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159 Cards in this Set

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the small organisms that float in the atmosphere
aeolian plankton
a mixture of gases that surrounds the Earth
the solid particles in the atmosphere
atmospheric dust
the recycling of nitrogen from teh atmosphere to the soil and back into the atmosphere
nitrogen cycle
the changing of a substance from a gas to a liquid
the changing of a substance from a liquid to a gas
water that falls from the atmosphere to the Earth
the loss of water by plants
the continuous cycle that moves water from the atmosphere to the Earth's surface and back into the atmosphere
water cycle
the upper region of the thermosphere
the upper level of the atmosphere (by composition) where gases are in layers
the lower part of the atmosphere (by composition) where gases are evenly mixed
the layers of the atmosphere (by temperature) in order
troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere
also called the weather layer
the area around the Earth that is affected by the Earth's magnetic field
the continuous flow of plasma from the sun
solar wind
human-made compounds thought to be damaging the Ozone layer
a layer of gas that protects all life on Earth from UV radiation
ozone layer
high frequency radiation from the sun
UV rays (Ultraviolet Rays)
the transfer of heat from one substance to another substance through direct contact
the rule of heat transfer
heat always moves from a warmer object to a cooler object
the transfer of heat that occurs in moving liquids by the circulation of currents
the transfer of heat through space or matter by waves
the daily variations of temperature, humidity, cloud cover, wind and precipitation in the atmosphere
the pressure exerted by the Earth's atmosphere at any given point
atmospheric pressure
an instrument used to measure atmospheric preasure
two types of barometers
aneroid and mercurial
an area where cold air is sinking
high pressure area
an area where warm air is rising
warm pressure area
an instrument used to measure wind speed
local winds that form at night near water
land breeze
local winds that form at night near mountains
mountain breeze
local winds that form during the day near water
sea breeze
local winds that form during the day near mountains
valley breeze
the movement of air from a high pressure area to a low pressure area
the curving of moving objects from a straight path due to the Earth's rotation
Coriolis Effect
narrow bands of high-speed winds over both hemispheres (good for planes)
jet streams
winds that extend from 30 deg latitude toward the equator
trade winds
winds that extend from the poles to the 60 deg lattitude
polar easterlies
winds formed between the 30 deg and 60 deg latitude
prevailing westerlies
thin, feathery, wispy high level clouds
cirrus clouds
visible collections of tiny water droplets or ice crystals in the atmosphere
puffy, white, low-level fair weather clouds
condensed water vapor near the ground
low, flat sheet like clouds
the low flat dark clouds that bring rain
the mid level clouds that make the sun appear as a lamp shining through frosted glass
the actual amount of water vapor in the air
absolute humidity
the amount of water vapor in the air compared to the amount it could hold
relative humidity
the temperature at which condensation forms
dew point
what happens if the dew point is above freezing
what happens if the dew point is below freezing
a large body of air with a consistent temperature and moisture level
air mass
the boundary between two air masses
the front which occurs when a warm and cold air mass meet and stall
stationary front
the front which occurs when a warm air mass overtakes a cold air mass
warm front
the front which occurs when a cold air mass overtakes a warm air mass
cold front
the front which occurs when two cold air masses meet and cut off the warm air mass from the ground
occluded front
the three requirements of a blizzard
heavy snowfall, high winds, very low temperatures
a large, rotating tropical weather system with high speed winds and heavy rain
the electrical discharge of energy from storm clouds
the sound that results from the rapid expansion of air that accompanies a lightning strike
the three requirements of a thunderstorm
strong winds, heavy rain, lightning
a small, rotating funnel of air that has high wind speeds and low central air pressure
the steps to weather prediction
gather information using tools
report information to NWS
Classify & Analzye Data (maps)
Distribute Forecasts to local stations and they distribute it to us:)
the average weather conditions in an area over a long period of time
a mountainside facing away from the wind (hot and dry)
small regions with their own climatic conditions
the surface features of a place or region
a mountainside facing the wind (gets more rain)
a geographic region with a predictable temperature range and weather conditions
climate zone
the climate zones that extend from 60 degrees latitude to the poles
polar zones
the climate zones that extend from 30 degrees to 60 degrees latitude
temperate zones
the climate zones that are between the 30 degree latitudes
tropical zone
periodic changes in the location of warm and cold surface waters in the Pacific Ocean
El Nino
a rise in average global temperature
global warming
a period of time during which ice collects in high latitudes and moves toward lower latitudes
ice age
any natural substance, organism, or energy form used by living things
natural resource
resources that can't be replaced or can only be replaced over a long period of time
