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30 Cards in this Set

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Analogue FA
Setup conditions to mimic real-life situations
Analogue FA conditions
Control, attention, escape from task, alone, tangible
Characteristic of ABA. Scientifically based experimental designs are used to assess the effectiveness of interventions under study.
Antecedent Manipulation
Adding or removing antecedents that evoke behaviors. Include MO, SD, response effort
Antecedent Manipulations (5)
1. Antecedent control procedure
2. Establishing Operation
3. Present SDs for appropriate behavior
4. Remove SDs for inappropriate behavior
5. Increase response effort for inappropriate behavior
Applied Behavior Analysis vs Experimental Analysis of Behavior
Both use systematic manipulations and data analysis of individual organisms.
ABA: Behaviors of social significance to the person are investigated
EAB: Behaviors of no social significance of the person are investigated
Automatic reinforcement
A reinforcer that is produced by the behavior without the participation of other people. For example, echolalia produces sounds that may maintain the behavior. It can be
Characteristic of ABA. Behavior is the focus, not a hypothetical entity.
Behavioral Assessment
Assessment that examines the person's entire life in order to identify possible causes of the behavior in question. You may use descriptive assessment methods or functional
Behavioral assessment: 2 general kinds
1. Functional analysis
2. Descriptive assessment
Behavioral assessment: goal
Identify the function of behavior
Behavioral Technologies
Collection of procedures that have arisen from research and are applied to practical problems by practitioners. Ex: behavioral momentum is now implemented by many service providers in clinics, schools, and homes
Philosophy of behavior that assumes behavior is a function of current and past environments as well as genetics.
Characteristics of ABA
1. Effective
2. Technological
3. Conceptually Systematic
4. Generality
5. Analytic
6. Applied
7. Behavioral
Assumption of Science. Behavior is caused by some event.
Discrepancy analysis
Compare data with those of norm group to determine changeworthiness of current behavior
Divided attention
When attention is diverted to another person, and not just withheld
Characteristic of ABA. Attempt to produce large enough effect that has an impact on the person's life.
Assumption of Science. Information is collected by objective observations
Explanatory Fiction/Circular Reasoning
Explaining behavior by using entity that lies within the behavior itself. (Eric is aggressive because he has an aggressive trait. Evidence of aggressive trait is his aggressive behavior)
Functional Analysis
Manipulation of environmental conditions to determine a functional relation between problem behavior and independent variables. Goal is to confirm hypothesis
Functional analysis best practice: how many controls to use
Use one control for each test (pair wise)
Functional analysis best practice: natural vs contrived environments
Functional analysis best practice: role of supplemental information
To develop an hypothesis
Functional analysis best practice: what to do with tangible condition
If descriptive assessment does not indicate behavior occurs to produce tangibles, then don't include in test conditions.
Functional analysis models
AB and ABC
Functional analysis on high intensity behavior
1. Look at the latency to the first response in the condition. Then end the condition.
2. Or, just study precursors.
Functional analysis review: most common function
1. Escape from task
2. Attention
Functional analysis review: most common population studied
Kids with disabilities
Functional analysis review: most common setting
Inpatient settings