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10 Cards in this Set

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What are CAD equivalents?
DM, Aortic aneurysm, PVD,TIA, stroke, 10 year risk for CAD >20% using Framingham risk scale.
Who should be screened for dyslipidemia?
Generally male > 35, female >45
According to USPSTF male 20-35 or female 20-45.
Regardless of age, all patients with known CHD, or CAD equivalents should be screened.
What are the causes of 2nd causes of dyslipidemia?
Tobacco, EtOH, hypothyroid, DM, obstructive liver dz, renal failure, nephrotic syndrome.
What should clinicians advice pt with dyslipidemia about life stylestyle changes?
Diet- rich in fruits, veggies, nuts, and whole grain, low in red meat and animal fat. Increase soy consumption.
When should drug therapy recommended for dyslipidemia?
depends on underlying RFs.
1. if none or 1 CHD RF, then 6 months of lifestyle mod.
2. if CAD or equilalent with LDL >100, start therapy.
3.if high risk CVD, treat LDL goal of <70.
4. If hospitalized for a CAD event. Start therapy. i.e. statins.
What the goals drug therapy of dyslipidemia?
Treat LDL first!
1. for high LDL, statin first, absorption blocker, niacin.
2. for High LDL and low HDL; statin 1st and niacin 2nd.
3. for High LDL and low HDL high TG; statin and niacin 1st, fibrate 2nd.
4. high TG levels consider fibrates and niacins
5. low HDL. niacin 1st, fibrate 2nd.
What cautions during drug tx for dyslipidemia?
be vigilant for drug interactions. Fibrates should be used with cautions when combine with statins (gemfibrozil) compete for metabolism via CP450, may induce rabdomyolysis.
What are the SE of drug therapy for dyslipidemia?
myalgias, myositis, increased LFT and (rare) rhabdomyolysis.
What are some SE of Fibrates?
can cause nausea and skin rash.
What are some SE of Niacin?
Can cause flushing, nausea, HA, glucose intolerance and gout. ASA can minimize flushing 1 hrs prior to taking niacin.