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138 Cards in this Set

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What are the six majorlinguistic subsystems that appear in any given language?

A.Phonology, morphology, morpheme, grammar, semantics, andpragmatics

B. Graphemes, morphology, syntax, lexicon, semantics, andpragmatics

C. Phonology, morphology, syntax, lexicon,semantics, and pragmatics

D. Phonology, morphology, denotation, semantics, lexicon, andpragmatics

The Answer is C

The six language subsystems are phonology, morphology, syntax, lexicon, semantics, and pragmatics. Morphemes, grammar, graphemes, and denotation are not major linguistic subsystems but rather components or terminology linked to these subsystems. Competency 001

Which of the followingnumbers CANNOT be used to express probability?

A. –0.004

B. 20%

C. 0

D. 0.99

The Answer is A

A probability can be expressed as a number from 0 to 1, or with percentage or decimal numbers. A percent is a representation of a decimal number relative to 100. Therefore, the only number shown which does not fit is the negative number. Competency 017

The New EnglandColonies consisted of:

A. Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia.

B. Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, and New Hampshire.

C. New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, and Pennsylvania.

D. North Carolina, Rhode Island, Delaware, and Maryland.

The Answer is B

The New England Colonies consisted of Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, and New Hampshire. (A) is incorrect because Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia formed the Southern Colonies. (C) is incorrect because New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, and Pennsylvania formed the Middle Colonies. (D) is incorrect because this answer represents a combination of some of the Southern Colonies and some of the Middle Colonies. Competency 020

What might be the benefit of activating background knowledge (schema) ofthe students prior to reading about a given topic?

A. Students become more interested and motivated to learn moreabout the topic.

B. Students can make connections to the story and develop a betterunderstanding of the content.

C. Students can visualize the imagery of the story as they read it.

D. Students develop fluency and increase the speed of reading whilereading the text together.

The Answer is B

Activating schema, or background knowledge related to a topic, helps students to make connections between new information and what they already know. Teachers can help students to activate the correct schema as a pre-reading strategy so that students can better understand new ideas and terminology. While motivation is important (A), it does not activate their schema of the topic. (C) and (D) are related comprehension strategies; however, they are not the primary reason for a teacher to activate prior knowledge in students. Competency 007

Cesar Chávez andDolores Huerta were two of the most important Mexican-American leaders of theCivil Rights Movement. They fought for:

A. Better educational opportunities for language minority groups.

B. More employment opportunities for ethnic and racial minoritygroups in the U.S.

C. Better working conditions and fair compensation for agriculturalworkers.

D. The development of more worker unions for Mexican Americans.

The Answer is C

Cesar Chávez and Dolores Huerta founded the United Farm Workers union (UFW). Through UFW they fought for better working conditions and fair compensation for agricultural workers. (A) is incorrect because, while this was an important issue at the time it was not the center of the United Farm Workers union. (B) is incorrect because this was not the focus of their work. (D) is incorrect because the development of more workers' unions was not their intent. Competency 020

Identify the most appropriate strategy to introduce the concept ofmagnetism to English language learners in first and second grade.

A. Describe the North and South Poles and indicate that the Earthis a giant magnetic field.

B. Present the following information in English and the students'native language: Magnetism is the force of attraction and repulsion of objects. C. Guide children to play with a compass.

D. Develop a learning center where students are able to play withmagnets and metals.

The Answer is D

Allowing children to have first-hand experience with magnets will allow ELLs, and students in general, opportunities to internalize the concept. The explanation provided in (A) might not be developmentally appropriate for children in first and second grade. The use of explanations in the students' native language and in English (B) might not be sufficient to teach the concepts to young children. Playing with a compass (C) alone might not be sufficient to understand the concept of magnetism. Competency 028

Which artist's work iscredited with beginning the Impressionist movement of art?

A. Claude Monet

B. Edward Manet

C. Michelangelo

D. Salvador Dali

The Answer is B

Edward Manet was the first artist to experiment with the impressions of light in nature. (A) is incorrect because, although Claude Monet is probably the best known of the Impressionists, his work was initially influenced by Manet. (C) is incorrect because Michelangelo was a Renaissance artist. (D) is incorrect because Salvador Dali was a Surrealist. Competency 042

Dan is aneight-year-old whose vocabulary has significantly improved over the past twomonths. He is beginning to use relative pronoun clauses when speaking. Dan’steacher has discovered that he still struggles when using subordinate clauses.Which of the following sentences would be an example of a correct use of asubordinate clause?

A. I like the cars, but I dislike motorcycles.

B. He wants to sleep until late in the morning.

C. If you want me to go, I will need to start getting ready now.

D. My mom and my dad are real Texans.

The Answer is C

Technically, a subordinate clause is a dependent clause that must be attached to a main clause to complete the intended meaning. (A) contains a relative clause that provides additional information in the question. (A), (B), and (D) do not use subordinate clauses. Competency 002

The alphabeticprinciple has been described as the ability to

A. Create letters in print and say words out loud.

B. Connect letters with sounds and create words based on suchassociations.

C. Connect letters and sounds to pronounce words by syllables.

D. Connect sounds with those spoken by others.

The Answer is B

The alphabetic principle has been described as the ability to connect letters with sounds and to create words based on those associations. The only option that completely captures these two components is (B). Therefore, (A), (C), and (D) are incorrect. (C) describes the process to identify and create syllables—syllabication. Competency 003

Daniele is a thirdgrader having problems identifying prefixes and suffixes in the words she readsand writes. When asked to identify the free morpheme of the word predetermined,she identified the segment mine as the answer. Based on thescenario, what might be the rationale for her answer?

A. She is confused with suffixes and prefixes.

B. She did not understand that the segment mine is not a freemorpheme in that context.

C. She does not understand the concept of free morpheme.

D. She did not understand that free morphemes constitute the maincomponent of the word.

The Answer is B

The word mine is a free morpheme when used in isolation; however, it is not a free morpheme in the word predetermined.B). There is no evidence to suggest that the student is having problems with suffixes or prefixes (A). Since she recognized that the segment mine can be classified as a free morpheme in certain conditions, there is no evidence to suggest that she does not understand the concept of free morphemes (C) and (D). Competency 001

What is the mode ofthe data set: 10, 9, 3, 1, 2, 8, 4, 3, 9, 10, 5, 7, 6, 6, 2, 8, 9, 4, 1, 10, 5,8, 4, 6, 2, 1, 9, 7?

A. 9

B. 5

C. 3

D. 6

The Answer is A

The mode is the number that occurs most often in a number sequence. If we place the numbers in order, we can see that the number 9 occurs 4 times while all other numbers occur fewer than 4. Competency 017

What is the median ofthe data set in question 11?

A. 6

B. 7

C. 6.5

D. 7.5

The Answer is A

The median is the middle number when the numbers are lined up from the greatest to the least. If this is done, one can see that since there are 28 total numbers there is no clear "middle number." The middle number falls between the fourteenth and fifteenth numbers which happen to be 6 and 6, respectively. Therefore, the two numbers are averaged obtaining the median of 6. Competency 017

What strategy can beused to assess reading comprehension for students who are not proficientreaders?

A. Drawing inferences

B. Graphic organizers

C. Written reflections

D. Oral retelling of the story

The Answer is D

Oral retelling is a good strategy to use when having emergent and beginning readers recall the main elements of the story. It allows students opportunities to recall key events and details of the stories, even before they become fluent readers. (A), (B), and (C) describe informal assessment techniques used with students who are already reading and writing at the intermediate and advanced levels. Competency 007

The use of thematicunits of instruction is ideal to teach English Language Learners (ELLs) socialstudies because it

A. Makes learning fun, interactive, and motivating.

B. Makes content more cognitively accessible.

C. Is helpful in teaching new vocabulary.

D. Exposes children to quality literature.

The Answer is B

Thematic instruction is ideal to teach social studies to ELLs because the multiple components of the theme are presented in multiple disciplines and contexts. This redundancy facilitates the understanding of the multiple components of a theme. (A), (C), and (D) are probably true statements, but they individually do not represent the true advantages of using thematic instruction with ELLs. Competency 019

Advanced organizersand graphic representations are commonly used in social studies. What is theadvantage of using these strategies to teach content?

A. They make content accessible to all children.

B. They make learning more interesting.

C. They can be used to teach other content areas.

D. They can be used to teach high-order thinking skills.

The Answer is A

Information in social studies can be presented in graphic form through the use of graphs and charts. This makes the content accessible to all children, including ELLs. (B), (C), and (D) describe possible ways to use advanced organizers and graphic representations, but individually these options do no fully explain their value. Competency 019

The main value ofusing real-life situations to teach problem-solving skills involvingmathematics is that the children in grades K-6 can see

A. The connection between the school curriculum and mathematics.

B. The value of mathematics in solving daily situations.

C. That mathematics is an important part of the Texas curriculum.

D. That the use of learning centers has a specific value in life.

The Answer is B

Children can see that knowledge of mathematics has a functional value in their lives. (A) and (C) are incorrect because most children generally cannot make a connection between the content studied and the mathematics curriculum. (D) is incorrect because children in K–6 generally cannot make extrapolations between activities in the learning centers and their intrinsic value in life. Competency 013

Some of the advantagesof using a think-aloud, while reading to students, are that teachers can modelcomprehension strategies like making inferences, synthesizing information, andvisualization. What is another type of comprehension strategy that teachers mightmodel to help students develop reading comprehension skills?

A. Readers' theater

B. Confirming predictions

C. Segmenting multi-syllabic words

D. Structural analysis

The Answer is B

Confirming predictions is one of the most common ways to engage students in reading, focus their reading, and help them read with comprehension. By thinking aloud a teacher can explicitly model the procedures used when reading a text. Reader's theater (A) is a technique designed for the purpose of building fluency through repeated reading, while (C) and (D) focus primarily on decoding words or word meanings. Competency 007

What measurementprinciple do children in Pre-K through kindergarten sometimes have difficultywith?

