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87 Cards in this Set

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What heart chamber makes the diafragmatic surface?
What heart chamber makes the sternocostal/anterior surface?
What heart chamber makes the inferior margin?
mostly RV + apical LV
What heart chamber makes the obtuse margin?
What is the dominant artery?
Artery which supplyes PDA
Right dominant system
RCA supplies posterior wall of LV
LCx relatively small
(Circumflex branch of left coronary artery)
Left dominant system
LCx supplies post wall of LV
(Circumflex branch of left coronary artery)
LCA arises from......
bifurcates in ....
Arises from Left aortic sinus
Bifurcates in LAD + LCx
RCA arises from......
bifurcates in ....
Arises from aortic sinus
Forms PDA (85%),
Supplies 50% SA node, 90% AV, Inf & Post surface
Coronary sinus (cardiac vein) collects from.....
Great, middle, small cardiac vein, Post.vein of LV
What are the roles of pericardium?
1.Restrict mov.of heart
2.Minimize friction
3.Prevent displacem.of heart
4.Hemodynamic fx
When identifying cardiac crux, TV should be more inferior (anatomicaly) than MV ?
BP values for pre-hypertension
120 -139
80 - 89
Pulse Rate
Respiration Rate
in healthy adult
PR :60-100
RR:12 - 20
T:97.8 - 99
Why steep left lateral decubitus position helps PLAX interogation?
1. drop the lung away
2. allow heart to fall away
3. maximise intercostal space
How do you rotate tx to go from PLAX to PSAX?
clockwise, 2 o'clock
What is the other name for PSAX - apical level?
Para Apical
Apical short axis
What is the other name for PSAX - basal level?
PSAX Apical level
What is the other name for PSAX -mid level?
PSAX papillary level
If moderator band goes across LV it is called....
false tendon
What is the only view where you can see the free wall of LV?
Apical 2
What is the only view where you can see the Posterior cusp of PV?
What view is important to see for px with clotting issues?
Apical 2 (left atrial appendage)
what is AKA for Apical 3 ch view?
Apical long axis
Where is the tx indicator for SUBCOX 4 ch?
3 o'clock
In what view the US beam is orthogonal to interatrial septum?
SUBCOX long axis
In what view the US beam is paralele to interatrial septum?
Apical 4 ch
How do you rotate tx to go from SUBCOX long axis to short axis
12 o'clock
What is Eustachian valve?
Incompetent valve flaap of IVC -remnant from fetal heart
What is Chiari Network?
- remnant from fetal heart
- weblike membrane extending from crista terminalis to to the valve of IVC
- can be confused with TV vegetation, distinguished because is not attched to TV, has random motions
What is Crista terminalis?
proeminent muscular ridge between IVC and SVC
What vessels branche from Ao arch?
Innominate A (brachiocephalic trunck)
Left common carotid
Left common subclavian
How do you move tx from SSN long axis to short axis?
4 o'clock
What is a normal diameter for Ao Arch?
2.7 +/- 0.3
Held expiration can optimize SUBCOX image?
True / False

held inspiration DO
Which of the following points represents the late diastole motion of AML ?
D, A, E, C
A point
LA dimensions are best taken at the widest dimension (QRS onset) .
T / F

that would be on T wave
An increased mitral EPSS occurs with:
- Ao valve regurgitation
- LV dilatation
- Mitral stenosis
- All of the above
All of the above
M-mode is a good method for systolic function in px with LV inferior wall infarction.
T / F

Inferior wall can only be seen in Apical 2ch
A decrease in stroke volume results in increased motion of the Ao root.
T / F
The C point on the PV M-mode corresponds to:
- max PV opening
- RA contraction
- onset of RV ejection
- end ejection
- max PV opening
Eustachian valve
- may also be seen from PLAX-RVIT
- is best imaged from Apical 2 ch view
May also be seen from PLAX-RVIT
When RV pressure > Pulm pressure
- PV opens
- PV closes
- TV closes
- 2 of the above
2 of the above
Pre-ejection mode can be measured with M-mode
T /F
IVRT occurs:
- after T wave
- QRS onset
- during PR interval
After T wave
The optimal window selection for M-mode interogation is the view in which the beam is ....... to the structure
What window is primarly used for M-mode aplications?
Parasternal window
Name 2 disadvantages of M-mode
1. lack of spatial information
2. Its one dimensional nature, only structures transected by M-mode cursor are displayed
Name 2 factors that influence the accuracy of M-mode measurements
- TX frequency
- inconsistency in measurement
The ASE reccomended method for measuring structures by M-mode is to follow the .....
most continuous echo line
The m-mode derived ejection fraction that is calculated and quoted by many echo machines is .....
Teichloz method
M-mode has far more ..... resolution than other methods
temporal resolution
Lack of spatial resolution is a predominant limitation of M-mode
Atrial contraction on M-mode will precede the P wave on ECG.
T / F

