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280 Cards in this Set

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Verb Stem - > cantar

to Sing

yo canto

I Sing

tú cantas

you Sing

él/ella/Ud. canta

he/she/you (formal) Sings

nosotros cantamos

we Sing

vosotros cantáis

you (plural) Sing

ellos/ellas/Uds. cantan

they (m)/they (f)/you (plural) Sing

Verb Stem - > bailar

to dance

yo bailo

I dance

tú bailas

you dance

él/ella/Ud. baila

he/she/you (formal) dances

nosotros bialamos

we dance

vosotros bailáis

you (plural) dance

ellos/ellas/Uds. bailan

they (m)/they (f)/you (plural) dance

Verb Stem - > bajar

to go down OR to descend

yo bajo

I go down OR descend

tú bajas

you go down OR descend

él/ella/Ud. baja

he/she/you (formal) goes down OR descends

nosotros bajamos

we go down OR descend

vosotros bajáis

you (plural) go down OR descend

ellos/ellas/Uds. bajan

they (m)/they (f)/you (plural) go down OR descend

Verb Stem - > caminar

to walk

yo camino

I walk

tú caminas

you walk

él/ella/Ud. camina

he/she/you (formal) walks

nosotros caminamos

we walk

vosotros camináis

you (plural) walk

ellos/ellas/Uds. caminan

they (m)/they (f)/you (plural) walk

Verb Stem - > cocinar

to cook

yo cocino

I cook

tú cocinas

you cook

él/ella/Ud. cocina

he/she/you (formal) cooks

nosotros cocinamos

we cook

vosotros cocináis

you (plural) cook

ellos/ellas/Uds. cocinan

they (m)/they (f)/you (plural) cook

Verb Stem - > comprar

to buy

yo compro

I buy

tú compras

you buy

él/ella/Ud. compra

he/she/you (formal) buys

nosotros compramos

we buy

vosotros compráis

you (plural) buy

ellos/ellas/Uds. compran

they (m)/they (f)/you (plural) buy

Verb Stem - > comprar

to answer

yo contesto

I answer

tú contestas

you answer

él/ella/Ud. contesta

he/she/you (formal) answers

nosotros contestamos

we answer

vosotros contestáis

you (plural) answer

ellos/ellas/Uds. contestan

they (m)/they (f)/you (plural) answer

Verb Stem - > descansar

to rest

yo descanso

I rest

tú descansas

you rest

él/ella/Ud. descansa

he/she/you (formal) rests

nosotros descansamos

we rest

vosotros descansáis

you (plural) rest

ellos/ellas/Uds. descansan

they (m)/they (f)/you (plural) rest

Verb Stem - > entrar (en)

to enter (in)

yo entro

I enter (in)

tú entras

you enter (in)

él/ella/Ud. entra

he/she/you (formal) enters (in)

nosotros entramos

we enter (in)

vosotros entráis

you (plural) enter (in)

ellos/ellas/Uds. entran

they (m)/they (f)/you (plural) enter (in)