A. Conversation

B. Conservation

C. Condensation

D. ConversionM

The Answer is B

Children that are four and five years old may not understand that changes in the appearance do not necessarily change the characteristics of an object. For example, if an apple is cut in half the children may not understand that there are two pieces of one apple. Instead, many students may say that there are now two apples. The difficulty these students face is with the concept of conservation. Competency 013

The main advantage of using hands-on activities in mathematics is to:

A. Enhance students' ability to think abstractly. B. Make the lesson more enjoyable.

C. Lead the students to active learning and guide them to constructtheir own knowledge.

D. Promote equity, equality, and freedom for the diverse ethnicgroups in the nation.

The Answer is C

Hands-on activities can make the curriculum more relevant and guide children to construct their own knowledge. Hands-on activities can probably lead children to think abstractly (A), but the activity is not designed exclusively to accomplish this goal. Hands-on activities can make the class more interesting and enjoyable (B), but they are not the reasons for the activities. (D) is incorrect because there is no evidence to suggest that hands-on activities can promote equity, equality, or freedom among students. Competency 013

The characteristics ofthe Language Acquisition Device (LAD) include all of the following EXCEPT:

A. The LAD is an external mechanism that allows humans to learnmultiple languages.

B. The LAD enables human beings to produce language and utilizecorrect language rules.

C. The LAD is said to be adaptable as it adjusts to the language beinglearned.

D. Chomsky's work provided the theoretical rationale for the workrelated to the LAD.

The Answer is A

The LAD is said to be an internal mechanism that allows human beings to produce language and to make use of their own internal grammar. Of particular interest is Chomsky's work, which led to understanding that the LAD is adaptable to the language that is being learned. Competency 001

A pair of dice isrolled. What is the probability the sum of the dice is less than 13?

A. 1/12

B. 35/36

C. 36/36

D. 2/36

The Answer Is C

On a single die there are six numbers, 1-6. On a pair of dice, the values of the sums range from 2-12. All values are clearly less than 12. Therefore, all rolls will be less than 13. Additionally, with a pair of dice, there are 36 possible outcomes (6 each) and, therefore, the answer is C. Competency 017

When teaching the grapheme-phoneme correspondence in English, teachersmustDiscuss

A. Make the activity interesting to all students. B. Monitor the children so they do not pronounce the letters with aforeign accent.

C. Create an atmosphere of cooperation among students from diverseethnic and linguistic backgrounds.

D. Control the inconsistency of the grapheme-phoneme correspondenceof English by presenting consistent sounds first.

The Answer is D

Teachers have to present the consistent sounds of English first to develop self-confidence among children. Once children master those initial grapheme-phoneme correspondences, they can attempt more challenging components. (A) is incorrect because it deals with a generic well-accepted practice, but it does not address the question. (B) is incorrect because the alphabetic principle does not specifically deal with the issue of the development of foreign accents. (C) is incorrect because it failed to address the question. It is always important to create an atmosphere of collaboration among students, but this statement does not address the linguistic nature of the question. Competency 003

If a child is reading an average of 90 percent of the words correctly, heor she is reading at the:

A. Independent level.

B. Frustration level.

C. Comprehension level.

D. Instructional level.

The Answer is D

When children miss about 10 percent of the words in a passage, comprehension problems will occur. Children at the instructional level need continuous support and guidance from the teachers. (A) is incorrect because students at the independent level of reading are able to understand 95 percent of the words. (C) is incorrect because the term comprehension level is not a technical descriptor for reading levels. (B) is incorrect because students at the frustration level can read less than 89 percent of the words correctly. With this low level of word recognition, they will have severe comprehension problems. Competency 005

In which art movementdid science and mathematics most influence art and artists?

A. Impressionism

B. Baroque

C. Rococo

D. Renaissance

The Answer is D

Mathematics and science flourished during the Renaissance period and naturally influenced work in the arts. (A) is incorrect because Impressionism focused on the perception of light in nature, as opposed to the scientific properties. (B) is incorrect because the Baroque movement focused on drama, tension, and detail. (C) is incorrect because the Rococo movement focused on creativity and the creation of idyllic landscapes. Competency 042

You and your family goout to dinner one night. At the end of the meal you receive a bill for themeal. The total bill, before tax, is $78.60. Assuming tax for the meal is 5%,what would you need to do first in order to find out the amount of tax you needto pay?

A. Multiply the total by 5

B. Multiply the total by 0.05

C. Divide by 5

D. Divide by 0.05

The Answer is B

Since a percentage represents a part of 100, a tax of 5% is equal to a decimal value of 5/100 = 0.05. To find out how much tax is added to a bill of $78.60, we must multiply this total by the percentage of tax. Competency 018

Latitude and longitudelines are used to locate points on a map. What is the term that best describesthis type of geometric figure:

A. A grid system

B. A compass rose

C. A legend

D. A globe

The Answer is A

A grid system is a network of horizontal and vertical lines used to locate points on a map or a chart by means of coordinates. This grid shows the location of places. Latitude and longitude lines form divisions in this grid system. These divisions consist of geometrical coordinates used in designating the location of places on the surface of the earth in a globe or map. The lines measure distances in degrees. Based on this explanation (B), (C), and (D) are incorrect. Competency 021

What is a boundmorpheme?

A. A morpheme that occurs in isolation.

B. A morpheme that occurs in isolation but is sometimes attached toa root word.

C. A morpheme that occurs in isolation but can never be attached toa root word.

D. A morpheme that cannot occur in isolation and, therefore, isattached to a root word or another morpheme.

The Answer is D

The word 'bound' in this type of morpheme should immediately indicate that this type of morpheme cannot occur in isolation; that is, it is bound to 'something else.' In this case, a bound morpheme must always be attached to a root word or another morpheme. This explanation makes (A), (B) and (C) incorrect. Competency 001

The world region ofNorth America consists of: A. The United States and Mexico.

B. The United States and Canada.

C. The United States.

D. Canada, the United States, and Mexico.

The Answer is D

The world region of North America consists of Canada, the United States, and Mexico. (A) is incorrect because it is missing Canada. (B) is incorrect because it is missing Mexico. (C) is incorrect because it is missing Canada and Mexico. Competency 021

This term describesthe exchange or transmission of cultural information and lifestyles from peoplearound the world.

A. Diversity

B. Ethnicity

C. Culture

D. Cultural diffusion

The Answer is D

The term cultural diffusion describes the exchange or transmission of cultural information and lifestyles from people around the world. Diversity describes differences among people around the world (A). Ethnicity (B) is a term used to describe people based on historical and cultural background, including religion, language, and other features. Culture (C) is a term to describe the learned and common behavior of a group. Competency 021

Which of the followingis an expression that represents the following statement: three times one-halfof a number less eighty percent?

A. 3x4/2-0.80

B. 3x(x/2)-8/100

C. 3x(x/2)-0.80

D. 3x(x/2)-80

The Answer is C

The statement "three times one-half of a number less eighty percent" implies that we do not know the actual number. Therefore, it must be represented by a variable. This fact eliminates (A). Knowing that 80% is equivalent to 80/100 or 0.8 eliminates (B) and (D). Therefore, the only choice that is left happens to be (C). Competency 018

Identify the statement that BEST describes sight words.

A. Sight words are prevalent in environmental print.

B. Sight words occur frequently in print.

C. Children decode sight words using semantic and structural clues.

D. Children have difficulty spelling sight words.

The Answer is B

Sight words occur frequently in writing, and often the best way to teach them is by instant recognition. (A) is not correct because environmental print does not necessarily contain sight words. Street signs and store names can have long and very unique names that cannot be taught as sight words. (C) is incorrect because sight words are taught to be recognized instantly, without analyzing their structural or semantic representation. (D) is incorrect because most sight words are short and easy to spell. Because they occur so frequently in reading, spelling is facilitated. Competency 005

The first 10amendments to the U.S. Constitution are known as the:

A. Separation of church and state.

B. Bill of Rights.

C. Right to Privacy.

D. Right to Due Process.

The Answer is B

Civil rights are the legal and political rights of the people who live in a particular country. In the United States, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights guarantee civil rights to American citizens and residents. The first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution are known as the Bill of Rights. (A), (C), and (D) are incorrect because these name certain rights included in the Bill of Rights and fail to address the question. Competency 023

What is one of the key challenges that children in upper elementaryschool experience when moving from the stage of "learning to read" to"reading to learn"?

A. Use graphic organizers effectively to learn and to presentinformation

B. Understand the organizational patterns of the text to read moreefficiently

C. Develop an understanding of academic English

D. Predict the content of the writing efficiently

The Answer is B

When reading informational text, students have to analyze the type of text structure and organizational pattern used in the writing. The faster they learn to decipher the structure, the faster they will be able to retrieve information and read with greater efficiency. Using graphic organizers (A) and developing academic English (C) are important but secondary strategies that children need to master to move to the stage of "reading to learn." Predicting the content (D) is an effective strategy for narrative text, but it loses its effectiveness with expository writing. Competency 008

Ms. Pompa uses DRTA(Directed Reading-Thinking Activity) regularly during her guided readinggroups. What is the main purpose of this instructional activity?

A. To interpret the text according to one's own backgroundknowledge

B. To pose questions to students related to the themes in the text

C. To confirm or correct predictions as one reads

D. To synthesize information in order to better retell the story

The Answer is C

The main purpose of DRTA is to enable students to make ongoing predictions and confirmations of those predictions while reading a text. The teacher models this during a read-aloud or shared reading and instructs students to do the same as they read. (A), (B), and (D) focus on activities that will enhance and develop students' comprehension; however, they are not centrally related to the specific instructional focus of DRTA. Competency 008

Which of the followingwould NOT be included as a component part of the instructional activity ofreciprocal teaching?

A. Connecting the text to one's own life

B. Asking a question about the main idea

C. Clarifying difficult parts of the content

D. Predicting what will come next

The Answer is A

Reciprocal teaching requires students to participate in cooperative learning groups where each student has a role in discussing the key aspects of the text in terms of posing questions, clarifying confusing sections, and making predictions. While making connections to one's life may enhance students' connections to the background knowledge and schema, it is not a central process of reciprocal teaching. Competency 008

What song has the samemelody as Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star?

A. Are you Sleeping?

B. Skip to my Lou

C. Polly Put the Kettle On

D. Alphabet Song

The Answer is D

Melody is the "tune" or singable part of a song. The Alphabet Song has the same "tune" as Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star. As a matter of fact, Baa, Baa Black Sheep also employs the same melody. (A), (B), and (C) have different "tunes" than Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star. Competency 043

Alliteration is atechnique frequently used to begin developing students' reading skills as itaims to strengthen students' phonological and phonemic awareness. Whichsentence is an example of an alliteration?

A. Maria bought a muffin for my mom.

B. Maria baked a large muffin for my mom. C. Maria made muffins for Mom.

D. Maria baked a muffin in a large oven.

The Answer is D

Alliterations are created when words in a sentence or poem begin with the same phoneme. The option that best represents this concept is (C). Four of the five words in option (C) begin with the phoneme /m/. The rest of the options do not consistently use the same phonemes at the beginning of the words. Competency 002

Plants and trees thatneed large amounts of water to survive will thrive in which Texas region?

