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20 Cards in this Set

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State the 3 objectives of first aid.
Save life, prevent further injury, and prevent infection.
State the methods of controlling bleeding.
Direct pressure, elevation, pressure points and tourniquet (as a last resort)
Identify an example of a pressure point.
Jaw, temple, collar bone, neck, inner upper arm, inner elbow, wrist, upper thigh, groin, knee, ankle
Describe the symptoms of shock.
Shock is a disruption of the circulatory system. Vacant lackluster eyes, shallow breathing, cold pale skin, nausea and weak or absent pulse.
Describe the treatment for shock.
Lay victim down, elevate feet 6-12 inches, cover body to maintain heat, and calm victim if conscious.
Describe the 3 classifications of burns.
1st-mildest, redness, increased warmth, tenderness, mild pain. 2nd red blistered skin, severe pain. 3rd-destroyed tissues, pain absent due to lack of nerve endings.
State the symptoms of heat exhaustion.
Serious distubance of blood flow to brain. Skin is cool moist clammy, pupils dilated, norm or subnorm body temp, profuse sweating.
Describe the treatment of heat exhaustion.
Move to cool area, loosen clothes, apply wet cool cloths, fan, do not chill, if conscious give 1 tsp salt in water. GET MED ATTN.
State the symptoms of heat stroke.
Breakdown of sweating mechanism. Hot dry skin, uneven pupil dilation, weak rapid pulse.
Describe the treatment of heat stroke.
Reduce heat, douse w/ water, apply wet cloths, move to cool area, maintain open airway, lay on back w/ shoulders elevated. GET MED ATTN
State the difference between an "open" and "closed" fracture.
Closed/simple: fracture in entirely internal, no break in skin. Open/compound fracture: open wound in skin.
Discuss personnel resuce as applied to electric shock.
Use Caution. Do not touch victim. Shut off flow of current. Use non-conductive material to remove source.
Discuss treatment of personnel as applied to electric shock.
Artificial ventilation if neccessary. Check for pulse/start CPR. GET MED ATTN.
Describe Methods of clearing an obstructed airway.
Wrap arms around victim from behind, grasp wrist/thumb side of fist against abs above navel below ribs. Give 4 thrusts (AHA) 5(ARC).
Describe Hypothermia.
Cooling of whole body due to exposure to low or rapidly falling temp, cold moisture, snow or ice.
State the symptoms of Hypothermia.
Pale and unconcious, breathing slow and shallow, faint pulse/undetectable, body tissues fell semi-rigid.
Describe the treatment of hypothermia.
Bring body temp up to normal. Wrap in warm blankets in warm area. GET MED ATTN.
Describe Superficial frostbite.
Ice crystals forming in the upper layers of the skin.
Describe Deep Frostbite.
Ice crystals forming in the deeper tissues.
Describe treatment of Deep Frostbite.
Get victim indoors, rewarm areas with warm surface contact. Never rub. GET MED ATTN.