Verb Stem - > escuchar

to listen to

yo escucho

I listen to

tú escuchas

you listen to

él/ella/Ud. escucha

he/she/you (formal) listens to

nosotros escuchamos

we listen to

vosotros escucháis

you (plural) listen to

ellos/ellas/Uds. escuchan

they (m)/they (f)/you (plural) listen to

Verb Stem - > estudiar

to study

yo estudio

I study

tú estudias

you study

él/ella/Ud. estudia

he/she/you (formal) studies

nosotros estudiamos

we study

vosotros estudiáis

you (plural) study

ellos/ellas/Uds. estudian

they (m)/they (f)/you (plural) study

Verb Stem - > hablar

to speak

yo hablo

I speak

tú hablas

you speak

él/ella/Ud. habla

he/she/you (formal) speaks

nosotros hablamos

we speak

vosotros habláis

you (plural) speak

ellos/ellas/Uds. hablan

they (m)/they (f)/you (plural) speak

Verb Stem - > limpiar

to clean

yo limpio

I clean

tú limpias

you clean

él/ella/Ud. limpia

he/she/you (formal) cleans

nosotros limpiamos

we clean

vosotros limpiáis

you (plural) clean

ellos/ellas/Uds. limpian

they (m)/they (f)/you (plural) clean

Verb Stem - > llegar

to arrive

yo llego

I arrive

tú llegas

you arrive

él/ella/Ud. llega

he/she/you (formal) arrives

nosotros llegamos

we arrive

vosotros llegáis

you (plural) arrive

ellos/ellas/Uds. llegan

they (m)/they (f)/you (plural) arrive

Verb Stem - > mirar

to look at

yo miro

I look at

tú miras

you look at

él/ella/Ud. mira

he/she/you (formal) looks at

nosotros miramos

we look at

vosotros miráis

you (plural) look at

ellos/ellas/Uds. miran

they (m)/they (f)/you (plural) look at

Verb Stem - > nadar

to swim

yo nado

I swim

tú nadas

you swim

él/ella/Ud. nada

he/she/you (formal) swims

nosotros nadamos

we swim

vosotros nadáis

you (plural) swim

ellos/ellas/Uds. nadan

they (m)/they (f)/you (plural) swim

Verb Stem - > practicar

to practice

yo practico

I practice

tú practicas

you practice

él/ella/Ud. practica

he/she/you (formal) practices

nosotros practicamos

we practice

vosotros practicáis

you (plural) practice

ellos/ellas/Uds. practican

they (m)/they (f)/you (plural) practice

Verb Stem - > regresar

to return

yo regreso

I return

tú regresas

you return

él/ella/Ud. regresa

he/she/you (formal) returns

nosotros regresamos

we return

vosotros regresáis

you (plural) return

ellos/ellas/Uds. regresan

they (m)/they (f)/you (plural) return

Verb Stem - > trabajar

to work

yo trabajo

I work

tú trabajas

you work

él/ella/Ud. trabaja

he/she/you (formal) works

nosotros trabajamos

we work

vosotros trabajáis

you (plural) work

ellos/ellas/Uds. trabajan

they (m)/they (f)/you (plural) work

Verb Stem - > viajar

to travel

yo viajo

I travel

tú viajas

you travel

él/ella/Ud. viaja

he/she/you (formal) travels

nosotros viajamos

we travel

vosotros viajáis

you (plural) travel

ellos/ellas/Uds. viajan

they (m)/they (f)/you (plural) travel

Verb Stem - > comer

to eat

yo como

I eat

tú comes

you eat

él/ella/Ud. come

he/she/you (formal) eats

nosotros comemos

we eat

vosotros coméis

you (plural) eat

ellos/ellas/Uds. comen

they (m)/they (f)/you (plural) eat

Verb Stem - > aprender

to learn

yo aprendo

I learn

tú aprendes

you learn

él/ella/Ud. aprende

he/she/you (formal) learns

nosotros aprendemos

we learn

vosotros aprendéis

you (plural) learn

ellos/ellas/Uds. aprenden

they (m)/they (f)/you (plural) learn

Verb Stem - > beber

to drink

yo bebo

I drink

tú bebes

you drink

él/ella/Ud. bebe

he/she/you (formal) drinks

nosotros bebemos

we drink

vosotros bebéis

you (plural) drink

ellos/ellas/Uds. beben

they (m)/they (f)/you (plural) drink

Verb Stem - > comprender

to understand

yo comprendo

I understand

tú comprendes

you understand

él/ella/Ud. comprende

he/she/you (formal) understands

nosotros comprendemos

we understand

vosotros comprendéis

you (plural) understand

ellos/ellas/Uds. comprenden

they (m)/they (f)/you (plural) understand

Verb Stem - > correr

to run

yo corro

I run

tú corres

you run

él/ella/Ud. corre

he/she/you (formal) runs