A. Gulf Coast and hill country

B. South Texas Plains and Prairies and Lakes regions

C. Piney-woods and Gulf Coast

D. Panhandle plains and Big Bend regions

The Answer is C

The regions with the highest annual rainfall are the Piney-woods and the Gulf Coast regions. Thus, these types of plants and trees will flourish in these two regions. The hill country region (A), South Texas Plains and the Prairies and Lakes regions (B) have a relatively low rainfall, when compared with the rainfall from the Piney-woods and Gulf Coast regions. The panhandle plains and the Big Bend regions (D) have the lowest rainfall in the state. Competency 021

Ms. Martínez brought to her fourth-grade class thefollowing items: scissors, pliers, a hammer, tongs, and a miniature see-saw.These items are ideal to teach and demonstrate how ___________work.

A. Complex machines

B. Simple machines

C. Household items

D. Real-life objects

The Answer is B

All the items listed are classified as simple machines. Based on this answer, (A) is incorrect. (C) and (D) describe in general fashion the types of items brought to class, not the purpose of bringing them to class—to demonstrate the concept of simple machine. Competency 030

Identify the number ofphonemes in the following word—through.

A. Seven

B. Two

C. Four

D. Three

The Answer is D

The word contains seven graphemes (letters), but only three phonemes (sounds). Based on this explanation, the rest of the options are eliminated. Competency 002

The 112 elements ofthe periodic table represent the anatomical composition of

A. Matter.

B. Liquid.

C. Solid.

D. Gases.

The Answer is A

The periodic table represents the 112 elements that constitute matter. Liquid (B), solid (C), and gases (D) are forms or states of matter. Competency 031

Many of the leaders responsible for the writing of the Constitution werefamiliar with the leading thinkers of the Enlightenment movement. Due to thisinfluence, one of the key components of the Constitution was the protection ofthe:

A. Religious beliefs of people in the new nation.

B. Natural rights of the individual and limiting the power of thegovernment.

C. Power of the central government and the unification of thenation.

D. Rights to fair trading.

The Answer is B

The ideas of the Enlightenment quickly reached the British colonies. Many of the leaders responsible for the writing of the Constitution were familiar with the leading thinkers of the movement, and framed the Constitution protecting the natural rights of the individual and limiting the power of the government. (A) is incorrect because it addresses only one aspect of the natural rights of the individual. (C) is incorrect because the purpose of the Constitution was actually to limit the power of the government and not to protect it. (D) is incorrect because it does not represent the ideals of the Age of Reason. Competency 023

Which of the followinginstruments measures relative humidity?

A. Barometer

B. Anemometer

C. Thermometer

D. Psychrometer

The Answer is D

An instrument called a sling psychrometer is used to measure relative humidity. Competency 026

Ms. Thomas introduces new vocabulary words within the context of asentence and through the use of visuals. Once children understand the conceptlinked to the word, she repeats individual words, pausing after each syllable.Once children can separate the word into syllables, she guides them to separatesyllables into individual phonemes. What skills is Ms. Thomas introducing withthe last two activities?

A. The intonation pattern of the language

B. Phonological awareness

C. Vocabulary development

D. Pronunciation drills

The Answer is B

Separating syllables into individual phonemes calls for syllabication and phoneme segmentation. Both concepts are part of phonological awareness. (A) is incorrect because sentence analysis was not the primary concern in the scenario. The intonation pattern describes the rhythm and pitch used in phrases and sentences. (C) is incorrect because in the latter activity, the issue is the phonological analysis of words. Vocabulary development was emphasized in the first part of the scenario only. (D) is incorrect because the scenario does not address pronunciation at all. Competency 002

The National Science Teachers Association supports the principles thatscientific inquiry should be the cornerstone of science education. Theassociation also supports the idea that students should be actively involved inearly exploration of scientific concepts. Additionally, the organizationbelieves that instruction should be:

A. Effective and accurate.

B. Organized thematically.

C. Organized from the unknown to the known.

D. Delivered deductively.

The Answer is B

Science instruction should be thematically organized through key science concepts. The delivery of effective and accurate instruction (A) was not specifically in the proclamation because it is a given that instruction in general should be delivered in this fashion. (C) and (D) are similar in nature. Both options call for the presentation of content from the known to unknown, which is a form of deductive teaching. The concept of scientific inquiry uses firsthand exploration of scientific concepts, and this approach is typical of inductive methods of teaching. Competency 025

Why do American scientists usethe metric system in scientific research?

A. The system is used in developed countries. B. The standard system cannot be used in scientificexperimentation.

C. The use of the standard system yields inconsistent experimentalresults.

D. The metric system uses a systematic and precise system ofweights and measurements.

The Answer is D

The metric system uses a decimalized system for measurement. The consistency of the system, together with its ability to deal with small amounts of matter, make it ideal for scientific experimentation. (A) is incorrect because the metric system is an international system used in industrialized (developed) as well as in developing countries. (B) is incorrect because both the standard system and metric system can be used in scientific experimentation. (C) is incorrect because the use of the standard system does not automatically result in inconsistent test results. Competency 024

Joe can place a maximumof 5 apples in a sack. If he needs to put 32 apples in sacks, how many sackswill he need?

A. 7

B. 6.4

C. 5

D. 8

The Answer is A

To find out how many sacks are required, we can divide the amount of apples that Joe has by the number that fit in a sack. The result of the division is 6.4. So, it could be assumed that (C) and (D) are not correct from this. However, (B) is also incorrect because it is not physically possible to obtain 0.4 of a bag. Therefore, one should round up to 7. Competency 018

Identify the statement that BEST describes the advantages of using thelanguage experience approach to teach reading to language minority students.

A. It provides the schema or experiential background to facilitatethe comprehension of the story.

B. It uses the vocabulary and the experience common to bothlanguage minority and mainstream students.

C. It minimizes the possibility of errors due to idiomaticexpressions from both L1 and L2.

D. It facilitates reading by ensuring a positive match between L1and L2

The Answer is A

The main reason for the creation of the language experience approach (LEA), also known as language charts, was to eliminate the discrepancy between the background knowledge that the child brings to the reading process and the experiential background required to understand the story, i.e., the schema of the author. (B) is incorrect because it eliminates the need to discuss the schema of the story by exposing children to a common experience and guiding them to dictate a story using the experience. (C) is incorrect because students will use their own vocabulary in the story; if they use idioms, these are probably known to children in the group. (D) is incorrect because the main purpose of LEA is not to contrast L1 and L2. Competency 004

Scenario: Mr. Jones brought a small peach tree with peaches toschool to explain the process of photosynthesis. He indicated that the treetakes energy from the sun and converts it into chemical energy. Part of thechemical energy produced is used for its survival and growth. The excess energyis stored in the leaves and in the fruits produced. To close the lesson, hegave students pieces of peaches and guided them to discuss how the process ofphotosynthesis supports life on Earth. Based on this scenario, what is the maintopic of the lesson?

A. Energy transformation

B. Survival of the fittest

C. The importance of conservation and adoption of green practices

D. The importance of peach trees for survival

The Answer is A

The survival of the fittest (B) or the conservation efforts (C) are not addressed in the scenario. (D) is a very simplistic answer, and it does not address the main purpose of the lesson. Competency 032

Scenario: Mr. Jones brought a small peach tree with peaches toschool to explain the process of photosynthesis. He indicated that the treetakes energy from the sun and converts it into chemical energy. Part of thechemical energy produced is used for its survival and growth. The excess energyis stored in the leaves and in the fruits produced. To close the lesson, hegave students pieces of peaches and guided them to discuss how the process ofphotosynthesis supports life on Earth. What was the instructional purpose ofusing a live plant with fruits to begin the lesson?

A. To promote interest in the lesson

B. To provide concrete evidence that plants produce energy

C. To provide concrete evidence that without peaches life will notbe possible on Earth

D. To promote hands-on science experimentationtewKM

The Answer is A

Bringing concrete objects to class are generally used to build interest in the lesson. In lesson planning, this segment of the lesson is called focus activity or motivation. (B) and (C) provide a generic rationale for the answer. (D) is incorrect because there is no evidence to suggest that the tree was used for experimentation. Competency 025

Which of the following artistic movements occurred in the twentiethcentury?

A. Impressionism, Expressionism, and Realism

B. Rococo, Hellenistic, and Classical

C. Photorealism, Cubism, and Surrealism

D. Baroque, Renaissance, and Medieval

The Answer is C

All three of these movements (Photorealism, Cubism, and Surrealism) emerged in the twentieth century. (A) is incorrect because these three movements (Impressionism, Expressionism, and Realism) began and peaked during the nineteenth century. (B) is incorrect because the Hellenistic and Classical movements occurred in ancient Greece, and the Rococo movement occurred in the eighteenth century. (D) is incorrect because the Medieval movement occurred between 800 and 1200 CE, the Renaissance movement occurred between 1400 and 1600 CE and the Baroque movement occurred in the seventeenth century. Competency 042

The basic states ofmatter are

A. Liquid, plasma, and solid.

B. Gas, liquid, and solid.

C. Liquid, water, ice, and gas.

D. Plasma, liquid, solid, and gas

The Answer is D

The traditional states of matter found in the Earth are liquid, solid, and gas. In space, the most common form of mass is plasma. Plasma cannot be identified as a solid, liquid, or gas; thus, this new classification was created to describe it. Competency 031

When it is winter inNorth America, it is because A. The Earth is farther away from the sun in its orbit.

B. The North Pole is tilted toward the sun.

C. The Earth is tilted on its axis with the North Pole tilted awayfrom the sun

D. The Earth is moving in an elliptical orbit around the sun.

The Answer is C

The Earth's 231/2 degree tilt causes the seasons, and in winter in the Northern Hemisphere, the earth is tilted away from the sun along its north pole. Competency 026

Ken Goodman used the term miscues in reading to describethe type of

A. Variation that occurs when children attempt to put words intowriting.

B. Variation that occurs when children try to decode and guess themeaning of printed words.

C. Errors that occur when children try to communicate orally intheir native language. D. Discrepancy that occurs between the schemata of the child andthe one intended by the author.

The Answer is B

Miscue analysis describes the variation that students produce in their attempts to read or decode words. Goodman suggested that only those miscues affecting meaning should be taken into account. (A) is incorrect because miscues is a term to describe reading not necessarily writing attempts. (C) is incorrect because Goodman does not identify miscues as errors, plus the concept does not apply to attempts to communicate orally, such as conversation. (D) is incorrect because there is no connection between miscues and the schema theory. Competency 004

Crystal needs to buybread for her party. She knows that one loaf will feed 8 people, and there are371 people coming to her party. How many loaves of bread does she need to buy?

