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66 Cards in this Set

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What was the primary causes of population growth in the colonies?

1. Natural Increase (1/2 of women had 8 children or more)

2. Influx of new immigrants from Germany, Scotland/Ireland and Africa (slaves)

What was the result of the Navigation Acts of 1696?

1. Established customs service (can only legally trade with the English)

2. Created a board of trade (regulated by English government)

These were essentially powerless to raise money b/c power lied in the hands of the colonial assemblies?


What is one way that colonies were recognized as being similar?

The same consumption habits (fabric, furniture, tea).

What was a major problem facing the cities of Boston and New York prior to the American Revolution?

Poverty (doubles in Boston and quadruples in NY)

This was a mass religious revival b/w 1734-1780?

The Great Awakening

Who was on the first to establish the new religion in Northampton Virginia

Jonathan Edwards

Who was on the most popular Great Awakening preachers whose supporters included Benjamin Franklin?

George Whitfield

This person had an itinerant style similar to Whitfield and says that problems lie with local ministers who are not doing their job?

Gilbert Tennent

What is some major causes of the French and Indian War?

1.Overpopulation and Expansion (immigration and land speculation).

2. French cease gifts to Indians

3. Strength of English (can produce goods cheaper than the French and Indians uses trade with English to check French power).

What components led to the French having early success in the French and Indian War?

1. Indian allies

2. Regular militia that was ongoing at all times.

What components led to the English being weak in the beginning of the French and Indian War?

1. Assemblies slowed down action and fostered a lack of unity b/c of mistrust b/w colonies

2. Lord Loudon made irrational demands that angered the colonists.

3. Colonies refused to vote for Albany Plan of Union that called for a single assembly to represent all of the colonies.

4. English army used discipline and fear tactics than angered the colonists.

What was a turning point in the French and Indian War?

The English success at Fr. William Henry in 1757

Who took over the British common in the French and Indian War and appointed new generals such as James Wolfe, Jeffrey Amherst, and John Forbes?

William Pitt

This was the final campaign in the French and Indian War?

Ticonderoga in 1758

What happens in the Treaty of Easton (PA) in 1758?

Iroquois are given Ohio

What happens in 1763 regarding the French?

They evacuate North America.

After the French and Indian War Americans felt this toward the British?

Equals (Empire of Equals)

This was the Delaware prophet who led a nativist revival following the French and Indian War?


What led to Pontiac's War in 1763?

1. British cut trade (like the French previously did)

2. British keep forts

What was the purpose of the Sugar Act of 1764?

Lowers duty on imported molasses from French West Indies so that people will report those who smuggle it in b/c it is now cheaper to do it legally.

What was the purpose of the currency act of 1764?

Prevents colonies from printing own currency.

What was the purpose of the stamp act?

1. Tax on legal documents that was directly issues by Parliament and was meant to help offset the costs to operate the empire

What was the Stamp Act Congress?

Requested repeal of stamp act, said that people should not be taxed without representation (assert right to be taxed by assemblies, not Parliament).

Who were the Sons of Liberty?

Group of men who coordinate boycotts following acts such as the Stamp Act. Generally middle class, with elite allies such as Sam Adams and John Hancock.

This stated that Parliament retains the ability to tax at will?

Declaratory Act

What were the results of the Townsend Acts of 1767?

1. Colonists pay 1/4 of taxes than those of England)

2. Tax on imports such as glass, tea, paint (duty tax)

3. Used to pay salaries of colonial officers and imperial governors. (viewed tax as way to avoid corrupt governors)

4. Was used to assert crown's authority

What happened regarding the Intolerable Acts of 1774?

1.Port of Boston was closed until they paid for the Tea that was destroyed during the Boston Tea Party.

2. Led to impartial administration of justice (Boston people were charged for crimes in England instead of colonies)

3. Led to Quarter Act

4. Led to Quebec Act that allowed for Catholicism in the new empire which angered the colonists)

This occurred in response to the Intolerable Acts?

1. Continental Congress met the Summer of 1774.

2. Called for Boycott of British imported goods

What was the siege that led to the beginning of the American Revolution?

