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46 Cards in this Set

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scientific method
1. state question
2. gather information
3. form hypothesis
4. test hypothesis
5. draw conclusions
a substance with distinct and unique physical characteristics.
4 branches of earth science
study of the origin, history, and structure of the solid earth and the processes that shape it
the study of earth's oceans
the study of the earth's atmosphere-weather
the study of the universe beyond the earth
using the senses to gather information about the world
the comparison of some aspect of an object or a phenomenon with a standard unit
the study of the geosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere acting on biology
environmental pollution
the contamination of the environment with wastes
Meteorite Impact Hypothesis
-65 million years ago
-giant meteorite crashed into the earth
-the collision raised enough dust to block the suns rays
-the earth became colder
-plant and animal life began to die (dinos) and became extinct
-the settling dust formed a layer of iridium-rock
Doppler Effect
the apparent shift in the wavelengths of energy emitted by an energy source moving away from or toward an observer
-stars are moving away>wavelengths are longer>red end
-stars are moving closer>wavelengths are short>blue end
Big Bang Theory
-all matter and energy sent hurtling outward in a giant cloud
-red shift proves galaxies continuing to move apart
-low levels of energy were detected throughout universe called background radiation
theory vs scientific law
theory-a hypothesis or a set of hypotheses that is supported by results of experimentation and information
scientific law-a rule that correctly describes a natural phenomenon
the angular distance north and south of the equator
angular distance, in degrees, east or west of the prime meridian
great circle
-any circle used to divide the globe into halves
-used to find the shortest distance
geomagnetic poles
points on earth's surface just above the poles of the imaginary magnet
-tilts with the earth...geomagnetic and geographic aren't the same location
magnetic declination
the angle between the direction of the geographic pole and the direction of the compass needle
mercator projection
-straight parallel lines, equal amount of space
-accurate at equator
-distorts distance between regions of land and distorts the size of areas near the pole
gnomonic projection
-meridians appear as straight lines
-from a central point of contact
-parallels are unevenly spaced
-accurate at point of contact
-distortion in direction and distance as distance from point of contact increases
conic projection
-meridians converge at poles
-parallels are equally spaced
-point of contact distorted the least
3 map scales
verbal-one centimeter equals one kilometer
fractional-remains the same with any unit of measurement
graphic-printed line divided into parts and labeled
topographic map
map showing surface features
-height above sea level
-measured by mean sea level
contour lines
-used to show elevation
-connects all points on the map that have the same elevation
-reflects the shape of the land
contour interval
difference in elevation between one contour line and the next
the difference in elevation between the highest and lowest points of the area
-shows the general shape of the land above sea level
index contours
-every 5th line is bold
-labeled by elevation
-all earth's water
-71% of earth is water
-97% of water is salty ocean
-3% fresh water in lakes...
-blanket of gases surrounding the earth
-78% nitrogen
-21% oxygen
-1% other gases
seismic waves
-vibrations that travel through the earth
-earthquakes and explosions
-study interior
-thin, outermost layer of the earth
-oceanic crust: 5km to 10km
-continental crust: 32km-70km
-below crust
-2,870km thick
-lithosphere and asthenosphere
-solid, uppermost portion
-heat and pressure
-plasticity:ability to flow
-outer is liquid 2190km
-inner is solid 2680km
P waves and S waves
P waves
-liquids, solids, and gases
-faster than S
S waves
-solids only
-travel faster in more rigid material
-change speed and direction through changes of layers
-speed of seismic waves increases and marks the boundary of crust and mantle
-mantle denser than crust
-decrease is lithosphere and asthenosphere(less rigid)
-P waves slow and speed up in outer through inner core
shadow zones
-locations on surface where S waves and P waves are NOT detected or ONLY P waves
-occur when material aren't rigid and cause waves to change direction or hault
-S waves do not reach the opposite side of earth + stopped by liquid outer core
-P waves bend as it moves through each layer
-force of attraction existing on all matter in the universe
-Isaac Newton made law
law of gravitation
force of attraction on any 2 objects depends on their masses and the distance between them
mass vs weight
mass-amount of matter in an object
weight-measure of strength of the pull of gravity
continental drift
Alfred Wegener
-continents were all a single land mass called Pangaea and surrounded by the ocean Panthalassa
-scientist didn't accept because force of the movement wasn't explained
continental drift hypothesis
-similar coast lines of continents
-FOSSIL:uncovered fossils of similar plants and animals of adjoining parts of Pangaea
-GEOLOGICAL: age and type of rocks in coastal regions of widely separated regions also mountains continue on landmasses across the oceans
-CLIMATE:debris of glaciers found in warm climates
-GEO:deposits of coal and minerals