A. 33

B. 48

C. 46

D. 47

The Answer is D

In this problem we know there will be 371 people at the party and one loaf of bread will feed 8 people. Dividing 371 by 8 gives 46.375 which is not listed as an option. If she were to purchase 46 loaves of bread she would not have enough bread for everyone. Therefore, she must purchase at least 47 loaves to feed everyone. Competency 018

Ms. Jefferson has guided first-grade students to read polysyllabic wordsuntil they can read them fluently. Later, students are asked to separate thewords into syllables, and finally she guides students to identify the mainstress in each word. What skill is Ms. Jefferson emphasizing?

A. Alphabetic awareness

B. Reading fluency

C. Phonological awareness

D. Syllabication

The Answer is C

Syllabication and word stress are part of the concept called phonological awareness. (A) is incorrect because the activity goes beyond establishing the connection between letters and sounds typical of the alphabetic principle. (B) is incorrect because the development of fluency goes beyond the analysis of individual words. The development of phonological awareness is a prerequisite for the development of fluency. (D) is incorrect because the concept of syllabication is only one of two elements presented in the scenario—syllabication and word stress. Competency 003

According to U.S.copyright law, which song can you legally copy?

A. Happy Birthday

B. Cowboy Song

C. Texas, Our Texas

D. I'm a Little Teapot

The Answer is B

A Cowboy Song typically is in public domain and can be reproduced without obtaining permission. (A), (C), and (D) are protected under the Copyright Protection Law. Just because everyone knows a song (such as I'm a Little Teapot) does not mean that it is in public domain. Always verify sources before reproducing music. Competency 043

The use of phonicsinstruction in conjunction with components from the whole language approach aretypically used to create a

A. Skills-based approach.

B. Balanced-reading approach

C. Meaning-based approach.

D. Humanistic approach.

The Answer is B

A balanced-reading approach uses best practices from both phonics and whole language. It also places emphasis on the use of authentic literature and the literature-based approach to construct meaning. (A) is incorrect because the skills-based approach emphasizes mostly phonics instruction. (C) is incorrect because the meaning-based approach emphasizes mostly the whole language approach. (D) is incorrect because there is no connection between humanistic psychology and the question. Competency 004

Which of the followingis a nonlinear function?

A. F(x)=3x-1

B. F(x)=x

C. F(x)=x/5

D. F(x)=x/5

The Answer is D

Recalling that the definition of a linear function is and f(ax)=af(x) and (a + b) = f(a) + f(b), we may view each of the options. We see that applying these rules will mean that (A), (B), and (C) are all linear functions. After further investigation we see that (D) is nonlinear. Competency 015

Mr. Martínez is goingto be introducing the Dolch words to his first-grade students. Before showingthe list of words to his students, Mr. Martínez explains that these words arethe most frequently used words in English. Which of the following words SHOULDNOT be included in the list that Mr. Martínez is going to show to his students?

A. A

B. Had

C. But

D. Awesome

The Answer is D

The introduction of sight words can expedite students' decoding skills and it can also help develop fluency among early readers. From the options presented, the only word that is not in the Dolch's list is (D) awesome. Competency 005

What is the correct expansionof (a + b)3?

A. A3 + b3

B. A3 + 3a2b + 3ab2 + b3

C. A3 + 6a3b3 + b3

D. 3a2+ 3b

The Answer is B

Using the F.O.I.L. method, we know that there should be more than two terms in the resulting expansion. Therefore, we may eliminate selections (A) and (D). After expansion, we realize that (B) is correct. Competency 015

In the past, mercurywas commonly used in household thermometers. Why was this substance ideal forthermometers?

A. It is easily accessible and available in most countries.

B. The substance expands when heated.

C. It is a high-volatile and flexible substance.

D. It is the only substance approved by the U.S. Department ofEnergy.

The Answer is B

Mercury is one substance that reacts to heat, which facilitates its measuring. Mercury is available throughout the world (A), but that is not the main reason why the substance is used in thermometers. (The U.S. stopped mining it in the 1990s.) Mercury is not a volatile substance (C). (D) is highly irrelevant. In the past, the U.S. Department of Energy did not regulate the use of mercury, but it has regulated it since 2008. Competency 032

Which of these sets of numbers represents a true statement?

A. 5 < 7

B. 10 > 11

C. 9 £ 8

D. 3 ³ 5

The Answer is A

The less than symbol resembles an "alligator mouth" opening and moving away from the smaller number. "It is also helpful to notice that the smallest end in the sign will always point to the smallest number (5 < 7). (A) is the correct answer because it correctly states that: 5 is less than 7. (B) is incorrect because it incorrectly states that the number 10 is greater than 11. (C) and (D) are eliminated because both contain an extra line representing the concept of "equal to"; thus, the symbol in (C) incorrectly states that "9 is less than or equal to 8" and (D) states than "3 is greater than or equal to 5." Competency 015

What type of singinggroup consists of violins, trumpets, a Spanish guitar, and a guitarrón?

A. Mariachi

B. Tejano

C. Marching band

D. Orchestra

The Answer is A

Mariachi is a group of musicians playing the instruments listed in this question. Tejano music (B) features the accordion, and the Tejano orchestra has been influenced by Mexican, Cuban, German, and Czech brass bands. Marching bands (C) consist of traditional band instruments (e.g., flutes, clarinets, saxophones, trumpets, trombones, tubas, percussion, etc). An orchestra (D) consists of the four families of musical instruments (woodwinds, brass, string, and percussion). Competency 043

When people thinkabout radiation, they conceptualize the arms of mass destruction like theatomic bombs used in Hiroshima and Nagasaki during World War II. However,radiation is currently being used for peaceful purposes in nuclear medicine andin household items like

A. Refrigerators.

B. Radios.

C. Gas stoves.

D. Microwaves.

The Answer is D

Microwaves use a form of radiation to cook meals. Refrigerators and gas stoves do not use radiation to function. Radios use electromagnetic waves to transmit sounds. Competency 032

Why is the lowestaverage temperature in New York City higher than the lowest average temperatureof Lincoln, Nebraska, when these cities are at approximately the same latitude?

A. New York City is farther south resulting in warmer temperatures.

B. New York City is surrounded by water, which moderates thetemperature.

C. New York City is full of industries that warm the atmosphere.

D. New York City is near the Appalachian Mountains, which trapsunlight and heat.

The Answer is B

Water cools down and heats up more slowly than any substance on Earth. Therefore, in the winter the average low temperature would be warmer in New York City—a coastal city, than it would be in Nebraska. The warm water (warmed from summer's sun and heat) keeps the air over the water warm and moving toward the city for a longer period of time than the air inland. Competency 040

The invention of cellphones has revolutionized the communications industry. However, it has alsobecome a health concern because these electronic devices

A. Distract people and cause automobile accidents.

B. Emit radiation that has been linked to cancer.

C. Make children easy targets for sexual predators.

D. Affect the growth of the traditional phone industry.

The Answer is B

Cell phones emit a type of radiation that has been linked to brain tumors. Current research suggests that heavy, long-term cell phone usage has also been linked to infertility among men. (A) and (C) are incorrect because they present non-medical effects attributed to cell phone usage. Competency 032

Petroleum productscome from nonrenewable fossil fuels. These types of energy sources arenonrenewal because they come from

A. The melting of rocks and other minerals.

B. Decayed remains of animal and plants.

C. The bones and flesh from prehistoric lizards. D. The residue produced from volcanic activity.

The Answer is B

Fossil fuels like natural gas, coal, and oil come from the remains of living matter, and by definition, they are nonrenewable resources. Competency 033

Asking students tomake use of visual elements, such as graphics, while they are reading a pieceof text allows them to identify ways in which these elements can be used asstrategies to interpret and make sense of the information they are reading.Based on this information, which of the following statements best supports thisidea in instructional practice?

A. Students will collect illustrations to create a group collage.

B. Students will talk about the author and illustrator of a picturebook.

C. Students will create a chart in which they identify the reasonswhy the author of a newspaper article may have chosen to include pictures inhis/her story.

D. Students will compare and contrast main characters in a story.

The Answer is C

With the exception of (C) all the other three options focus primarily on the text or images created and less on the role that the graphics have in complementing the message being conveyed. Having students actually create a chart while or after they discuss the author's reasoning for choosing visual elements does provide students with an opportunity to understand that there is a direct connection between the use of the graphics and the text that accompanies it. Competency 011

The development offatty tissue and hibernation typical of bears is a system _____________ forsurvival

A. Of adaptation

B. To avoid competition with other predators

C. To keep a healthy balance in the ecosystem D. To prevent the migration of bears to residential areas-family

The Answer is A

Bears add fatty tissue to their body in preparation for hibernation during the winter months. Hibernation is a survival mechanism and a system of adaption to avoid starvation during the winter months. It is highly improbable that hibernation is done to avoid competition with other animals (B), to maintain a healthy ecosystem (C), or to prevent the movement of animals to residential areas (D). Competency 037

What is an algorithm?

A. A computer program used to evaluate students

B. A system of discovering students' abilities

C. A step-by-step procedure for evaluating students

D. A step-by-step procedure for solving problems

The Answer is D

An algorithm is a step-by-step procedure for solving problems. Although algorithms are often implemented using computers and can be used to evaluate students (A), this does not give the fundamental property of an algorithm. (B) and (C) are not appropriate answers for the definition of an algorithm, although they may be true. Therefore, (D) is the correct answer. Competency 014

Which of the followingare objects in our solar system?

A. Asteroids, planets, moons, and comets

B. Planets, asteroids, moons, and black holes

C. Planets, meteoroids, asteroids, and black holes

D. Asteroids, milky way, quasars, and cometsragmentٱwG

The Answer is A

Asteroids, planets, moons, and comets are all objects in the solar system. Black holes and quasars are theorized objects in distant galaxies, and the Milky Way is the name of our own cluster of stars or galaxy in which the solar system (sun, planets, dwarf planets, comets, asteroids, and meteoroids) reside. Competency 041

Mr. Michel providesguiding questions to guide Tamara's writing. A couple of the questions are"What evidence do you need to prove your thesis to skeptics?" and"What would you say to convince them?" Based on this information,what type of writing is Tamara developing?

