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30 Cards in this Set

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- 4.5 - 3.8 Bya

- Hades

- no rocks this old (some isolated zircon crystals)

- formation of solar system

accretion disk

large cloud of gas and dust

how did the sun form

within an accretion disk, shrinking in on itself by self gravitational collapse until it went nuclear fusion to give off light and heat

how were planetismals created

surrounding particles began to coalesce due to gravity into larger lumps

newtons law of universal gravitation (gravitational attraction)

Fa= G (m1 x m2) / d(^2)

hwo is sun differentiated

material density

when did earth's surface solidify

first 100 million years of the solar system

3 possible scenarios for the formation of the moon

- asteroid captured by Earth's gravitational field

- body that accreted from material trapped in Earth's orbit

- portion of the earth knocked loose by a large bolide impact


- planetismal mass roughly size of mars

- enriched in Fe and Mg relative to Earth's mantle

- composed largely of material from impactor

- accreted from disk of material around Earth following impact

origins of oceans

- formed mostly from water vapor emitted during volcanism

- some input from comets

- salts derived from weathering

- liquid ocean present prior to end of Hadean

stability of ocean salinity

since the Archean

pillow basalts

- isu formation, greenland are 3.8 Ga

early earth's atmosphere

- composed primarily of volcanic gases (CO2, N2, H2, NH3, CH4, HCl)

how was oxygen for early atmosphere produced

in very small quantities from the breakdown of water vapor by UV light

how is vast majority of today's oxygen created



- 3.8 - 2.5 bya

primary producers of oxygen in precambrian

- photosynthetic bacteria in stromatolites

great oxygenation event

photosynthetic organisms produce huge amounts of oxygen

banded iron formations

- sedimentary layers confined to 1.8 - 3.5 Ga

- composed primarily of iron oxide minerals

- rusting of ocean

- first deposits may coincide with origination of photosynthesis

precambrian atmosphere

- anoxic until 2.5 - 2.0 Ga

- levels of oxygen then increased dramatically to about 15%

proterozoic eon

- modern tectonics

- first evidence of )2 build up

- first abundant fossils

- oldest major glaciation

eukaryotic cells

- first appear around 1.8 Ga

- single and multicellular organisms that have nucleus


single celled organisms that lack a nucleus

when do trace fossils by burrowing animals appear

end of proterozoic

snowball earth

- worldwide distribution of neoproterozoic glacial tillites

- entire earth covered in ice

- 2-3 ice ages

- could explain delay in appearance of multicellular animals


reflection coefficient

albedo of snow and ice

45 to 95 %

albedo of seawater

10 %

albedo of forests, grasslands soil

5 - 30%

what geologic process can reverse a snowball earth or ice albedo

plate tectonics!