combine 1-5 for production
Opportunity Cost
The highest valued benefit that must be
sacrificed (forgone) as the result of
choosing an alternative
9 Guideposts for Economic Thinking
1. Decision-makers choose purposefully (rational decision-makers)
2. Costs & benefits are subjective
3. Incentives Matter
4. Individuals make decisions at the margin
5. Opportunity Cost
6. The acquisition of info. is costly
7. Anticipate secondary effects (unintended consequences)
8. The test of the theory is its ability to predict
9. Forces influence economic outcomes
Sunk Cost
something that's already been spent so we shouldn't take it into accound wen weighing costs and benefits
Economic Theory
generalization about the working of an abstract economi
Economic Models
we use simple abstract models to study larger, more complex concepts
(models of production, use for policy analysis)
The Art of Economics
positive economics allows us to study the facts about how the economy works
normative economics used to identify problems and prescribe solutions
The Invisible Hand (Adam Smith)
supply and demand...price mechanism, not controlled by anyone
The Invisible Handshake
forces that come from morals, values, and ethics...voluntarily choose not to participate in a market
The Invisible Foot
gov't says some market is illegal/legal...it controls the market
Opportunity Cost
highest valued alternative
Ceteris Paribus
holding all else constant
Factors of Production
land, labor, capital, entrepreneurial skill
Production Possibility Frontier (PPF)
A graph that shows the combinations of 2 commodities that can be produced given a fixed level of technology & resources being used efficiently @ a fixed point in time
getting as much output from as few inputs as possible
The Law of Increasing Marginal Opportunity Costs
As an economy produced more of a good, the opportunity cost of an additional unit, expressed in terms of other goods sacrificed, will increase
Law of Comparative Advantage
individuals, firms, regions, or nations can gain by specialization in the production of goods that they produce cheaply (@ lower opp. cost) & exchange them for goods they can't produce @ low opp. cost
Property Rights
the rights to use, control and obtain the benefits from a good or service
Private Property Rights
property rights that are exclusively held by an owner and protected against invasion by others. Private property can be transferred, sold, or mortgaged at the owner's discretion
Tragedy of the Commons
Problem of overuse of a resource when property rights not clearly established
3 Main Questions about Economy
1. What, and how much, to produce
2. How to produce it
3. For whom to produce it
Essentials for effective transition from a command to market economy
1. Achieve Price Stability
2. Establish and Maintain Private Property Rights
3. Allow market incentives to motivate decision-makers
4. Allow prices to fluctuate in response to supply and demand
5. Establish a broadly obeyed legal system and climate of trust
6. Helping individuals think in a market-oriented way