A. Narrative writing

B. Expository writing

C. Descriptive writing

D. Persuasive writing

The Answer is D

In trying to convince the reader of something, posing a question relating to reasons why the argument might be convincing will help the writer to see the reader's point of view. In narrative writing, expository writing, and descriptive writing, the need to convince may be present; however, it is more essential in the very nature of persuasive writing. Competency 010

What is another way towrite 4 x 4 x 4?

A. 4^34^3

B. 3^43^4

C. 4x3

D. 12.5pt

The Answer is A

Recalling that exponential notation is used when numbers are multiplied by themselves numerous times, we may try to simplify the expression. (B) is not correct because this implies 3 is multiplied by itself 4 times. (C) and (D) are the same answer in different representations, but both are incorrect. Since 4 is multiplied by itself 3 times in this problem, we know it should be (A). Competency 014

The scientific concept that best explains the formation of mountains and mountain ranges on Earth is

A. The movement of underground water.

B. The movement of tectonic plates.

C. Erosion.

D. The effect of the moon and the resulting waves of the oceans

The Answer is B

When the tectonic plates collapse, they can create mountains and mountain ranges. The movement of underground water (A) does not have an effect on the formation of the mountains. Erosion (C) refers to the movement of sediment from one location to the other; however, this movement cannot account for the formation of mountains. The effect of the moon on tides (D) does not have a direct effect on the formation of mountains. Competency 038

Which strategy would LESS LIKELY support students' understanding of writing for different audiences?

A. Having a group of students role play a given audience and asking them to react to a piece of writing

B. In a persuasive writing, guiding students to revise the writing based on possible arguments from the intended audience

C. Identifying the audience prior to beginning writing

D. Telling students they will be writing narrative text

The Answer is D

Telling the students the mode of writing is likely not sufficient to support students' understanding of writing for an audience (D). Revising a piece of writing based on feedback provided from the audience (B), and asking students to role play and react to it can guide children to adjust the writing (A). (C) helps students internalize that a specific audience will be reading their paper and that they need to develop the writing accordingly. Competency 010

Ms. Pérez is planninga lesson that she can implement to increase her students’ understanding ofviewing and representing. She decides that one of the key issues for her studentsis to be able to identify how the visual materials they will be using must directly respond to the audience and their needs. As part of the lesson, she intends to have students work on this as a group project. Which of the following group project ideas would be a good choice for her students to select?

A. Students can discuss their own travel experiences and bring pictures from home to make a chart.

B. Students can search the Internet for clip art.

C. Students can create a video directly responding to issues raised by a reporter in a newspaper article and share their response on YouTube.

D. Students can select an illustration from a book they are readingand act it out in class./",2.34 wU

The Answer is C

While students implementing all of these project ideas may need to use visual materials to complement their message, students considering implementing (A), (B), and (D) would actually not be involved in selecting these for a specific audience, as is the case in (C). Moreover, none of these three options provide specific information to identify the audience, thus they will not be the best options. Competency 011

Knowledge of the two words used to create compound words can help students in the interpretation of the compound word. However, there are examples of compound words in which the meaning of the two components does not contribute to, and often interferes with, the interpretation of the new word. Identify the set of compound words that fall into this category.

A. Doghouse, autograph, and boathouse

B. Greenhouse, White House, and mouthwash C. Butterfly, nightmare, and brainstorm

D. Hotdog, birdhouse, and underground

The Answer is C

While students implementing all of these project ideas may need to use visual materials to complement their message, students considering implementing (A), (B), and (D) would actually not be involved in selecting these for a specific audience, as is the case in (C). Moreover, none of these three options provide specific information to identify the audience, thus they will not be the best options. Competency 011

One of the mainreasons for the strong Texas economy of the last 20 years is the number ofcorporations that have moved to Texas. Corporations moved to Texas to enjoy thestate's beneficial corporate tax structure and for the

A. Climate conditions of the state.

B. History and development of the state.

C. State's proximity to Mexico and Central America.

D. State's lack of a state personal income tax.

The Answer is D

The state of Texas does not have a state personal income tax. The personal and corporate tax structure, together with the technological development of the state, attracts corporations and investors to the state. The climate (A) and the history (B) play minimal roles in the decision of corporations to relocate in Texas. The proximity with Mexico and Central American (C) might play a role, but not as strong as the financial incentives offered in the state. Competency 022

Which type of writing focuses mainly on composition of information text that is primarily intended to inform the reader about a topic or subject while explaining and clarifying ideas?

A. Narrative writing

B. Expository writing

C. Descriptive writing

D. Persuasive writing

The Answer is B

Informative writing is also known as expository writing. The purpose of expository writing is to explain and clarify ideas. (A) focuses on text that is more "story-like" and is often told from a first-person or third-person perspective about an account or series of events. (C) is more often associated with narrative text, poetry, and advertising than informational text, per se. (D) primarily aims to convince the reader of something and provides arguments and counterarguments instead of mainly writing for the purpose of informing. Competency 010

Identify the instructional activity for viewing and representing for first-grade studentsthat also involves higher-order thinking.

A. Sketching an image of what a character might be thinking or feeling during a story

B. Developing a PowerPoint presentation with embedded clip art

C. Creating a video response to a story

D. Designing a newsletter related to a social studies unitαwP

The Answer is A

Sketching a character is developmentally appropriate for students in first grade for viewing and representing and involves creating a visual depiction of a character that can then be discussed. (B), (C), and (D) are more appropriate activities for students in grades 3–6. Competency 011

In a two-week period(including weekends and holidays), Max spent $71.47 on lunch. About how much money did Max spend on his daily lunch? A. $5.00

B. $4.50

C. $5.50

D. $4.75

The Answer is A

There are many ways to approach this problem. One way is to realize that there are 14 days in a two-week period. Then, take the amount of money Max spent on lunch ($71.47) and divide this by 14. However, this may result in a messy solution when all we need is an approximation. Instead, try to find a number that, when multiplied by 14, gets you pretty close to the total Max spent. In this case, if $5 is selected, this will approximate an expense of $70 over the two-week period. Competency 014

Select the answer thatcontains the correct sequence of Kodály rhythm syllables for this songline, Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star.

A. Ta Ta Ta Ta Ti ti Ta

B. Ta ti Ti ti Ta Ta Ti

C. Ti ti Ti ti Ti ti Ta

D. Ti ti Ta Ta Ta Ta Ti

The Answer is C

The question addresses the basic understanding of the Kodály rhythm syllables. The two syllables included in this example are ta, which would be notated as a quarter note on the staff, and ti, which would be notated as an eighth note on the staff. If a person were to keep the beat and sing the song Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, it should be apparent that the answer is C. (A) and (B) begin with the wrong note (ta), and (D) ends with the wrong note (ti). Competency 043

Which of the followingbest illustrates a teacher using multimedia as a model or "mentor text" for her students in a writing workshop to teach the concept of"presentation"?

A. Reading aloud from a chapter book and discussing rich imageryand style

B. Providing electronic storybooks on a CD-ROM as a listening center during guided reading

C. Bookmarking links to websites with video clips for students towatch during guided reading

D. Using a digital picture book to model and analyze visualcoherence or sense of unity in a text's layout

The Answer is A

The teacher is explicitly modeling the features of visual design that will assist students in their own creation and authoring of multi-media. (B), (C), and (D) are incorrect because they focus more on passive viewing rather than discussion and a focus on naming and analyzing specific features of media that makes a piece have a strong presentation. Competency 011

What is a good principle to consider when using formal and informal assessment data to inform literacy instruction in small groups in the classroom?

A. Grouping should be fairly static and unchanging as change is stressful to students. B. Grouping should be based on one assessment measure only.

C. Grouping based on assessment data should be flexible and consider individual differences in students.

D. Grouping should be based on last year's assessment data. or seűw[

The Answer is C

Unique differences in students suggest that one assessment measure is not sufficient for one test to be the basis for groups in literacy instruction. Moreover, multiple assessment measures should be used when considering grouping students by ability or skill levels. Based on this information, (A) and (B) are incorrect. (D) is incorrect because recent assessment data should be used to monitor progress of students and for grouping purposes. Competency 012

Mr. Lee models using writing conventions as he writes using an electronicprojection system. He says things like, “I use quotation marks here to indicatethat I am quoting someone directly. Here’s how I write the quotation marks andpunctuation surrounding the words someone actually says.” The main reason Mr.Lee talks out loud while writing is to:

A. Use prewriting strategies to achieve their purposes.

B. Demonstrate the use of conventional grammar, spelling,capitalization, and punctuation.

C. Address a topic or write to a prompt creatively and independently.

D. Organize writing to include a beginning, middle, and end.

The Answer is B

Mr. Lee is modeling conventional use of punctuation. By thinking aloud he is making his own knowledge about conventions explicit and thereby scaffolding the understanding of his students. The students know they will also be expected to use the same conventions in their own writing. (A), (C), and, (D) focus less on mechanical conventions and writing and focus more on the writing and composing process itself in terms of selecting ideas and organizing them into a coherent piece of writing. Competency 009

A teacher notices multiple bruising marks on a child. The teacher should:

A. Ask the child about their home life for more information.

B. Do nothing.

C. Talk with the parents about child abuse.

D. Report the evidence immediately.

The Answer is D

If a teacher notices abuse or neglect of a child, he/she should calmly and immediately report it to the proper authorities at the school (i.e., principal or assistant principal). Although (A) and (C) may appear to be natural for humanistic educators, it is not a good course of action for a variety of reasons. One, the teacher is not trained in the field(s) of counseling or psychology. Two, the teacher will not be as familiar or knowledgeable with the leadership policies and procedures regarding abuse as the principal. Three, the teacher no longer remains anonymous and/or protected by the school district in case of legal issues. (B) is not an option as the teacher has a legal responsibility to advocate for (act on behalf of) the child and to report the case to the appropriate authorities. Competency 044

Mr. Lawrence read a story to his kindergarten students in a very pleasant and natural tone of voice. Later, he uses a series of connected pictures representing events in the story. In addition to helping children understand the story, what other element is he teaching?

A. The teacher is introducing the sound-symbol correspondence of the story.

B. The teacher is filling the experiential gaps to be sure student scan understand the story. C. The teacher is introducing sequencing and the story structure.

