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133 Cards in this Set

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Soils is a mixture of mineral grains enclosing various sizes ofvoids that contain ________?
Air(or other gases)
organic matter
Geologist classify rocks into what groups?
What is Igneous?
rock formed by cooling from molten state
What is Sedimentary ?
rock formed by accumulation of particles and remains of plants and animals
What is Metamorphic?
rock formed by pressure and heat applied to existing rock
Weathering is...
physical and chemical process that transforms rock into a loose, incoherent mixture.
_____ is found in mouths of river deltas.
_____ is found in fresh water lakes and rivers.
____ is found in dunes.
_____ is found in eskers, kames, and moraines.
_____ pass the no. 200 sieve and exhibit plasticity and strength.
______ pass the no. 200 sieve and exhibit LITTLE plasticity and strength.
What is USCS?
Materials retained on a 3 in. sieve are classified as......
Which Bulky particle shape is considered the most desirable for construction purposes?
Well graded soils consist of ____ particle sizes.
How does a dense structure with a high degree of compactness occur?
closely packed soil particles interlock with smaller grains
Minimum-maximum specific gravity range of most inorganic soils is...
Which soil property has the greatest effect on soil when subject to loading?
Moisture Content
Hydroscopic Moisture is...
Absorbed moisture in soil at any time
Which of the following factors does the term "moisture content" (W) refer to?
the proportion of the weight of water to the weight of dry soil expressed as a percentage
Which of the following proporties of fined grained soil permits clay to be rolled into thin threads at certain moisture contents without crumbling?
The boundary where further loss of moisture change a soil's volume is...
______ is the limit between the liquid and plastic state of a soil.
Liquid Limit
______ is the limit between the plastic and semisolid state.
Plastic Limit
which would be least affected by SOIL MOISTURE if a concrete buliding foundation is laid on?
*sand-clay admixture
*fine-grained soil
*gravel base
*gravel-clay admixture
*Gravel, moisture is most likely to escape since gravel is bigger than sand, fines, and clays
What soil classification undergoes large volume changes with variations in moisture content?
THREE major division of soil classifications?
Soil classification when less than half of the coarse- grained portion of a soil sample is retained on a No.4 sieve?
Hand auger disturbed soil can be used for what?
Compaction capabilities
Moisture content
Soil profile
What do the sections on soil tags mean?
CB- project
P3- bag number
2- pit number 2
Disturbed soils is good for what test?
Mechanical analysis
Frost susceptibility
Specific gravity

How much sample do you need to determine the moisture content of fine-grained soils

100 grams

Moisture content samples dont need to be covered up to preserve moisture if test ishappening in how much time?
24 hours
1 Day
Undisturbed soil samples are needed for
In-place density
Shear strength
Compressive strength
What soil type would an undisturbed chunk sample be best suited for sampling?

Whats after removing a CBR mold and undisturbed sample from a hole?

remove upper collar and trim a 1/2 inch recess in the top of the mold

To be certain that the soil sample is representative of the whole sample _______ is done.
What quarters are discarded from a quartering sample?
two daigonally oppisite quarters
What is the sequence of a soil test?
1- moister content
2- grain sized and distributioin
3- specific gravity
4- Atterberg limits
5- moisture density relationship
6- field moisture content
Sieve analysis is applied to soil larger than the ____ sieve.
No. 200
Prewash is done in a normal dry analysis when?
the sample contains cohesive soil forming hard lumps
Retain on the No. 4 sieve
Sands pass a No.___ and ___ on a_____.
No. 4 sieve
No. 200
what are fines
soils that pass the No. 200
Hydrometer Test is...
Test you perform if 2% passes the No. 200 sieve and to determine the susceptibiltiy to frost.
Following material should be tested for SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF SOLIDS after a sieve ananlysis...
Passing the No. 4 sieve
PI is the point at which the material...
containss the greates water content and remains plastic.
Retest material that is recorded above the ___ line on a USCS Plasticity Chart
Slump test measures
Which portion of a batch should a slump test be taken at 2 or more regularly spaced intervals?
Middle Only
How many times should each layer of a slump test be rodded?
how long should the slump test take?
2-1/2 minutes
What are the dimensions of a standard concrete cylinder specimen?
6 in diameter by 12 in long
A standard size cylinder specimen should be filled in _____ layers and rodded _____ times at each layer.
3, 25
Passes the 3 in and retained on the No. 4
passes the No. 4 and retained ont he No. 200
Passes the No. 200
What is Bulky?
Particles that are relatively large in all three dimensions
What are Bulky soils?
Well rounded
Sub rounded
Sub angular
Plasticity Index=
Liquid Limit - Plastic Limit
3 places to collect soil from?
Test pit
already existing excavations
Provides the most satisfactory results for studying the natual soil conditions
Test Pits
Sheet the soil moisture content determination is recorded on
DD Form 1205
Size of balls for Speedy
1-1/4 inch
The speedy uses what kind of chemical to get water content?
Calcium Carbide
How many scoops of reagent is added?
3- 24g
Grain size analysis is recorded on what paper?
DD form 1206
What is the Grain Size Distribution graph?
DD Form 1207, used to plot sieve size and percentage passing sieve, using a french curve.
Grain Size Analysis hydrometer method uses what form
DD Form 1794,
measure fines passing the NO. 200
Frost Suspectibility happens when
if soil data contains 3% or more by weight of particles (Block 22b) smaller than .020 mm in diameter(Block 21)
what is Stokes Law
relates the terminal velocity of a free fallin sphere in a liquid to its diameter.
V= {(Gs-Gw)/ 18n}D^2
Specific Gravity Test is done to soil passing...
No. 4
Specific Gravity Test is Recorded on
DD form 1208
Place how much soil onto the brass cup from the LL test
20-25 grams
How many groves are used on the LL test
1-6 making a 13cm line
the hight of the drop should be for the LL test
1 centimeter
How many revolutions per second for the cranking in the LL test
2 per second
What length do you roll the soil in the PL test at what time?
3.2 cm in no more than 2mins

Compression test are...