nonrenewable resources
resources that are constantly available or can be replaced over a short amount of time (provided we don't abuse them)
renewable resources
a solid fossil fuel formed from decomposed plant material
fuels / resources formed from the remains of decomposed plant materials
fossil fuels
the gaseous fossil fuel
natural gas
the liquid fossil fuel
a natural, inorganic crystaline solid with a definite chemical composition
the process of removing minerals from the ground
a naturally occurring rock from which a useful metal or mineral is recovered
places where rocks are removed from the ground
the making of new deserts through a change in climate or destructive land use
an area of land where teh water level is near or above the ground surface for most of the year
the process in which salt accumulates in soil
the plowing of furrows around a hill perpendicular to its slope to reduce erosion
contour plowing
vegetation planted on bare farmland to prevent erosion
cover crop
the successive planting of different crops on land to prevent erosion and to improve soil fertility
crop rotation
plowed ditches in farmland
a narrow ditch cut in the Earth by runoff
the planting of alternating bands of crops and cover vegetation
strip farming
the construction of steplike ridges that follow the slope of the land
terrace farming
organic matter, such as crops or waste products, that contains stored energy and is used to produce fuel
energy collected from the trapped heat in the Earth's crust
geothermal energy
electricity produced from the power of moving water
hydroelectric power
energy that comes from changes in the nuclei of atoms of radioactive elements
nuclear energy
energy from the sun
solar energy
the view that the Earth is at the center of the universe
geocentric view
the view that the Sun is the center of the solar system
heliocentric view
the Ptolmaic Theory
Geocentric theory
the Copernican Theory
Heliocentric theory
a telescope that uses a series of mirrors to gather light
reflective telescope
a telescope that uses a series of lenses to gather light
refracting telescope
the false color produced by a refracting telescope
chromatic abberation
an instrument that collects visible light or other electromagnetic radiation from distant objects and concentrates it for better observation
minor planets - large rocky bodies that orbit the Sun
large, less dense planets
gaseous planets or gas giants
interstellar clouds made of dust and gas
an object that orbits a star and shines by reflected light
major planets in order from the sun out
mercury, venus, earth, mars, jupiter, saturn, uranus, neptune
terrestrial planets
the small, dense, rocky "earth like" planets
name the terrestrial planets
mercury, venus, earth, mars
name the gaseous planets
jupiter, saturn, uranus, neptune
name the inferior planets
mercury, venus
name the superior planets
mars, jupiter, saturn, uranus, neptune
the inner layer of the sun's atmosphere
the region of the Sun where the energy is moved by currents in the plasma
Convective Zone
the center of the sun, where the sun's energy is produced (thermonuclear reactions)
the outer layer of the sun's atmosphere, extends far into space
the visible surface of the sun
fiery bursts of gas shooting hundreds of thousands of kilometers into space and looping back to the sun's surface
the region of the sun's interior where energy is transferred by electromagnetic waves
radiative zone
storms on the sun's surface that send out tremendous bursts of radiation and particles, dangerous to satelites
solar flares
darker, cooler regions on the sun's photosphere
the point in the orbit of a planet when it is farthest from the sun
the average distance between the Earth and the Sun
Astronomical Unit
an imaginary line through the center of a body, around which the body orbits
a closed curve around two points, each called a "focus"
the point in the orbit of a planet when it is closest to the sun
the time that it takes a planet to orbit the Sun
period of revolution
the time that it takes a planet to rotate on its axis
period of rotation
a bowl-shaped depression on the surface of a celestial body
the region between Mars and Jupiter where most asteroids are found
asteroid belt
the two main parts of a comet
head (coma and nucleus) and tail
the halo of dust and gas around a comet as it approaches the sun
a small body of loosely packed ice, rock, gas, and cosmic dust that gives off a tail of gas and dust as it passes near the sun.
the bright streak of light caused by a meteoroid burning up in the atmosphere
a meteoroid that enters the earth's atmosphere and strikes the ground
a small, rocky body orbiting the sun
a spherical region that surrounds the solar system, we believe it is the source of comets
Oort cloud
the joining of two light atomic nuclei to form a single heavier nucleus and produce energy
nuclear fusion
a natural or artifical body that orbits a planet
a loose layer of rock and dust on the surface of the moon
lunar regolith
a lowland plain of hardened lava on the Moon
deep channels on the moon
the point in the moon's orbit when it is closest to earth
the point in the moon's orbit when it is furthest from the sun
the castin gof a shadow of one celestial body on the surface of another
the casting of the moon's shadow on the earth's surface
solar eclipse
the dark, central portion of a shadow
an area of partially blocked light surroudning the complete shadow
a solar eclipse during which the outer ring of the sun is visible around the moon
annular eclipse
the casting of the earth's shadow on the moon
lunar eclipse