D. The teacher is using developmentally appropriate practices since children at this stage cannot read on their own.

The Answer is C

The use of pictures to represent events in the story can be used to represent the sequencing of events in the story. It can also be used to introduce visually the parts of the story, i.e., characters, setting, plot, climax, and resolution. (A) is incorrect because the teacher is not connecting directly the pictures with the written text and the appropriate pronunciation. Teachers can fill the background knowledge of the students through visuals (B); however, this activity is usually done as a pre-reading activity. Since the visuals were used as a post-reading activity, we can believe that filling the gaps was not the primary purpose of the activity. The teacher is definitely using developmentally appropriate practices (D), but the real intent of the activity goes beyond that. Competency 007

What is currently the most economic activity in the Dallas/Fort Worth region?

A. Cotton and oil

B. Cattle and oil

C. Defense and technology

D. Technology and agriculture

The Answer is C

The most important economic activity of the metroplex (Dallas/Fort Worth) is technology and defense. The area holds about 43% of the state's high tech jobs. Lockheed-Martin in Fort Worth has numerous contracts with the Department of Defense. It provides services and products in aeronautics, electronic systems, information systems, global systems, and space systems. Competency 022

What was the most important economic implication of the discovery of oil in Texas in 1901?

A. It made the United States the leading producer of fossil fuel of the twentieth century.

B. It moved Texas from its rural and agricultural economy to petroleum and the industrial age.

C. It made Texas the No. 1 producer of textiles and cattle.

D. It made the United States the No. 1 economy in the world.

The Answer is C

The discovery of oil and the economic and technological development that followed moved Texas from a rural/agrarian society to a modern industrial state. During the twentieth century the production of oil in the United States has never been large enough to supply local and international demands (A). The discovery of oil has not had a direct impact in the production of textiles and cattle in Texas (B). The discovery of oil helped the development of the American economy, but it was not the only element that helped the nation in its economic development (D). Competency 022

Volcano eruptions cancause other natural physical events like earthquakes, avalanches, mudslides,and

A. Human death.

B. Tsunamis.

C. Hurricanes.

D. Tornadoes.

The Answer is B

Volcanoes, especially those underwater, can cause tsunamis or tidal waves. Volcanoes can indeed cause death (A); however, it is not an automatic occurrence. Volcanic eruptions happen continuously without human casualties. Moreover, early evacuation can prevent human casualties. The development of hurricanes (C) and tornados (D) are not linked to volcanic activity. Competency 038

Convergent research on linear versus curvilinear rhetorical patterns shows that Spanish-speaking English language learners and young children in general have a tendency to follow a curvilinear approach in writing. What strategies can teachers use to support these students?

A. Teach pronunciation and application of grammar structures.

B. Guide children to develop an outline for the story and provide them with guiding questions to keep them focused on the topic.

C. Provide a speaking checklist to help students stick to the topic.

D. Guide children to develop a checklist of the topics to be covered in the writing sample.

The Answer is B

Students who follow curvilinear rhetorical and writing patterns need to be provided with a structure to keep them focused on the topic and to write following a linear format. One of the best ways to accomplish this goal is to guide them to develop an outline prior to the actual writing (pre-writing). They can also benefit from guiding questions to keep them focused on the topic and the intended audience. (A) is incorrect because learning about grammar structures and pronunciation will not necessarily affect the organization and coherence of the composition. (C) can help in developing a coherent oral presentation, but it might not affect the development of writing. Developing a check list (D) of the topics to be covered will not guarantee that children will follow a linear progression in the writing. (B) is a better choice because it provides a strategy that, once learned, can be used in multiple future situations. Competency 006

The Civil RightsMovement sought equality for African Americans. Even after the Thirteenth,Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments were added to the Constitution, blackswere denied full civil rights. Discrimination existed throughout the nation. Jim Crow laws were enforced in the

A. South.

B. North.

C. East.

D. West

The Answer is A

Jim Crow laws enforced strict separation in the South. Segregation rules restricted blacks to separate facilities in public places such as theaters, restaurants, buses, restrooms, and schools. (B), (C), and (D) are incorrect because in other parts of the country this separation was not law. Competency 023

Texas has beenidentified as a regional economy. That is, each region has a dominant economicactivity. For example, timber is one of the most important economic activities in:

A. South Texas.

B. North Texas.

C. East Texas.

D. West Texas

The Answer is C

Timber is the most important activity in East Texas. Based on this explanation, all the other options are incorrect. Competency 022

Marcos is a five-year-old student in the process of first language acquisition. He often produces statements like: This lollipop is the bestest Mom. Based on this speech sample, this child is:

A. Applying language rules.

B. Experiencing language interference.

C. Applying the concepts from L1 to L2.

D. Imitating the speech sample of cartoons on television.

The Answer is A

When children over generalize like in the example—bestest—they are in reality applying grammar rules which indicate that they have passed the stage of mere repetition, and they are beginning to decipher the grammar of the language. This over generalization is typical of English native speakers acquiring a language, and does not show any kind of interference from a language. This statement eliminates (B) and (C). (D) is incorrect but it can be confusing because cartoons such as "Rugrats" often use this kind of over generalization to mimic the speech of children; however, the continuous over generalization typical of children cannot be attributed to cartoons on television. Competency 005

The Andes mountainrange and the Amazon River are two of the key physical features in

A. North America

B. Central America.

C. South America

D. Central and South America

The Answer is D

The Andes and the Amazon River are geographical barriers that separate the many ethnic groups in Central and South America. Competency 021

Inactivity can increase the risk factor of contracting which of the following diseases or conditions?

A. Heart disease

B. Anemia.

C. Sleep apnea.

D. Psoriasis.

The Answer is A

Sedentary lifestyle behavior is a primary risk factor for heart disease as well as other preventable diseases. (B), (C), and (D) are not directly caused by inactivity. Competency 044

Ms. Fuentes frequently leads students in choral reading to promotereading fluency. She also takes declarative statements from the story and asks students to change them to questions or exclamations. Students have fun generating these changes. What is the main purpose of the latter activity?

A. To emphasize listening and speaking skills B. To teach the intonation pattern of the language

C. To teach singing and music skills

D. To make the class more enjoyable

The Answer is B

When children change declarative sentences to questions or exclamations, they have to change the intonation pattern of the language. (A) is incorrect because sentence transformations are not designed to teach listening skills. (C) is incorrect because there is no connection between the linguistic transformation requested and teaching singing and music. Conducting sentence transformation can be an enjoyable activity; however, making the class more enjoyable is just a derivative of the process. Therefore, (D) is incorrect. Competency 006

When analyzing and interpreting assessment data from culturally andlinguistically diverse (CLD) students, what must assessors take into account?Discuss A. The main objective of assessment is to make students feel valuedand wanted in school. B. Students go through different stages of development, and thesestages should not affect the way that children are assessed. C. The students might express potential differently due tolinguistic and cultural influences. D. Students may have culture and language deficits which canpreclude them from effective participation in the testing process.Fragmen_w

The Answer is C

Culture shapes the way that children behave and perform in school. Linguistic limitations can also affect the ability of children to demonstrate capabilities and potential. The option of making students feel valued and wanted (A) is a noble cause, but it should not be the main concern when assessing CLD learners. (B) presents a true statement when it indicated that students go through different stages of development, but invalidated the answer by saying that these should not affect the way in which they are assessed. The term cultural deficit used in (D) invalidates the answer because CLD learners cannot be considered culturally deficient since they already bring with them their language and culture. Competency 012

The "E" in the acronym RICE, a treatmentprocess for sprains, representsDiscuss A. Exercise. B. Elevation. C. Evaluation. D. Expose.p claswH

The Answer is B

Elevation is a key component to the RICE treatment process for sprains. The other components are rest, ice, and compression. Elevating the sprained limb allows for better circulation of blood, which leads to less swelling and faster recovery. (A) is incorrect because one should not return to exercise until significant healing has been achieved; although bearing a tolerable amount of weight on the sprain has been shown to help quicken the healing process slightly. (C) is incorrect because evaluation is not a technical term used in the treatment of sprains. (D) is incorrect because the sprain should be bandaged properly to achieve compression and support the injured joint. Competency 044

Ms. Becerra uses astrategy with her sixth graders to help students monitor their owncomprehension as they read independently. She instructs students to stop andcheck if they understand the main ideas in the story before moving on to thenext section. This type of comprehension practice fosters which of thefollowing? A. Metacognition B. Fluency C. Decoding D. VocabularyfoαwP

The Answer is A

Metacognition encompasses being aware and self-regulating one's own thinking as comprehension takes place. Self-monitoring, or stopping to self-assess and check one's own understanding is most related to metacognition. (B), (C), and (D) focus on reading skills that are important to comprehension; however, they are not directly related to self-monitoring. Competency 007

The movement ofplanets around the Sun creates what is known as a calendar year. Based on thisinformation and the relative location of the planets in reference to the Sun,what is the planet with the shortest year? A. Jupiter B. Earth C. Venus D. Mercuryont-߱wA

The Answer is D

The year is calculated based on the time needed for the planet to go around the sun (revolution), and the distance from the Sun determines the length of the year. Since Mercury is the closes planet to the Sun, it takes shorter time to complete the revolution. Competency 041

Story retelling inventories are generally used to assess students'Discuss A. Comprehension, sentence structure knowledge, and vocabularydevelopment. B. Oral language development and writing skills. C. Listening skills, speaking, reading, and writing skills. D. Knowledge of literary pieces and the writing styles used inliterature.if";mw#!

The Answer is A

Story retelling inventory is generally organized as an informal checklist that teachers administer to check for comprehension and to assess language development. In addition to assessing the story line and the plot, the instrument checks for correct language usage, sentence structure, and vocabulary development. The instrument assesses oral language development but does not address the listening and writing components, thus (B) and (C) are incorrect. Technically, students will develop some knowledge of literary pieces and will be exposed to different writing styles (D), but the main purpose of the story retelling is not to address these issues. Competency 004

Volcanoes are formed with the motion of the tectonic plates. When theplates collapse, the motion creates cracks in the crust of the Earth, which eventuallycauses an eruption to release the excess heat, gases, and melted rocks andminerals from the center of the planet. The best indicator of the severity ofthe volcanic explosion isDiscuss A. The amount of magma inside the Earth. B. The amount of lava available within the tectonic plates. C. The amount of gas in the magma. D. The number of faults in the area.ocess.

