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19 Cards in this Set

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Plate Tectonics
Theory of how the Earth's lithosphere moves
Divergent Boundary
A region where two plates are moving away from each other
Convergent Boundary
A region where two plates are moving towards each other
Transform Boundary
A region where two plates are moving laterally along each other
Sea-floor Spreading
A divergent boundary that creates new ocean floor through the process of convection current
Continental Drift
Unsupported hypothesis of the movement of the Earth's continents
Super continent that existed prior to our current continent configuration
A convergent boundary where one plate moves below the other plate
Oceanic Crust
Thinnest portion of the Earth's outer layer, made mainly of basalt
Continental Crust
Thickest portion of the Earth's outer layer, made mainly of Granite
Convection CUrrent
The driving force behind plate tectonics
The movement of currents within fluids, major mode of heat and mass transfer
The transfer of heat between two materials in direct contact with each other
Mid-Ocean Ridge
A structure formed from seafloor spreading due to divergent activity
Rift Valley
Pulling apart of crust due to tenstional forces due to diveregent activity
Deepest part of the ocean in a subduction zone formed during convergent activity between two oceanic plates or between a continental and oceanic plate
Result of sudden energy release in the Earth's crust creating seismic waves, usually located at or near fault lines
Opening or rupture in the Earth's crust that allows molten rock to escape, usually located near boundaries
Hot Spot
A location in the middle of a plate where volcanic activity is found