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34 Cards in this Set

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Main purpose of <b>external ear</b>
Catching/collecting sound waves
Main purpose of <b>middle ear</b>
Translating sound waves to mechanical energy (vibration of membranes and bones)
Main purpose of <b>inner ear</b>
Translating mechanical energy (vibration) to neural signals, sense of balance
What separates external auditory meatus from middle ear?
Tympanic membrane
What is underneath the "floor" of the middle ear?
Jugular foramen (posteriorly) and carotid canal (anteriorly). This is why there can be extensive bleeding from ear following head injury.
What nerve runs immediately anterior to mastoid air cells?
What muscle is immediately superior to the auditory tube?
Tensor tympani
What innervates tensor tympani m.?
V3 (motor division)
What innervates stapedius muscle?
Facial n.
Where does the chorda tympani run?
Right across the tympanic membrane
What is the point at which the facial nerve gives off the greater petrosal?
Geniculate ganglion
What's the point of intersection of middle ear (stapes) with inner ear?
Oval window
What is the direction the auditory/eustachian tube travels?
Most medially, it starts in the nasopharynx. There's an opening to it directly underneath torus tubaris. Then it travels diagonally (superolaterally) about 1.5" toward middle ear, becoming bony as it enters the temporal bone.
What is the part of the ear that serves to equalize pressure on each side of tympanic membrane?
Auditory tube
What bone (in middle ear) has the connection with the inner ear?
Inside what bone (and what part of this bone) is the inner ear found?
Petrous portion of temporal bone
What is the name for the series of canals in the petrous portion of the temporal bone?
Osseus labyrinth
What is the structure that transduces pressure waves to action potentials? (for hearing)
Organ of Corti
What muscles are found in the inner ear?
Tensor tympani and stapedius
In the osseous labyrinth, are the auditory and vestibular portions found anteriorly or posteriorly? (which is which)
Auditory - (Cochlea) Anterior
Vestibular - (semicircular canals) Posterior
The semicircular canals are associated with what sense?
Balance/Vestibular system
Which nerves carry the special sensory fibers (taste)
Greater petrosal, Chorda tympani, Vagus
Where are the cell bodies for the special sensory/taste neurons located?
Geniculate ganglion
Wherever vagus soma are
Which nerve carries the preganglionic parasympathetic fibers to the pterygopalatine ganglion?
Greater petrosal
Which nerve carries the preganglionic parasympathetic fibers to the submandibular ganglion?
Chorda tympani
Which nerve carries <b>vestibular sensation and hearing from spiral organ?</b>
Vestibulocochlear (Auditory), CN VIII
Where does CN VIII come out of cranial cavity?
Internal acoustic meatus
In what part of what bone are the semicircular canals found?
Petrous portion of temporal
What nerves contribute to the tympanic plexus?
CNs VII, IX, and X
Branches from what nerve make up the lesser petrosal n.?
CN IX (glossopharyngeal)
What hole in the cranial cavity do the preganglionic parasympathetic fibers carried by lesser petrosal nerve go thru?
Foramen ovale (they are traveling with V3)
Where will preganglionic parasympathetic fibers carried by lesser petrosal nerve synapse?
Otic ganglion
What will parasympathetic fibers carried by lesser petrosal nerve eventually innervate? (well, the nerve that they synapse onto innervates).
Parotid gland
What nerve do the postganglionic parasympathetic fibers from the otic ganglion hop onto to get to the parotid gland?
Auriculotemporal n. of V3