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101 Cards in this Set

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oceans of the world
largest to smallest: paciffic, atlantic, indian, artic
ocean as a basin
highest to lowest: continental shelf, continental slope, continental rise, basin
ocean floor topography
highly variable with ridges, trenches, seamounts, etc.
ocean as briny water
around 97% of ocean water is sodium, the rest is dissolved salts (sodium, chloride, sulfate, etc.)
grams of salt per grams of ocean water 0.035, 3.5%, 35 0/00
importance of salinity
plays a role in ocean currents and cilmate change
ocean water properties
distinct vertical structure with sharp variations below the surface

properties of surface waters very different from deep waters

cline: region between surface water and deep water

surface waters: less than 1 km deep -- warmer, saltier, less dense than deep waters
ocean temp. behavior
deep water is similar temp. at all latitudes

warmest water near the equator

near poles deep water temps. extend towards the surface

north south asymmetry
ocean salinity behavior
tropics are saltiest

near equator and tropics surface water is saltier

atlantic is saltier than paciffic -- not effect on mediterranean

southern most pacific and northern most atlantic have similar salinities
causes of variation in salinity
enhanced by evaporation of ocean waters and glacier and ice formation

reduced my greater amts. of fresh water -- precipitation and river runoff

surface salinity higher near tropics due to higher evaporation -- lower at high lattitudes due to less evaporiation

net flow of water from tropics to mid-latitudes -- this leaves salt behind
ocean circulation
movement requires force -- uneven heating and pressure gradient force: sun heats earth surface, air the comes in contact gets hot and less dense, less dense air rises, this creates low pressure, surrounding air converges

BUT.. ocean is heated on the top, not bottom. makes surface water less dense than lower water -- result is stable stratification

atmospheric winds give rise to horizontal surface circulation

variations in salinity cause vertical exchange between surface waters and deep waters
tsunami vs. mega- tsunami
occurs when underwater earthquake causes an upthrust max. wave height 30 m

mega: caused by landslides -- max height 500 m to 1 km
two components of ocean circulation
1. wind-driven circulation: surface layer

2. thermohaline circulation: circulation of deep ocean and exchange of waters between surface and deep ocean
surface circulation
arises from atmospheric winds pushing on surface waters

modified by corioliss effect and cont. boundaries

caused by large scale gyres -- circular courses of motion

complicated due to friction and rotation
directions of gyres
clockwise in northern hemisphere
counterclockwise is southern hemisphere
tub toys in pacific subartic gyre
cargo of kids bath toys fell over in the north pacific

toys were tracked 4,000 km to SE alaska

features of this: western and eastern boundary currents
-- western current localized and intense, eastern more disperse

stimulation of rising waters from deep ocean along eastern bounds of gyres
regions of upwelling
1. on eastern bounds of gyres
2. along coasts where winds push waters away from the shore -- coastal upwelling
thermohaline circulation
downwelling and the deep ocean

upwelling waters must be replaced with downwelling waters from the surface

this means that there mustbe a deep ocean circulation to connect regions of upwelling and downwelling

driven by density differences caused by salinity and temp.
ocean water density
enhanced by lower temps. and higher salinity

glass of water and salt experiment
T-S diagram
qaunt. relationship between density, temp. and salinity

even if surface water is warmer than deep water, it can be denser and start to sink if evap. or freezing increases salinity
the way circulation occurs today
evaporation of water as it moves north on gulf stream causes sinking towards greenland
north atlantic deep water (NADW)
formed by sinking surface water near greenland that flows south causing conveyer belt circulation
ocean conveyer belt circulation
water is exchanged from all oceans at all depths

currently warm water flows north along atlantic east coast to iceland

warm water exchanges heat with cooler air, becoming cooler and saltier -- this causes water to become denser and sink flowing south along floor of atlantic

continues to flow on floor around floor of africa and upwells in the north pacific

surface water in N. pacific makes room for upwelled water by moving south passing asia and australia and catching beginning of gulf stream in central america across atlantic
climate and earth's energy budget
result of ocean circ. = flow of heat from tropics to high latitudes

ice core data suggests that ocean can switch from mode to another in just a decade -- shifts in and out of ice ages
ice age intensities
mild ice age: circ. only sinks south of iceland -- no sinking north of iceland; reduces amt. of water circulated in conveyor belt; causes cooling in northern latitudes

coldest ice-age mode: surface water does not sink in atlantic and little or none is circulated in conveyor
influx of fresh water in north atlantic
when conveyer is in a stable warm state, amt. of freshwater inflow to atlantic can change without causing any severe changes in conveyor

ocean circ. is strong and large amts. and heat is transferred north, warming europe

as freshwater flow increases, there isn't much change until a certain threshold had been crossed causing circulation to decreases and cooling europe by 2-5 deg. C

large drop in freshwater inflow is needed for normal state to return

evidence: last major glaciation, younger dryas
younger dryas southern cooling
about 13,000 yrs. ago going from ice age to present intergalcial period

about 10,000 yrs. ago climate randomly changed ad in a decade the climate switched to ice-age randomly for 1000 yrs.