Conducted to dermine a mix design's ability to resist a crushing force measured in pounds per square inch(PSI)

Flexural Test are...
conducted to determine a concretes ability to resist a breaking force.
Comprehensive test needs __ specimens tested at___ and ___ days.
7 and 28 days
Tap side of mold of compressive how many times
Beam specimens measure...
6x6x21 inches
How many strokes for a concrete beam, layers, side taps, and penetration?
63 times, 1 stroke per 2 sq in.
2 layers
10-15 taps per layer
1/2 in penetration into next layer.
Concrete type 1
most regular concrete used for the simplest of projects
Concrete type 1A
Air entrained concrete, provides workability, and resistance to frost action, freezing, and thawing.
Concrete type 2
Concrete used where there are high heats and protection from sulfate(acid rain)
Concrete type 2A
Concrete used where there are high heats and protection from sulfate(acid rain) but with air entrained
Concrete type 3
Cement used when a high strength is needed quickly due to freezing.
Concrete type 3A
Cement used when a high strength is needed quickly due to freezing but air-entrained
Concrete type 4
Cement used when a low heat of hydration is desired. Hardens slowly in high temps. is not air entertained
Concrete type 5
Cement used when high sulfate resistance is required. Low in calcium aluminate.
what does strength means in concrete?
strength is the concretes ability to resist a load in compression.
Ratio of water to cement most important factor
Ideal Temp of concrete is...`
55-70 degrees F
The greatest improvement in water tightness and resistance to the disruptive actiohn of freezing is obtained how?
Adding 4 to 7.5 percent volume of entrained air into concrete
Specimen fails within the middle third
R= (P x L )/(B x D^2)
Speciemen fails with in the middle third by not more than 5%
R= (3P xA) / (B x D^2)
Compressive strength formula
Compressive strength = P/A
P-load at the time of failure in pounds

Types of fractures: Cone


l \ /l

l \/ l

l / \ l

l / \l


Types of fractures: Cone and split


l l l

l l l

l / \ l

l /_\ l

Types of fractures: cone and shear
l /l
l / l
l /\ l
l /_\l
Types of fractures: shear
Cylinder with one diagnol line
Types of Fractures: Columnar
Viertical lines on the cylinder
dimensions of the CBR(California bearing ratio) mold
6in inside D, 7in inside hight, detachable collar 2in, and bottom disk 2.416in
As the compactive effort is increased...
the maximum density usually increases and the OMC(optimal moisture content) decreases.
Pocedure C for the Compaction test use how much soil?
75lbs dry soil
100lbs moist soil
Number of blows and layers for procedure C compaction test
3test with 10,25 and 56blows
5 layers
Layers for the compaction test
5 layers compacted down to 1 inch, last layer will not exceed the collar by 1/4 inches.
Compaction Rod weighs how much for the standard proctor test and CBR mold
5.5 lbs standard
10Lbs CBR

the vertical degree of the drop and highth

5 degrees

18 in drop

What is the CBR test
Used to obtain an indication of the strength of a subgrade soil, subbase, and base course material for use in road and infield pavements.
Crank the jack to lower the piston of a CBR test...
.05inch per minute
what is the DCP
dual mass dynamic cone penetrometer
how many many molds with what material type are needed for the CBR test
5 molds per 3 tests
of -4,-2,0,2,4
For material passing the 3/4 sieve use what mold for compaction test?
the 6in or CBR mold
CBR uses about how much soil?
225 pounds
Which calibrations must be done when doing the sand cone density test?
Jar volume,density of sand,and surface calibration
The depth in inches for the sand displacement method is how many inches?
6 inches
how does the nuclear density meter determine the moisture of the soil?
measures the hydrogen concentration in the soil
how do you obtain the total load when performing the penetration test(part of CBR test) ?
multipy the the proving ring dial and ring constant
what is the hydrometer analysis?
calculates the grain size of slits and clay by using Stokes law to help determine if soil is susceptible to frost
particles that are in the hydrometer analysis must pass the____ sieve.
the 200 sieve
how much sand is required for hydrometer test?
100 g sandy and 50g clay
what cement is used to prevent staining and darkening?
if testing material to see if it is concrete what do you do?
wet it and see if it hardens before 10hours

what effect does organic material have on hydration process?

prevents chemical reaction, cement adherence, and deterioration

when adding sea water to cement you should do what to compensate?
decrease the water to cement ratio
heavily reinforced slab 6-10 inches uses what size of aggregates?
1-1/2 inches

Gives a relative measure of the proportions of fine and coarse particles in an aggregate

Fineness Modulus

at what constant rate in PSI is the test load for compressive strength applied to the cylinder
20-50 psi
what test do you perform to determine if a bitumen is an asphalt, an emulsion, or a tar?
what test can asphalt cement be distinguished from asphalt cutback?