The Battle of Concord

How did Parliament react to the call for Independence by the 2nd continental congress?

Refused to even read it on the Parliament floor (Royal Rejection)

What was Dunmore's Proclamation?

VA governor declares that any slave owned by those in rebellion who runs away is free.

What was the last major military confrontation during the American Revolution?

Yorktown in 1781 Cornwallis is besieged and surrenders.

This was the official end of the American War?

Treaty of Paris in 1783

What limitations existed with the Articles of Confederation?

Taxation and Enforcement

What challenges faced the Articles of Confederation?

1. Aftermath of War

2. Economic Depression

What was a result of the Constitutional Convention?

VA plan adopted that called for the format of a strong central government.

Who was the first secretary of treasury? secretary of state?

1. Alexander Hamilton

2. Thomas Jefferson

Who did the Federalist support? Antifederalist?

1. Alexander Hamilton

2. James Madison and Thomas Jefferson (Virginians)

What led to the Whiskey Rebellion?

1. Settlers want to trade to Ohio River Valley

2. A tax was placed on spirits, settlers in Western PA vowed not to pay.

3. Washington personally accompanied 13,000 troops who squashed the rebellion

How did Washington feel that America should react to the French Revolution?

Remain neutral and keep trade ties with Britain and France

What divisions existed among the Western Great Plains Indians?

1. Generational (older more willing to compromise)

2. Ethnic (increasing numbers of mixed race Indians)

3. Trade Goods (important symbolically to gain power and become important for Indian survival)

What did Hamilton's plan of Finance center around?

Whether or not to incur debt

Who did the Federalist support?

Hamilton and preferred economic ties with the British

Who did the Democratic Republicans support?

The French

Who were the two people vying for president in 1800 election?

John Adams (current president) and Thomas Jefferson

What kind of government did Jefferson espouse?

Small agrarian government, was more sympathetic toward the French

What happened with the ballots with Jefferson and Burr?

Tied at 35 ballots each, went before house of reps. and one rep. from Delaware withdrew finally swaying the vote toward Jefferson, making Burr VP.

What were two task under Jefferson?

1. Cut federal spending

2. Tried to decommission federal banks

What was Marbury v. Madison?

1801 Judiciary Act appointed 15 new judges, changed number of supremes from 6 to 5, and appointed 41 "midnight judges" as justices of the peace. Madison refused to honor this decree so William Marbury sues and loses.

This gave the US the right to use the port of New Orleans in 1795?

San Lorenzo

In 1801 the Spanish gave this back to the French?


When did the Louisiana Purchase occur?


Why was Napoleon willing to sell Louisiana to US?

He wanted to conquer Haiti for their sugar plantations and use the Port of New Orleans to ship the sugar. After he fails in Haiti he has no need for Louisiana anymore.

This 1806 decree forbids trade with England by the French?

Berlin Decree

This stated that all neutral ships must stop in British ports?

1806 Orders in Council (Trafalgar)

These Indian groups saw the US as a good supply of horses, guns, etc during the Lewis and Clark expedition?

Mandan, Shoshone, Nez Perce

This group did not like the US presence during the Lewis and Clark Expeditions?

Comanche, Sioux, Blackfoot

What was the motivation for westward migration?

1. Overpopulation

2. Soil Exhaustion

3. Slaves

What did westward migration center around in the Northwest?

Speculation and Innovation. Sought to establish townships modeled after New England and established improvement to entice settlers such as roads and schools

What did westward migration center around in the Southwest

Speculation and Replication of plantations and slaves in South (MS, AL, TN)

What were two major interior urban areas established during the Westward Migration?

1. Pittsburgh (iron glass, shipping, industry)

2. St. Louis (furs, shipping, trade)

These two Indian brothers/leaders sought out rejection of white culture? what was the town they established?

1. Tenskwataw and Tecumseh

2. Prophetstown

What led to Prophetstown being destroyed??

Battle at Tippecanoe

What led to war of 1812?

1. Western and Southern Warhawks were angry with British support of the Indians.

2. Impressment and honor

What ended the War of 1812?

Treaty of Ghent signed December 24, 1814