cold temps. in north hemisphere accompaned by warm temps. in south hemisphere

bipolar seesaw

could have been caused by melting of glaciers possibly due to melting glaciers
bottom of ocean foodchain
float freely in ocean

green plants -- carry out photosynthesis

need sunlight to survive and photosynthesize but sunlight sunlight reaches depths of about 100 m
do not carry out photosynthesis

eat phytoplankton
green plants use sunlight to make organic material water and CO2 in a process to make oxygen
respiration and decay
reverse of photosyntesis
organic material + O2 --> CO2+ H2O + ?
closed chemical cycle
combo. of photosynthesis and respiration/decay

no chemical is consumed or generated
photic zone
layer of ocean with enough sunlight to allow photosynthesis
survival of phytoplankton
problem is that they are denser than water and sink out of photic zone where they die and decompose

require more than just sunlight, they also need nutrients
problems with phytoplankton
amt. of photosynth. w/ phytoplankton occurs is limited by amt. of nutrients in photic zone

photosnyth. depletes amt. of nutrients in this area

sinking and decay of phytoplankton cause more nutrients in the deep ocean -- where they cant by used by phytoplankton
biological pump
ocean nutrient cycle

causes greater transport of organic carbon and nutrients from surface to deep ocean

important because it takes around 500 years for nutrients and C

this keeps nutrients in surface in short supply and limits productivity
ocean regions with highest productivity
high latitudes: surface is very thin or nonexistent; upwelling regions; near river deltas
"puzzles" about the ocean
1. slow leakage of nutrients and sediments -- why don't we run out?

2. evidence that the oceans on earth about 3.7 billion yrs. ago -- fossils est. life started 500-660 million yrs. ago -- but math evidence suggests that ocean is no more than 140 million yrs. old
major zones of the earth
natural inorganic element or compound with a definite internal arrangement of ions a fixed chemical comp. or one within natural limits

contain 8/92 main elements -- mainly elements that make up the crust

oxygen, silicon, aluminum, iron, calcium, sodium, potassium, magnesium

oxygen is most abundant and appears with other elements as oxides

divided into 10 categories -- silicates most abundant -- some minerals formed by ionic substitution
aggregates of one or more minerals
changes in minerals
have limited chemical composition

if elements in that crystal change, it becomes a different mineral

minor flexbility in chemical makeup due to ionic substitution

if mineral is crystalizing out a liquid that it rich in 2 elements the crystal may incorporate substitute ions instead of the more appropriate ions.
plagioclase series
minerals that range in chemical composition
mineral identification
1. hardness
2. color/luster/streak
3. density
4. cleavage/fracture -- how mineral splits
5. magnetic properties

basic building block: SILICA TETRAHEDRON- each silicon atom is attached to 4 oxygen atoms by tetrahedral bods -- results in a 4 charge on the silicate group

major rock-forming minerals


PYROXENES: single chains of tetrahedra balanced by similar metal cations and sodiums

AMPHIBOLES: double chains of tetrahedra balanced by similar cations



mineral formation
formed through crystalization

high temps. and pressures within earth cause rocks to melt forming magma

as it cools, various elements and ions come together for form solds with spec. structures -- ex. crystal

different minerals form at different temps.
rock formation
type is determined by the processes that lead to formation or rocks and the minerals they are made up of

minerals within a given rock will tend crystalize at similar temps.

3 types: igneous, sedimentary, metamorphic
types of minerals that make up rocks
feldspars, quartz, micas, pyroxenes, amphiboles, clays -- all silicates

calcite and dolmite -- carbonates

formed from magma crystalization

-- extrusive: volcanic; rapid cooling; derived from upper mantle; rich in iron and magnesium >> mafic (basalts - olivine, pyroxine, plagioclase)
-- inrustive: plutonic; slow cooling; derived from crust; rich in silicates ad aluminum >> sialic (granites - feldspar, quartz, mica)
formed by sedimentation and compaction of material and compaction of material -- litification

usually forms in layers

(detirital - shale, sandstone; biological - limestone, chert; evaporites: gypsum, anhydrite, halite, calcite)
rock that has been chemically altered while in the solid stae from exposure to high temps. and pressures