nosotros corremos

we run

vosotros corréis

you (plural) run

ellos/ellas/Uds. corren

they (m)/they (f)/you (plural) run

Verb Stem - > leer

to read

yo leo

I read

tú lees

you read

él/ella/Ud. lee

he/she/you (formal) reads

nosotros leemos

we read

vosotros leéis

you (plural) read

ellos/ellas/Uds. leen

they (m)/they (f)/you (plural) read

Verb Stem - > meter

to put in

yo meto

I put in

tú metes

you put in

él/ella/Ud. mete

he/she/you (formal) puts in

nosotros metemos

we put in

vosotros metéis

you (plural) put in

ellos/ellas/Uds. meten

they (m)/they (f)/you (plural) put in

Verb Stem - > prender

to turn on

yo prendo

I turn on

tú prendes

you turn on

él/ella/Ud. prende

he/she/you (formal) turns on

nosotros prendemos

we turn on

vosotros prendéis

you (plural) turn on

ellos/ellas/Uds. prenden

they (m)/they (f)/you (plural) turn on

Verb Stem - > romper

to break

yo rompo

I break

tú rompes

you break

él/ella/Ud. rompe

he/she/you (formal) breaks

nosotros rompemos

we break

vosotros rompéis

you (plural) break

ellos/ellas/Uds. rompen

they (m)/they (f)/you (plural) break

Verb Stem - > vender

to sell

yo vendo

I sell

tú vendes

you sell

él/ella/Ud. vende

he/she/you (formal) sells

nosotros vendemos

we sell

vosotros vendéis

you (plural) sell

ellos/ellas/Uds. venden

they (m)/they (f)/you (plural) sell

Verb Stem - > vivir

to live

yo vivo

I live

tú vives

you live

él/ella/Ud. vive

he/she/you (formal) lives

nosotros vivimos

we live

vosotros vivís

you (plural) live

ellos/ellas/Uds. viven

they (m)/they (f)/you (plural) live

Verb Stem - > abrir

to open

yo abro

I open

tú abres

you open

él/ella/Ud. abre

he/she/you (formal) opens

nosotros abrimos

we open

vosotros abrís

you (plural) open

ellos/ellas/Uds. abren

they (m)/they (f)/you (plural) open

Verb Stem - > compartir

to share

yo comparto

I share

tú compartes

you share

él/ella/Ud. comparte

he/she/you (formal) shares

nosotros compartimos

we share

vosotros compartís

you (plural) share

ellos/ellas/Uds. comparten

they (m)/they (f)/you (plural) share

Verb Stem - > decidir

to decide

yo decido

I decide

tú decides

you decide

él/ella/Ud. decide

he/she/you (formal) decides

nosotros decidimos

we decide

vosotros decidís

you (plural) decide

ellos/ellas/Uds. deciden

they (m)/they (f)/you (plural) decide

Verb Stem - > describir

to describe

yo describo

I describe

tú describes

you describe

él/ella/Ud. describe

he/she/you (formal) describes

nosotros describimos

we describe

vosotros describís

you (plural) describe

ellos/ellas/Uds. describen

they (m)/they (f)/you (plural) describe

Verb Stem - > discutir

to discuss

yo discuto

I discuss

tú discutes

you discuss

él/ella/Ud. discute

he/she/you (formal) discusses

nosotros discutimos

we discuss

vosotros discutís

you (plural) discuss

ellos/ellas/Uds. discuten

they (m)/they (f)/you (plural) discuss

Verb Stem - > escribir

to write

yo escribo

I write

tú escribes

you write

él/ella/Ud. escribe

he/she/you (formal) writes

nosotros escribimos

we write

vosotros escribís

you (plural) write

ellos/ellas/Uds. escriben

they (m)/they (f)/you (plural) write

Verb Stem - > recibir

to receive

yo recibo

I receive

tú recibes

you receive

él/ella/Ud. recibe

he/she/you (formal) receives

nosotros recibimos

we receive

vosotros recibís

you (plural) receive

ellos/ellas/Uds. reciben

they (m)/they (f)/you (plural) receive

Verb Stem - > subir

to go up OR to ascend

yo subo

I go up OR ascend

tú subes

you go up OR ascend

él/ella/Ud. sube

he/she/you (formal) goes up OR ascends

nosotros subimos

we go up OR ascend

vosotros subís

you (plural) go up OR ascend

ellos/ellas/Uds. suben

they (m)/they (f)/you (plural) go up OR ascend

Verb Stem - > sufrir

to suffer

yo sufro

I suffer

tú sufres

you suffer

él/ella/Ud. sufre

he/she/you (formal) suffers

nosotros sufrimos

we suffer

vosotros sufrís

you (plural) suffer

ellos/ellas/Uds. sufren

they (m)/they (f)/you (plural) suffer