The Answer is C

The amount of gas determines how violent the eruption can be. When the accumulation of gas reaches its peak, violent explosions can occur. The amount of magma inside the Earth (A) is a contributing factor, but not the primary factor. (B) is incorrect because technically, there is no lava inside the Earth. The term lava is used to describe when the magma reaches the surface and becomes solid creating volcanic rocks. The number of faults in the area (D) can contribute to eruptions, but it cannot explain why some eruptions are more violent than others. Competency 038

Steve is told that milk must remain at 50°F so it will not spoil and that a turkey must be cooked at 375°F for 2 hours. What is the difference in temperature of the milk and the turkey (while it is cooking)? A. 315°F B. 335°F C. 320°F D. 325°Fm:ޱw@

The Answer is D

In this problem we are not concerned with negative or positive results because we are only asked about the relative difference between the two temperatures. So, the difference between 375° and 50° is 325°. Competency 014

When plants take solar energy from the sun and transform it to usableenergy, we say that energy was transformed toDiscuss A. Chemical energy. B. Oxygen. C. Chlorophyll. D. Carbon dioxidewT

The Answer is A

Plants take energy from sunlight and convert it to produce chemical energy. Through the process of cellular respiration, this type of energy in converted into ATP—the type of fuel used by living things. As part of the process of photosynthesis, plants take carbon dioxide (B) from the environment and convert it into oxygen (D). Thus, these two elements are part of the process, not the final product. Plants contain a pigment called chlorophyll (C), which also plays a role but does not constitute the product of photosynthesis. Competency 037

In upper elementary grades, reading becomes more challenging andmeaningful for students because at this stageDiscuss A. Interests in reading fade as students find other activities theyprefer. B. Students are still developing skills in fluency and decoding. C. Children use reading to obtain information to be successful inthe content areas. D. Students have a harder time self-selecting books to read ontheir own.cww+)

The Answer is C

Students in fourth grade and up typically have a harder time when it comes to "reading to learn" as it requires having a basic understanding of the format used in expository writing. This is especially important as students need to learn the content areas to succeed academically. Losing interest in reading (A) and lacking fluency and decoding (B) are challenges that children face in upper elementary grades; however, these options individually do not represent the most important challenge experienced in upper elementary grades. Experiencing problems selecting books to read on their own (D) is not a real challenge for students in upper elementary grades. Competency 008

What is the scientific explanation of the popular saying "once in ablue moon"?Discuss A. An extra full moon period that occurs every two or three years. B. A stage of the moon that precedes a lunar eclipse. C. An idiomatic expression not directly linked to the stages of themoon. D. An idiomatic expression implying that people are blue or sad.span><}w!#

The Answer is A

A full moon occurs 12 months a year. Because the year contains about eleven extra days, these days accumulate, in such a way that every two or three years, we have an extra full moon a year. This extra full moon is called a blue moon. (B) is incorrect because a blue moon does not necessarily precede a lunar eclipse. (C) and (D) are incorrect because they do not provide a scientific explanation for the saying. In (C), the idiomatic expression makes reference to a strange rare event in general. (D) incorrectly links this expression to another idiomatic expression that links the color blue with sadness. Competency 041

This symbol represents the official declaration of patriotism in theUnited States.Discuss A. United States of America National Flag B. Liberty Bell C. Pledge of Allegiance D. Statue of Libertyamily:wT

The Answer is C

The Pledge of Allegiance is a declaration of patriotism. It was first published in 1892 in The Youth's Companion, and was believed to be written by the magazine's editor, Francis Bellamy. The original purpose was for the pledge to be used by school children in activities to celebrate the 400th anniversary of the discovery of America. The Pledge was widely used in morning school routines for many years and received official recognition by Congress on 1942. In 1954 the phrase "under God" was added and a law to indicate the proper behavior when reciting the pledge, which includes standing straight, removing hats or any other headgear, and placing the right hand over the heart. (A), (B), and (D) are incorrect because while they are all American patriotic national symbols, (C) is an actual declaration of patriotism. Therefore, (C) is a better answer. Competency 023

The state curriculum officially introduces children to the people andplaces of the contemporary world in Discuss A. Third grade. B. Fourth grade. C. Fifth grade. D. Sixth grade./html>wW

The Answer is D

The state curriculum officially introduces children to the people and places of the contemporary world in sixth grade. (A) is incorrect because in third grade the social studies curriculum covers how individuals change their communities and the world but does not include places of the contemporary world. (B) is incorrect because in fourth grade students become familiar with the history of Texas. (C) is incorrect because in fifth grade the curriculum centers on the history of the United States. Competency 019

Which civil rights group challenged the laws of segregation with theBrown v. Board of Education of Topeka Supreme Court case?Discuss A. The Civil Rights Organization B. The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People C. The Civil Rights Leadership Organization D. The Southern Christian Leadership Conference{w'%

The Answer is B

The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) challenged the laws of segregation with the Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka case. In 1954 the Supreme Court ruled that racial segregation in public schools was unconstitutional. (A) and (C) are incorrect because there were no civil rights associations by those names. (D) is also incorrect because while the Southern Christian Leadership Conference was an association led by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., it was not the group that challenged the Topeka Board of Education. Competency 020

By ages four and five, children are generally able to stack cups in apyramid, dribble a small ball, and tap their foot to a rhythm. They also begindressing themselves using buttons and zippers. These kinds of activities representan example ofDiscuss A. Gross motor skills. B. Required curriculum components in school. C. Fine motor skills. D. A transition point from early childhood to adulthood.

The Answer is C

Stacking cups, dribbling a small ball, and tapping their foot to the rhythm, as well as dressing themselves require children to master fine motor skills. Based on this explanation, (A) is incorrect because gross motor skills include the use of large muscle groups in the body to perform big movements like running. (B) is a plausible answer but it is too generic in nature and does not address the question. (D) also is incorrect because all of the skills outlined in the question should be achievable long before any transition into adulthood. Competency 045

Prior to taking classes of students outdoors, the physical educationteacher inspects the fields and contacts the buildings and grounds departmentto fill in holes. The teacher takes this action toDiscuss A. Help students feel safe while playing or jogging. B. Confirm that someone else is responsible for the upkeep of thefield. C. Minimize the risk of injury and liability presented by unfilledholes. D. Ensure continuous play without the interruption of dodgingholes.-Endmw13

The Answer is C

Injury prevention should always be at the forefront of any planned activity in a physical education setting. Therefore, the purpose of inspecting the playing field is to protect the students, minimize the risk of injury, and reduce the overall liability of the educator, class, and school. (A) assumes the teacher is helping the students feel better about participating when in affect the risk of injury still exists because nothing has been done to fix the holes. (B) is incorrect because the teacher is simply passing the responsibility of safety to other school staff when the responsibility is in fact their own. (D) is also incorrect because simply dodging holes is not part of a developmentally appropriate activity during outdoor play. Competency 045

What economic impactdid the emergence of railroad transportation have on the last decades of thenineteenth century? A. It expanded farmers' and ranchers' markets. B. It moved Texas from its rural economy to an industrial era. C. It connected the East and West. D. It made Texas the number one economy of the nation.nimize ױwI

The Answer is A

The expansion of the railroad system made transportation of cattle and agricultural products easier for Texas' farmers and ranchers. (B) is incorrect because the railroad facilitated the industrialization of the state but this development did not happen in the nineteenth century. Connecting the East and the West (C) is not necessarily a relevant economic development. (D) is a false statement; the economy of Texas in the latter part of the 19th century was still developing. Competency 022

What type of informal assessment instrument would best be used whenreporting information about how students work together in discussion groupsduring a book club?Discuss A. Running records B. Portfolios C. Summative evaluations D. Anecdotal recordsont-famw]

The Answer is D

Anecdotal records are notes a teacher takes while observing students as they work on tasks in the classroom. It provides insight into the processes and interactions the group is using during their discussion and work on activities. The teacher can also provide feedback to the students at a later time using the anecdotal record for reference. (A) is incorrect because running records are used mostly for assessing miscue analysis, reading accuracy, and fluency. (B) is incorrect because portfolios focus more on looking at student work products and/or self-assessments and reflections over time, while summative evaluation (C) is more for end-of-term evaluations on students. Competency 012

Solve the followingproblem. Express the answer as a mixed number. 1.6- 3/8 A. 49/40 B. 1.225 C. 1.23 D. 1 9/40ica","w

The Answer is D

This problem can be solved by converting the decimal to a fraction, or the fraction to a decimal and then subtracting. If the decimal is converted to a fraction, 1.6 becomes 1 6/10. In order to subtract, we should now get a common denominator. The lowest common denominator between 8 and 10 is 40. Therefore, the problem becomes 1 24/40-15/40=1 9/40. Competency 014

The state curriculumofficially introduces children to U.S. history in A. Second grade. B. Third grade. C. Fourth grade. D. Fifth grade.east-w

The Answer is D

The TEKS introduces the history of the United States in fifth grade. (A) is incorrect because in second grade the social studies curriculum covers local communities. (B) is incorrect because in third grade the curriculum centers on how individuals change their communities and the world. (C) is incorrect because in fourth grade students become familiar with the history of Texas. Competency 019

What will come next in the following sequence: !!0!!00!!000!!Discuss A. !00! B. 0!0! C. !!00 D. 0000ca","swA

The Answer is D

In the presented pattern we see two circles followed by one diamond. Then, there are two circles followed by two diamonds. Next, we see two circles, three diamonds, and then two circles again. We take note that every time circles appear they only appear in pairs. Therefore, we know the next set should not be a circle right away. If we look at the diamonds, we see that at first we had one diamond, then two, and finally three. They are increasing by 1 each time they appear. Therefore, we should expect to see four diamonds. Competency 015

Children can be guidedto develop a sense of citizenship beginning in A. Prekindergarten. B. Kindergarten. C. First grade. D. Second grade.Now

The Answer is A

Children as early as prekindergarten can be guided to develop civic responsibility. Teachers can promote this sense of responsibility by involving students in real-life situations in which they take civic responsibility. Citizenship is introduced in different ways in all grade levels, but there is no need to wait until the child gets to kindergarten to begin the process. Competency 019

An isosceles triangleis a polygon with two equal sides. What else does this imply? A. It is equilateral. B. Its angles sum to greater than 180°. C. It is also scalene. D. It has two equal angles.w

The Answer is D

In any triangle, the sum of the angles must equal 180°. If a triangle has two equal sides, the third side cannot be unique and must be a set length. The lines associated with the equal sides will intersect the third side at the same angle. Therefore, the only answer that can be determined true from the information is (D). Competency 016

A world region is anarea identified based on A. Topographical features. B. Cultural features, political boundaries, and natural resources. C. Political features. D. Sharing similar, unifying cultural or physical characteristics.۱wE

The Answer is D

A world region is an area of the world that shares similar, unifying cultural or physical characteristics, which are different from those of surrounding areas. (A) is incorrect because topographical characteristics like elevation, rivers, and mountains are part of the unifying elements of a world region but not the only ones. (B) and (C) present partial descriptions of a region, but failed to capture all the elements linked to the concept of a region. Competency 021

The Fourteenth Amendment declared that all persons born in the U.S. werecitizens and that all citizens were entitled to equal rights, and that theirrights were protected by due process. A group of people living in the U.S. wasnot included. Which group was excluded from the equal rights provisions?Discuss A. Blacks B. Women C. Children D. Native Americansnuourw.,

The Answer is D

The Fourteenth Amendment declared that all persons born in the U.S. were citizens, that all citizens were entitled to equal rights, and that their rights were protected by due process. The amendment, however, excludes Native Americans. (A) and (B) are incorrect because while blacks and women did not enjoy the benefits of full equal rights, such as voting rights, until later on, the amendment did not specifically exclude them. (C) is incorrect because the rights of children were not mentioned in the amendment. Competency 023

Geographers havedivided the world into ten regions: North America, Central and South America,Europe, Central Eurasia, the Middle East, North Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa,South Asia, East Asia, and Australasia. These divisions are based on A. Location and the presence of body of waters. B. Language. C. Climate. D. Physical and cultural similarities.