electric events precede the mechanical ones
Great cardiac vein is paralel with LCA.
T / F

LCA forms LAD which is paralel to Great cardiac vein
Echo can directly visualize coronary artery disease.
T / F

Angiogram would be the test
Endocardial definition of LV apex will be clearer from Apical window than from parasternal window.
T / F
Where do you find the moderator band?
A sinus of Valsava of 39 mm will be considered
- normal
- dilated
A sinus of valsava of 41 mm is considered
- normal
- dilated
- aneurysmal
Which of the wall segments can be evaluated from Apical 2 ch view ?
Septal and inferior wall
Which tricuspid leaflet is usually predominant ? Why ?
Anterior. It is the longer and larger
From what parasternal view can Eustachian valve most likly be seen ?
Aortic valve leaflet identification is best during
- systole
- diastole
Because a bicuspid valve may appear normal in diastole
Foreshortening in Apical view can be adjusted by ....
Moving an intercostal space lower and more lateral
Which pulmonic vein is generally not visualised from Apical view?
Right lower pulmonary vein
Tilting the tx means....
Moving up and down the tail of tx
The coronary sinus is easily visualised from PLAX and can always be visualized.
T / F
Held inspiration while px is in left decubitus position may improve PLAX.
T / F
Explain how DA is related to pleural fluid and pericardial effusions.
Pericardial effusion will appear anterior to DA
Pleural effusion will appear posterior to DA
Which 2 TV leaflets can be seen in PLAX RVIT ?
Anterior & Posterior TV leaflets
Why should all 2-D measurements be indexed for the body surface area of the px if possible?
Absolute measurements without BSA corection can lead to misinterpretations, especially for very small or very large px.
What view is termed the "circle sausage' view and what does it indicate about normal Ao and PA?
PSAX - aortic level
AO is transverse
PA is in long axis
What are nodes of Arantius/ Can they be seen on TTE ?
Nodes of Arantius are regions of thickening in the middle of the free edge of each cusp of Ao valve.

May be observed when valve is closed
Why might IAS appear to bulge slightly from the left to right in PSAX?
The pressure within LA is slightly higher than in RA.
Why does drop-out artifact of the IAS occur in PSAX ?
IAS might not be seen entirely from PSAX - aortic level, it lies almost parallel to the beam
How can you fix a PSAX basal level image that appears oblique and egg-shaped?
By moving the tx an intercostal space higher
AKA of PSAX apical level
- Para Apical
- Apical short axis
Where can you measure RVOT? which edge technique is used?
PSAX - aortic level
inner edge to inner edge
RVOT should be measured during systole or diastole ?
What is a normal dimension for the main pulmonary trunk ?
1.8 +/- 0.3 cm
Which leaflets can be visualised from the cardiac crux?
Septal leaflet of TV and Ant. leaflet of MV
Why is visualisation of the cardiac crux important ?
It is important in the assesement of congenital heart lessions
Anterior MV leaflet is more inferior to the tricuspid septal leaflet and helps distinguish which ventricle is the true LV.
T / F
Explain what Ebstein's anomaly of TV is.
TV looks displaced like a sail making an abnormal cardiac crux
Explain how Ebstien's anomaly of the TV is diagnosed.
If a displacement index between the insertion points of AMV and STV leaflets is >/= 8 mm/m2
Explain why LA dimensions in the anterior - posterior plane should not be the only means of assesing LA size.
2 dimensional measurement is not enaugh to asses a 3 dimension LA