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61 Cards in this Set

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Who were the Incas?
- lived in modern day peru, chile, in andes mountains
- series of city states united by many roads
- used quipu
- conquered by Fransisco Pizarro
- ansestor worship, mummified old kings
- believed Spanish were gods
Who were the Mayas?
- Lived in Yucatan
- Conquered by aztecs
- sorta kinda liberated by Spanish
- advanced mathematics, astronomy etc
Who were the Aztecs?
- Warrior empire, conqured multiple groups in central America
- took tribute from them
- conqured by Cortes
- ansestor worship
What was Chaco Canyon?
- New Mexico
- conqured by spanish
- pueblo indians
- Pope = religious leader :( to catholosism, influenced rebellion
- lived in sides of canyon, & roud sorta building town thing
- was religious & commercial center
Who were the Woodland Indians?
- Indians living in woodland areas, northeast America
- dependant on both agriculture and hunting midely sized game
- didnt use traditional fields
- had conflicts with white settlers
What were the Mobile Societies of the Native Americans?
- some indians tribes migrated according to game, or to fertility of land and soil
- plains indians did this, chased buffalos
- Aztecs did this before they settled
How did the Natives do Agriculture?
- used beans to replenish soil (Nth)
- slash and burn (sth
- fish fertalizer (nth)
- ddin't pull up tree trunks, burnt them down and planted around them
Who was Leif Erikson?
- discoverer of wineland, (Nth Amer)
- before columbus
- norse, viking
Who was Prince Henry the Navigator?
- Portugal, encouraged exploration
- focused on West Africa & swahili states & route to china
Who was Christopher Columbus?
- discovered Hispaniola
- Convinced was indies
- looked fro gold and spices
- sponsered by spanish catholic kings, even though portuguese, they would not sponser him
- had 3 ships
- blah blah blah 1492
Who was Ferdinand Magellan?
- first to circumnavigate globe
- not really hahaha
- died in philipines b/c scuffle w/ natives & fell & went to a comma
- half crew made it back to spain through meditaranean
Who were the Conquistados?
- conquerors of latin America
- conquered Aztecs, incas, etc
- searched for gold
- horses
- caused spread of small pox
- mined silver
- used natives as workforce
Who was Cortes?
- conquistador
- conquered Aztecs
- horses
- spread small pox
- searched for gold
- believed by natives to be a god
Who was Fransisco Pizarro?
- Conquistador of incas
- spread small pox
- searched for gold
- believed by natives to be a god
What was the Ordinance of Discovery (Aztec)?
- law issued by King Philip II
- importance of this law was to keep track of all political and economic life in newly discovered places.
Who were the Catholic Missionaries (natives)?
- Spanish Missionaries who brought catholosism to the natives
- established missions in New World
- grew own crops
What is St. Augustine (1565)?
- colony established by spanish in Florida
- attacked in mid 1600s by oglethorp
What were Ecomiendas?
- system of tributory labor established in Spanish America
- as a means of securing an adequate and cheap labor supply
What was the Pueblo Revolt?
- revolt in pueblo colony in New Mexico
- headed by religious native leader Pope (ddin't like catholosism)
- took colony, but recaptured by spanish 10 years later
What was a Mestizo?
- one of mixed birth
- born in new world
- 1/2 spanish, 1/2 native
Who was John Cabot?
- discovery of North America is commonly held to be the first European voyage to the continent since Norse exploration of the Americas in the early eleventh century
Who was Richard Hakluyt?
- principally remembered for his efforts in promoting and supporting the settlement of North America by the English through his works
What was the Doctrine of Predestination?
- Calvinistic belief that it was already decided who would go to heaven and that could not be changed however is was said that a sign of a person going to heaven was if they were kind and had a good life
What was The English Reformation?
- series of events in 16th-century England where the Church of England first broke away from the authority of the Pope and the Roman Catholic Church
- associated with the wider process of the European Protestant Reformation
Who was John Calvin?
- founder of Calvinism
- predestination
- part of protestant movement
- after Martin Luther broke from church
Who were the Puritan Seperatists?
- ex. Pilgrims
- believed that secular governors are accountable to God to protect and reward virtue punish wrongdoers
- opposed the supremacy of the monarch in church
- personal Biblical interpretation
- man existed for the glory of God
Who was Elizabeth the I?
- Queen of england (1533 –1603)
- elizabethan era - famous for drama
- beefed up english navy
Who were the Coureur De Bois?
- an individual who engaged in the fur trade without permission from the French authorities
What was New Amsterdam?
- colony established by dutch in New netherland
- became modern day new york city
- taken over by british
What was the West India Company?
- a chartered company (known as the "GWC") of Dutch merchants
- granted a charter for a trade monopoly in the West Indies (meaning the Caribbean)
- jurisdiction over the African slave trade, Brazil, the Caribbean, and North America
Who was Sir Walter Raleigh?
- attempted to establish first colony at roanoke, twice
- held land in ireland
What was Roanoke?
- fist english colony
- abandoned or everyone died
- financed by Sir Walter Raleigh
Who was James I?
- King of England (1566 - 1625)
- had issues w/ parliament; disovled it, then called it back for $
Who was Lord De Lawar?
- came in time and convinced those in james town not to give up and go back to England
- tyrannical governor for life of jamestown
What was the significance of Tobacco?
