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32 Cards in this Set

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Purse cover
Purse cover Sutton Hoo ship burial England, ca. 625. Early Medieval
Belt buckle
Belt buckle Sutton Hoo ship England, ca. 625. Early Medieval
Cross-inscribed carpet page
Cross-inscribed carpet page Lindisfarne Gospels, England, ca. 698–721. Early Medieval
Saint Matthew
Saint Matthew Lindisfarne Gospels, Northumbria, England, ca. 698–721 Early Medieval
Chi-rho-iota (XPI) page
Chi-rho-iota (XPI) page Book of Kells,Scotland, late eighth or early ninth century. Early Medieval
Equestrian portrait of Charlemagne France
Equestrian portrait of Charlemagne France Ninth century. Early Medieval
Reliquary statue of  Sainte-Foy
Reliquary statue of Sainte-Foy Late 10th to early 11th century Romanesque
Christ in Majesty
Christ in Majesty BERNARDUS GELDUINUS, France, ca. 1096. Romanesque
Diagram of a
Diagram of a Romanesque Portal
Last Judgment
Last Judgment GISLEBERTUS, Saint-Lazare, Autun, France, ca. 1120–1135. Marble, Romanesque
Suicide of  Judas
Suicide of Judas GISLEBERTUS, ca. 1120–1135. Romanesque
Mouth of  Hell
Mouth of Hell Winchester Psalter, England, ca. 1145–1155. Romanesque
Head reliquary of  Saint Alexander
Head reliquary of Saint Alexander Belgium, 1145.Silver repoussé Romanesque
Virgin and Child ( Morgan Madonna)
Virgin and Child ( Morgan Madonna) France, second half of twelfth century. Romanesque
Saint-Sernin Toulouse, France, ca. 1070–1120. Romanesque
Interior of Saint-Sernin
Interior of Saint-Sernin Toulouse, France, ca. 1070-1120. Romanesque
Interior Durham Cathedral
Interior Durham Cathedral England , ca.1093. Romanesque
Chartres Cathedral
Chartres Cathedral France, ca. 1145-1155. Gothic
Royal Portal
Royal Portal Chartres Cathedral, France, ca. 1145–1155 Gothic
Old Testament kings and queens, jamb statues
Old Testament kings and queens, jamb statues Royal Portal, Chartres Cathedral, France, ca. 1145–1155.
Features of a typical French Gothic cathedral
Features of a typical French Gothic cathedral (1) pinnacle, (2)flying buttress, (3)vaulting web, (4)diagonal ribs, (5)transverse rib, (6)springing, (7)clerestory, (8)oculus, (9) lancet,(10) triforium, (11)nave arcade, (12)compound pier with responds.
Notre-Dame Paris, France, 1163-1225. Gothic
Rose window and lancets
Rose window and lancets Chartres Cathedral, France, ca. 1220. Gothic
Saint Theodore, jamb statue
Saint Theodore, jamb statue Chartres Cathedral, France, ca. 1230. Gothic
Reims Cathedral
Reims Cathedral France, ca. 1225–1290. Gothic
Virgin and Child (Virgin of  Paris)
Virgin and Child (Virgin of Paris) Early fourteenth century. Gothic
God as architect of the world
God as architect of the world France, ca. 1220-1230. Gothic.
David anointed by Samuel and battle of David and Goliath
David anointed by Samuel and battle of David and Goliath MASTER HONORÉ, 1296. Gothic
The Castle of  Love
The Castle of Love ca. 1330-1350. Ivory and iron, 4 ½” X 9 ¾”. Gothic
Choir of  Gloucester Cathedral England
Choir of Gloucester Cathedral England 1332–1357. Gothic
Tomb of  Edward II
Tomb of Edward II Gloucester Cathedral,England, ca. 1330–1335. Gothic
Röttgen Pietà
Röttgen Pietà Germany, ca. 1300–1325. Gothic