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54 Cards in this Set

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Environmental factors on children's development
-lead poisoning
-exposure to contaminants in water, food and air
Signs of emotionally neglected child or troubles at home
-attention is reduced
-jealousy of classmates
-angry with classmates
True or false:

Children from affluent areas exhibit more behavioral issues.
Three types of developmental delays
Cognitive delays affect what areas?
verbal communication
math reasoning
logical reasoning
visual and auditory processing
Physical delays affect:
motor skills
walk normally
hold a pencil
Social delays include:
inability to relate to others
Positive self concept is:
-liking oneself
-respecting oneself
Process Approach to Improving self-concept
Three phase model:
Invitational Education to improve self-concept
The teachers actions are inviting and do not demean or alienate students
How often should young children change activities?
Every 15-20 minutes
5 examples of 15-20 minute activities in reading comprehension are:
1. Book walk: look at title and pictures
2. Read book aloud
3. Vocabulary activity
4. Independent skill activity
5. Whole class activity
6 characteristics of children with behavioral disorder are:
lower academic performance, low social skills, disrupt the class, aggressive, delinquent, withdrawn
4 factors that affect behavior are:
1. Psychological disorders
2. Gender
3. Age
4. Family characteristics
Typical male behavior disorders include:
1. ADD
2. Hyperactivity
4. autism
Typical female behavior disorders are:
1. Phobias
2. withdrawal
3. bulimia/anorexia
4. depression
The best way to detect behavioral disorders includes the following steps:
1. Observe over time and on varied situations
2. Consult school psychologist
6 common features of autism are:
1. sensory deficit - appear not to hear or see
2. no response to affection
3. stimming
4. SIB - self injurious behavior
5. echolalia
6. deficit in self-care skills
Students with disabilities may demonstrate difficulties in these 3 areas:
1. Social skills
2. Academic skills
3. Self-help skills
Keys to differentiated instruction:
Must provide multiple instructional and assessment processes.
3 Areas that need to be addressed in differentiated instruction:
1. Content (What will be taught)
2. Process (How it will be taught)
3. Product (How will student demonstrate learning
6 keys to alternative assessment:
1. requires High order thinking
2. includes self reflection and assessment
3. real world applications
4. collaborate with peers and alone
5. encourages learning beyond assignment
6. Defines objective and performance goals
ELL Cognitive approach focuses on communicating concept or grammar and word obtainment?
Communicating the concept
ELL Total Physical Response
Combines language learning and physical movement
Behavioral Learning Theory
Students learn through repetition, in reaction to stimulus or through watching and copying.
Cognitive Learning Theories
-Learning is internal
-Access prior knowledge
-Connect to prior knowledge
-Like a file cabinet system
Which is the smallest unit in a language system?
Pat and sat are what kind of pair?
Minimal Pair
Phonemic awareness Definition
The realization that sounds make words.
Which can be taught with students eyes closed - phonemic awareness or phonics?
Phonemic Awareness - all about sound
Most phonemic awareness activities are oral or written?
Phonics or phonemic awareness is the connection between letters and sounds?
True or false:
Children must have a strong foundation in phonics before they can start phonemic awareness studies.
False. Must have strong foundation in phonemic awareness before beginning phonics.
Can you teach phonics with the students eyes closed?
No - must be able to see letters and hear the sound at the same time.
Five phonological awareness skills are:
1. Rhyming
2. Blending
3. ID beginning or ending sounds
4. segmenting words
5. See smaller word in bigger word
Morphology is the study of what?
Word structure
What is syntax?
Kids put words in sentence in correct order, though may not be grammatically correct.
What is semantics?
This is the understanding of how word order can change meaning of the sentence.
What is pragmatics?
The social rules of language. Kids can understand the intended meaning and know what is appropriate.
What is brain-based education?
Knowing how the brain works allows the creation of the most effective teaching methods.
Part 1: What are the 12 principles of brain-based education?
1. Brain is complex adaptive system
2. brain is social
3. search for meaning is innate
4. use patterns to learn
5. brain perceives parts and whole simultaneously
6. emotions are crucial to developing patterns
Part 2: What are the 12 principles of brain-based education?
7.learning requires focused and peripheral attention
8. learning involves conscious and unconscious processes
9. 2 ways of organizing memory
10. learning is developmental
11. challenge enhances complex learning
12. every brain is unique
What is the multiple intelligence theory?
Howard Gardner. Students learn 7 different ways: visually, verbally, kinesthetic, musically, mathematically, interpersonally, intrapersonally
Which is the most current learning theory?
Multiple Intelligences
What is Constructivist Theory?
Students construct learning opportunities
Build on previous knowledge
Zone of proximal development
Learning requires hands on social learning
What is the metacognition learning theory?
Teacher teaches the student how to recognize the best way for each student to learn and solve problems
Three ways to increase language and vocabulary:
1. Read to students
2. Talk about what was read
2. Converse with students during learning, don't talk at them
True or False:
Listening skills increase complex language?
True. teach through listening games, direct teaching of listening skills and modeling listening skills.
Six strategies to increase vocabulary:
1. Read books woth new words
2. use child's interest to learn new words
3. take field trips
4. expose child to varies curriculum: science, math, SS
5. introduce new words and use them in conversation
6.introduce new vocabulary in pairs
Give an example of positional and directional words:
on, off, in, out, beside, behind
Give an example of temporal words:
Before, after, during
Give an example of comparative words:
Big-bigger, heavy-heavier, cold-colder
Strategies for enhancing complex language:
1.1 on 1 conversation
2. open-ended questions
3. dramatic play
4. direct instruction of descriptive words
What are some milestones of a child who has complex language skills?
1. Understand abstract meaning
2. Develops non-literal meaning and humor
3. uses appropriate tone and inflection
4. initiates conversations
5. has area specific vocabulary
6. communicates via non-verbal gestures
7. expands conversations