- cash crop op southern states
- huge demand n England
- encouraged slave labor
Who were the Powhatans?
- Native aMericans in Nirginia area
- ex. Chief Powahtan, Pocahontas
- had quarrells with jamestown settlers
What was the Proprietary Rule?
- guaranteed of freedom of religion to Dissenters
- hoped to monopolize fundamental constitutions of Carolina as a basis for government
What was the Toleration Act?
- law mandating religious tolerance for trinitarian Christians
- used in rhode island
What was the Plymouth Plantation?
- on of first succesful colonies
- founded by pilgrims
Who was William Bradford?
- English leader of the settlers of the Plymouth Colony in Massachusetts, and was elected thirty times to be the Governor after John Carver died
What is Colonial Currency?
- few coins were minted in thirteen colonies, foreign coins like Spanish dollar = circulated
- Engilsh gov. apid military in paper $ & stimulus
- paper money became worthless
- after war printed own money, independant
What is Theocratic Society?
- society without priests and kings, all people reconciled to God and to each other, living in harmony and prosperity, blessed by God,
- associated with Quakers
What was the Pequot War?
- war on natives by colonists allied w/ other inidans
- many natives killed
- survivors imprisoned
- against Pequot indians
The Narragansetts?
- Algonquian Native American tribe from Rhode Island
- fortunately unaffected by circulating epidemics
- became strongest tribe b/c unaffected
- involved in Pequot war allied w/ colonists
- during King Philips War thought to be protecting refugee Wampanoags, hundreds died in burning of fort
What was the English Civil War?
- (1642–1651)
- series of armed conflicts and political machinations between King Charles (1st & 2nd) & parliament
- ended with the Parliamentary victory
What were the Middle Colonies?
- known as the Bread Colonies or the Breadbasket Colonies for the region's production of wheat, grain, and oats
- New Jersey, Pennsylvania, New York and Delaware
- Dutch Connecticut is occasionally referred to as a Middle Colony due to its association with the other Middle Colonies that made up Dutch New Netherlands
What were the Charter of Liberties?
- also called the Coronation Charter
- sought to bind King to certain laws regarding the treatment of church officials and nobles (over-taxation of the barons, the abuse of vacant sees, and the practices of simony and pluralism)
- considered a landmark document[1] in English legal history and a forerunner of Magna Carta.
What were Black Codes?
- passed by individual states, mainly in south
- to limit the basic human rights and civil liberties of African Americans
- end of the Civil War to control the labor, movements and activities of newly-freed slaves
- tests to vote etc
What was the Holy Experiment?
- attempt by the Quakers to establish a community for themselves in Pennsylvania
- hoped to show world how well they could function on their own w/o any persecution or dissension
What happend in California 1760’s?
- Father Junipero Serra begins establishing catholic missions
Who was James Oglethorpe?
- leader of attackes on St. Augestine
- establisher of Georgia
- for those in poverty, jail (debt), etc
- no africans/rum allowed
- very strict
- based on wishful constitution, didn't turn out way Ogle wanted it to
- taken back by crown aft unsuccessful St. Augestine seiges
- aft. developed like Sth Carolina, heriarchal, plantations, slaves
Who was Sir Edmund Andros?
- early colonial English governor in North America, and head of the short-lived Dominion of New England
- cross dresser boy who was ridiculously strict and when Glorious Revolution came around he was captured by colonists who caugth him trying to escape in womens clothes!
- he was sent to england for a trial, which he wasn't given :(
What was The Glorious Revolution?
- take over by parliament baby!
- the overthrow of King James II in 1688 by a union of Parliamentarians with an invading army led by the Dutch stadtholder William III of Orange-Nassau (William of Orange) who, as a result, ascended the English throne as William III of England together with his wife Mary II of England.
What was the Cambridge Agreement?
- agreement made on August 29, 1629, between the shareholders of the Massachusetts Bay Company
- guaranteed that Massachusetts would be a self-governing colony, answerable only to the King
- Colony and the Company now = one and the same
What was Church of England (Anglican)?
- officially established Christian church[2] in England
- Henry 8th established church b/c wanted divorce
What was Covenant Theology?
- conceptual overview and interpretive framework for understanding the overall flow of the Bible. It uses the theological concept of covenant as an organizing principle for Christian theology
What was the Halfway Covenant?
- could be part of church w/o really being pious
- form of partial church membership created by New England in 1662. It was promoted in particular by the Reverend Solomon Stoddard, who felt that the people of the English colonies were drifting away from their original religious purpose
Who was Thomas Hooker?
- prominent Puritan religious and colonial leader, who founded the Colony of Connecticut after dissenting with Puritan leaders in Massachusetts
What was the Saybrook Platform?
- conservative religious proposals adopted at Saybrook, Connecticut in September 1708. The document attempted to stem the tide of disunity among the established Congregational churches and restore discipline among both the clergy and their congregations.
What were the Cavaliers (1642-1647)?
- name for supporters of King Charles I during English civil war issues dude
Who was John Locke?
- enlightenment thinker
- ideas influenced Voltaire etc
- ideas seen in Constitution of Carolina + US Constitution
- believed in social contract
- “Life, health, Liberty, or Possessions"
- separation of powers