The Answer is D

These divisions are based on physical and cultural similarities. (A), (B), and (C) are partial answers, but individually they do not constitute an appropriate answer. Competency 021

Which of the followingbest describes a lesson plan for elementary physical education students whoneed additional development and practice with a locomotor skill? A. Introduction to traveling pathways such as straight, curved, orzigzag B. Activities such as aerobics and circuit training C. Refining flexibility, strength, and muscular endurance D. Spotting during gymnastics and using nonskid footwear'color:±w\

The Answer is A

Locomotor skills are general movement skills done through space (i.e., skipping, running, jumping, etc.). To increase the challenge when practicing these skills, a physical education teacher would instruct learners to perform them via different directions, levels, and pathways. (B), (C), and (D) have nothing to do with performing locomotor movements. Competency 045

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. founded the Southern Christian LeadershipConference (SCLC) with other African-American leaders. His famous IHave a Dream speech took place during the march in Washington insupport of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. This speechDiscuss A. Motivated a riot. B. Prompted the creation of the Montgomery Improvement Association. C. Resulted in the lost of supporters. D. Gained more supporters for the cause.ragmiw57

The Answer is D

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s famous I Have a Dream speech took place during the march in Washington in support of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The eloquent speech and orderly demonstration gained more supporters for the cause. He was assassinated in 1968 in Memphis, Tennessee, but his work resulted in the official Civil Right Act in 1964. (A) is incorrect because the speech did not prompt a riot. (B) is incorrect because the Montgomery Improvement Association was formed after Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on a bus in 1955. (C) is incorrect because the speech did not result in a loss of supporters. Competency 020

In compliance withNCLB legislation, Texas adopted an instrument to assess the English achievementof ELLs—the Texas Observation Protocol (TOP). The TOP assesses the listening,speaking, reading, and writing components of English. In addition to thewriting samples required, this instrument uses __________ to assess thelinguistic performance of children in English. A. A rating scale containing three options (agree, disagree,uncertain) B. A multiple-choice test with four choices (A, B, C, and D) C. A series of open-ended questions to guide the teacher in thecollection of data D. A checklist identifying specific literacy componentsont-f,wpr

The Answer is D

The TOP contains a checklist of specific skills for teachers to document when these behaviors occur during observation. (A) and (B) are incorrect because the TOP does not contain rating scales or multiple-choice questions. (C) is incorrect because the TOP is a checklist identifying the specific linguistic features for observation. Competency 012

Which of the followingwould be the best set of units to use when measuring a football field? A. Centimeters B. Inches C. Meters D. Miles1.5pw

The Answer is C

While all of these units will accurately express the length of the football field, centimeters and inches would not be a convenient scale to use, as the resolution of the measurement would be too great resulting in an extremely large number (or a long time to measure). Miles are another inconvenient method to measure a football field, as a mile is much larger than a single football field. Competency 016

A second-grade student began writing a composition about his friend inthe following way: (1) George is my friend. (2) Mary is my best friend. (3)Rachel are my friends too. What type of support does this child need to write amore cohesive and standard writing sample?Discuss A. Spelling and agreement instruction B. Use of active and passive voices C. Agreement and sentence connectors D. Use of appropriate capitalization and punctuationkw75

The Answer is C

The three sentences can be combined with appropriate connectors to avoid repetitions. In this particular case, the conjunctions can be used to create compound sentences. Sentence 3 shows faulty agreement, which suggests that the child can also benefit from this kind of instructional support. (A) and (B) are incorrect because the writing sample does not show problems with spelling or the use of active and passive voices. (D) is incorrect because the writing sample does not show problems with capitalization and punctuation. Competency 009

The system mostaffected by aerobic activity is the A. Muscular system. B. Digestive system. C. Cardiovascular system. D. Skeletal system.;maw

The Answer is C

Although (A) and (D) are largely necessary for aerobic kinds of activity, it is the cardiovascular system that works the hardest to support and sustain the energy and oxygen necessary for continuous activity (via blood circulation). (B) is not directly relevant to aerobic activity. Competency 044

President John F. Kennedy proposed new civil rights laws as well asprograms to help the millions of Americans living in poverty. After Kennedy’sassassination in Dallas in 1963, President Lyndon B. Johnson urged Congress topass the laws. As a result of the leadership of these two men, which piece oflegislation was passed?Discuss A. The Civil Rights Act B. The Equal Education Act C. The Fair Employment Act D. The Desegregation Actkw75

The Answer is A

The Civil Rights Act passed in 1964 prohibited segregation in all public facilities and discrimination in education and employment. President John F. Kennedy proposed new civil rights laws as well as programs to help the millions of Americans living in poverty. After his assassination in Dallas in 1963, President Lyndon B. Johnson urged Congress to pass the Civil Rights Act in honor of Kennedy, persuading the majority of Democrats and some Republicans. (B), (C), and (D) are incorrect because these were important aspects of the Act but not the name of the Act. Competency 020

What are minimal pairs used to teach and assess?Discuss A. Morphology B. Phonology C. Syntax D. Lexiconl>

The Answer is B

In minimal pairs, students are required to identify whether two sets of words are different or the same based on the phoneme sequence contained in each word. For example, the words vine and fine are different because they differ in at least one phoneme, i.e., the /v/ and /f/. (A) is incorrect because morphology is not taken into account when comparing the two words. (C) is incorrect because there is no connection between minimal pairs and syntax. (D) is incorrect because lexicon deals with vocabulary development, and minimal pairs attempt to test whether children can understand how phonemes change the meaning of the words. Competency 012

The ice cap of theNorth Pole is melting at an alarming rate. The melting of the ice cap is anexample of a A. Chemical change. B. Physical change. C. Chemical reaction. D. Natural yearly process.w

The Answer is B

The melting of the ice caps represents a physical change. It changes from solid to liquid, and it can revert to solid again. There are no chemical changes (A) or chemical reactions (C) when the ice turns into liquid, because the chemical composition of the liquid (water) remains unchanged. Ice melting occurs every summer, but the rate of melting of the last decade has surpassed previous years; thus, we cannot say that it is a natural yearly process (D). Competency 031

How many faces does acube have? A. 7 B. 6 C. 5 D. 4-w

The Answer is B

Remembering that a face is a plain region of a geometric body, one can determine that since there are six sides to a cube that there are also six faces. Competency 016

Warm- and cold-bloodedanimals need heat to survive; however, only warm-blooded animals produce heat.Cold-blooded animals obtain heat from A. The food that they eat. B. The sun. C. The moon. D. The water that they drink.st:l0 l۱wE

The Answer is B

Cold-blooded animals, like snakes and turtles, get their heat from solar energy. Competency 036

What is the formulafor the relationship between the number of faces, vertices, and edges of acube? A. F + E = V + 2 B. E + V = F + 2 C. F + V = E – 2 D. F + V = E + 2anw

The Answer is D

Recall that the Face (F) of a cube is a plain region of a geometric body, the Edge (E) is a line segment where two faces of a three-dimensional figure meet, and a Vertex (V) is the union of two segments or the point of intersection of two sides of a polygon. Knowing this we can see that for a cube there are 6 faces, 8 vertices, and 12 edges. Substituting these numbers into the appropriate spot in each formula allows us to determine (D) as the only correct answer. Competency 016

While teaching a basketball unit to an elementary school class, the bestway to develop skills would be toDiscuss A. Give a written test to assess students' knowledge of strategy. B. Use smaller balls and lower the baskets. C. Teach the foul shot before the jump shot. D. Play full court, five-on-five games.t-f{w'%

The Answer is B

Developmentally speaking, children in elementary school do not have the strength or the ability to play with official basketball equipment (i.e., basketballs and baskets). Therefore, the only way to instruct a basketball lesson would be to modify the types of balls used (i.e., lighter and smaller) and lower the baskets so the students can be successful with the game. (A) does not apply because few children at that level understand the strategy of the game. (C) is partly correct in that you would teach the foul shot before the jump shot for developmental progression reasons, although not enough information is given that the shots have been modified for elementary students. (D) is incorrect for the same reasons as above. Competency 045

The principles of artdescribe A. The guidelines that artists follow to create art and to delivertheir intended message. B. The individual components that combine to create artwork. C. The ideas, emotions, and experiences that can be communicatedthrough art. D. The sequence of artistic concepts that are presented in gradeskindergarten through 6.gin-˱wU

The Answer is A

Artists use the principles of art to create and communicate through their artwork. (B) is incorrect because it describes the elements of art, as opposed to the principles of art. (C) is incorrect because subjects are communicated through art. (D) is incorrect because there are several different artistic concepts presented in the standards for kindergarten through grade 6. Competency 042

What is one of the key advantages of using integrated thematicinstruction?Discuss A. The four literacy skills—listening, speaking, reading, andwriting—are introduced sequentially B. It is used to introduce and practice basic computation skills C. It eliminates the artificial boundaries created throughtraditional course scheduling. D. It allows for the teaching of the content areas using theinductive method.

The Answer is C

Integrated thematic units are organized around a common theme. Thus, the lesson can contain basic mathematics objectives in conjunction with science and social studies concepts. (A) is incorrect because thematic instruction does not require the introduction of literacy skills in a sequential fashion. (B) is too limited in scope; it addresses only one of the possible topics that can be covered in thematic instruction. (D) is also too limited in scope, because thematic instruction can be delivered in both ways—inductively (from the specific to the general) or deductively (general to specific). Competency 013