-- recrystalization

(slate, marbl, gneiss)
rock cycle

sediments -- sed. rock -- metamorphic rock -- magma -- intrusive/extrusive igneous -- weathering
leftover material from formation of rocky planets

represent material from existing planet or disintegrated one

may represent analogues to comp. of earth

types of meteorites
stony meteories
- chondrites: most common type; as old as our solar system
- achondrites: formed by melting and recrystalization on or w/in parent bodies; give us good info. about igneous properties within this body

stony iron meteorites: least common
- pallasites
- mesosiderites

iron meteorites: mostly iron nichol alloys
remote sensing instrument

records small tremors in the earth

consists of moving paper or recording drum mounted to bedrock with suspended weight and pen above

when bedrock shakes and moves the weight still remains vertical -- result is a plot of bedrock motion

seismogram = plot of motion
what is determined from siesmograms
location of earthquakes and other disturbances

intensity of earthquake

basic properties of underlying material of the solid earth
waves within the earth
waves propagate outward like waves on a lake

2 types:
-- surface waves: travel along surface
-- body waves: travel through interior -- type we focus on
types of body waves
P-waves (primary waves): compression waves/sound waves

S-waves (secondary/shear waves): displacement perpendicular to wave direction

P-waves are faster than S-waves
finding epicenter of disturbance
can be determined by triangulation using 3+ seismographs
what scientists have learned from siesmographs
outer core is molten -- S-Shadow: s-waves only propegate through inner core since it is a solid

changes of properties of the earth's interior/density cause waves to bend -- from observations of arrival times of waves to different locations, these properties are inferred
first 10-125 km of solid earth -- consists of oceanic and cont. crust material plus uppermost portion of the mantle -- rigid, acts a single unit
about 100 km in depth -- low p-wave velocities due to layer being plastic (not liquid, but not rigid - close to melting pt.); provides material that is ejected from volcanoes; accounts for reboud of crust after ice ages; malleable layer on which plates can flow
sumatra-andaman earthquake
strongest since advent of seismology

caused tsunami

released as much energy as earthquakes from 1976-1990

along indonesian subduction zone
plate tectonics
theory of solid earth that clears up puzzles of earth's history previously discussed
Alfred Wegner
came up with plate tectonics

also came up with continental drift

was a meterologist
Wegner's cont. drift theory
based on similarities of fossils from N. america and europe

present day continents were once part of 1 continent called pangea -- about 200-300 million yrs. ago it split ad pieces have been moving apart ever since
evidence of continental drift theory
1. cost fit of african and s. american coastlines (fit best when using cont. shelf edges)
2. glacial features from same time periods appear in s. america, africa, india, and australia -- best explained if continents were once connected (striations matched up)
3. fossils of same plants and animals found on all continents (previously explained by land bridges)
4. large scale geological features on diff. continents matched (ex: appilacians)
5. fossils found in some places do not match current climates (glossopteris fossils)
construction of pangea
glacial from till and striations: polar areas
sand dunes: deserts
coral reefs: tropics

different dist. from today

means poles either wandered or continents drifted
problems of continental drift theory
dismissed by most scientists

no viable mechanism for drifting

continents were not deformed by ocean crust

good evidence -- not inconclusive
continental drift reborn tectonics
convectino currents -- which bring hot magma up from deep mantle and cool rock rock back down -- could drive cont. motion

mid-ocean ridges: chain of sub sea volcanic mts. along the center of the ocean basins -- active seismic belts
theory of sea-floor spreading
ocean floor is young

ocean floor age has certain pattern with youngest floor near central ridges

support comes from magnetic polarity of basalt material on seafloor: fresh sea floor magnetized due to earth's magnetic polarity at the time of formation -- striped pattern on ocean floor

magma comes up at ocean floor ridges -- erupts as sub-sea volcanoes and product new basalt crust

this crust spreads causing ocean floor to move away from central ridges

when crust reaches continent it plunges below because continental material (granite) is less dense that oceanic material (basalt)

new mtns. formed along boundaries
oceanic vs. continental crust
oceanic: composed of basalt; more dense

continental: composed of granite; less dense

continental crust floats above oceanic; thickest underneath high mtn. ranges and thinnest at lowlands

granite crust rises as continents erode
isostatic equililbrium
allows lithosphere to be suppoted by asthenoshere (ex.: mtns. are less dense than mantle material but sink into mante until they displace a mass equal to the mtn. mass)

some areas are not equilibrium because mass has recently and abrubtly changed
plate tectonic theory vs. continental drift
continents don't plow through oceanic crust; they actually are part of plates that move on plastic asthenosphere

convection currents are the driving force
theory vs. hypothesis vs. law
theory: group of prop. used as principles to explain something

