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27 Cards in this Set

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What does Plate Tectonics explain?

earthquakes and volcanic activity (usually happen in concentrated belts)

What evidence is there of continents once being connected?

Mesosaurus fossil remains found on both South America and Africa

What happens to rocks that make up the sea floor as you move away from a mid ocean ridge?

The rocks get older as you move farther away from the ridge

Which plate subducts when two plates converge?

the denser plate subducts under the less dense plate

Explain the process of the formation and breakup of Pangea

Pangea formed when Gondwana moved Northward and converged with other landmasses. Pangea broke up into two seperate landmasses and eventually broke into the shape it is today

Compare continental crust and Oceanic crust

Continental crust is less dense and is mostly basalt

Oceanic crust is more dense and is mostly granite

What is happening in the mantle at a divergent plate boundary? Convergent plate boundary?

Divergent: seperating and rising, temp. is increasing

Convergent: coming together and sinking, temp. is decreasing

What plate boundaries can volcanoes form at?

divergent or convergent boundaries

differences between lava and magma

Magma is composed of molten rock and is stored in the earth's crust- Lava is magma that has reached the surface of the earth

what are the three types of volcanos

1. Stratovolcano (composite): conical, made of layers of hardened lava flows

2. Cindercone: steep, conical, formed from lava fragments that have been ejected from a volcanic vent

3. Shield: shield-shaped,with a broad base and gently sloping sides that is made of basaltic lava

What affects the formation of magma?

temperature, pressure, and composition

Where do volcanoes form? Provide examples

overs hot spots, divergent boundaries (rifts, mid-ocean ridges), convergent boundaries (subduction zones)

What happens to the viscosity as silica content of magma is increased? What is viscosity?

the viscosity becomes greater

-Viscosity: thickness (consistency)

Why does Hawaii has many extinct volcanoes and only one active one?

There is only one volcano over the hot spot. As the plate moves over the hotspot, a volcano will move off and a new one will form

What does one seismograph station tell us about an earthquake? How many seismograph stations do we need for an exact location?

tell the size of earthquake- 3 will give an exact location

What is the major cause of earthquakes?

Plates colliding and other tectonic activites

What are P-Waves and S-Waves? Compare the movement of each

P-Waves: earthquake wave that is the first to be detected, travels the inside of earth- moves in a line like motion

S- Waves: earthquake wave that is second to be detected, travels the surface of earth- moves in waves (up&down)

What are the names of the surface waves?

Love and Rayleigh

What have we learned about Earth's interior through the study of earthquake waves?

the outer core is liquid

the inner core is solid

What is the epicenter? Focus?

Epicenter: point on earth's surface located directly above the focus

Focus: location where an earthquake begins

Where do mountains grow when an oceanic crust and continental crust collide?

on the continental crust

example of a mountain range forming where two continental crusts collided?

the Himilayas

Different types of faults

Normal: hanging wall moves down with respect to the footwall

Reverse: hanging wall moves up with respect to the footwall

Strike-slip: 2 plates sliding past each other horizontally (San Andreas)

three parts of a fold in a folded mountain

anticline: top of fold (A-shape)

syncline: bottom of fold (U-shape)

limb: straightish part in between the anticline and the syncline

What are grabens? Horsts?

Grabens- blocks of crust that have dropped between normal faults

Horsts: blocks of crust that has moved upward between normal faults

What is a continental margin? What does active and passive mean?

zone of the ocean floor that seperates the oceanic crust from the continental crust

Active: sites of tectonic activity (earthquakes and volcanoes)

Passive: no tectonic activity

What is involved in the formation of fault-block mountains?

when faults in the earth's crust force some materials up and down, it breaks up into blocks from compression