hypothesis: conjecture proposed as an explanation for some occurance

law: well-est. prop. that are regarded as fact
types of plate motion
divergent plate boundaries
lithospheric plates that move away from each other; as plates move apart, new cust is produced

exampeles from ocean: smokers, deep sea hot springs

not all divergent boundaries are in the ocean -- iceland
convergent plate boundaries
surface area of the earth is finite SO... b/c new crust is always created, convergent boundaries are where old crust is consumed

this is a result of subduction along convergent boundaries
helps to close the rock cycle

earthquakes are generated at rigid plate as it is subducted into the mantle

magma along to top of sinking slabs rises to surface to form stratovolanoes -- accounts for dist. of earthquakes and mtn. ranges along coastlines
3 types of convergent plate boundaries
1. ocean-continent convergent plate boundary

2. ocean-ocean plate convergence

3. continent-continent convergent plate boundaries
ocean-continent convergent plate boundary
: oceanic lith. plate is pushed toward and beneath continental plate since ocean plate is denser -- subduction produces magma -- causes volcanoes and mtn. formation

ring of fire in pacific delineates many ocean-continent plate boundaries -- trenches (subduction zones) and mtn. ranges (formed from stratovolcanoes)
ocean-ocean plate convergence
once plate is subducted under another forming a trench

volcanic activity produced by partial metling of descending plate or overlying lith. causes a pile of lava on ocean floor that will rise above sea level and form and island volcano

these form in arcs and tend to be parallel to trenches
continent-continent convergent plate boundaries
when 2 continents meet neither is subducted; crust buckles and is pushed up or to the side

forms mtns.
transform plate boundary
plates slide past eachother

ex: san andreas fault
energy of plate tectonics
plate move about 4 cm/yr.

energy comes from interior of earth -- geothermal energy (~.1W/m^2) small compared to solar, but still a lot

source: radioactive decay, residual heat from earth formation
radioactive decay
spont. decomp. of unstable isotopes of potassium, uranium, and thorium w/in earth ; when these decay they give off energy

all radioactive elements are decreasing

not permanent energy source
eruption brings magma to surface to form ext. igneous rock

-- eruptive history: active, dormant, extinct
-- topographic form: shield, strato, cinder, basalt
shield volcano
round with low profile

formed from sucessive magma flows

basaltic composition -- fluid when melted

not steep or explosive

ex: Hawaii

usually form over hot spots -- not always convergent
built from successive layers of lava of andestic comp.

intermediate of basalt and granatic ext. rock

wide base, high peak

solid debris -- pyroclastic material

andesitic material not fluid so more explosive

ex: mt. st. helen
cinder cones
small and pyroclastic

deep depressions that are larger than initial crater

mini stratovolcanos
basaltic volcanoes
flood plane of basaltic rock

occur due to giant plutons -- when intrusive rock is formed from magma -- hard rock with sed. on top which washes away to reveal this
mtn. ranges
occurs along convergent boundaries -- orogeny
shield volcanoes found on ocean-ocean convergent plates

they produce island arcs

islands always form on continent side of boudary
at certain places in asthenosphere a fountain of hot lava is cont. flowing towards the surface

lava is lighter than surrounding rock so it erupts and produces a seamount which eventually turned into an island volcano

as plate above hotspot moves, it cuts of magma and volcano dies

once one volcano dies a new one develops over the next hot spot

this produces trail of volcanic islands and seamounts

erosion causes older islands to become smaller

many occur at triple junctions -- 3 plates coming together
how continents are formed
stable interior of ancient rock -- craton

formed from early island arcs that collide and form granatic cont. nuclei

craton not covered by sed. dep. know as shield

terranes: nuclei that are added to crustal welding to other peices of crust

oregen: belt of deformation along the welding
plates today
juan de fuca
n. american
s. american
movement of plates today
based on plate boundaries and knowledge of rifts, motion of lith. over hotspots we can deduce direction and speed of movement

arrows rep. rel. motion

sum of all must equal 0 otherwise earth would get bigger or smaller
prominent along US coast

smaller plates
dance of the contients
continents coming together to form super-cont. pangea

continents breaking apart

new cont. material forming
the wilson cycle
continents move at about 4 cm per year

circ of earth 2piR is about 40,000 km

continents initially in contact with each other move away in opposite directions at same speed

given speed of 40 km per million yrs. this woul take 500 million yrs.

Pw = piR/v

could slow down as amt. of radioactive material depletes

each would travel at 20,000 km
importance of rock cycle
without it life on earth would die

tectonics help recycle nutrients needed to maintain life

CO2 would not be recycled and would end up as carbonate sediments -- photosynthesis in ocean and on surface would stop