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26 Cards in this Set

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How recent can sx appear to be used to dx personality DO, and why?
1. personality disorders must be since adolescence/early adulthood - cannot be due to recent appearance of sx
2 main requires for MR
2. MR: sub-average intellectual functioning AND impairments in adaptive functioning
3 main clusters for Autism
4. Autistism: pervasive, onset < 3 yrs, cluster of 3 criteria: social problems, communication, restricted/repetitive behaviors
ODD timeline + single sx?
7. ODD: recurrent pattern, 6+ months
Conduct DO: what kind of violatsion, what timeline?
8. Conduct DO: major violations, 3+ sx for 12+ months
9. Separation anxiety DO: what ages?
9. Separation anxiety DO: < 18
How to diff. delirium
10. delirium: disturbance of consciousness, short time, fluctuating course, mostly reversible if cause is found
How to diff. dementia
11. dementia: memory impairment plus something else, not reversible, long time, steady course
13. substance abuse: what kind use, what 2 types of consequences, # sx, over X time. what 2 substances cannot be classified as abuse?
13. substance abuse: maladaptive use resulting in 1+ sx, "recurrent and significant negative consequences, over 12 months. cannot be nicotine + caffeine.
14. schizophrenia: how many months, active phase at least how long with X # active sx – the only sx that ALONE will allow dx is WHAT
14. schizophrenia: 6+ months, active phase at least 1 month w/ 2+ active sx – the only sx that ALONE will allow dx is bizarre delusions
16. schizoaffective vs. mood disorder w/ psychotic: in schizoaffective: WHAT sx predominate with periods of co-accuring WHAT sx, but at least 2 weeks of WHAT
16. schizoaffective vs. mood disorder w/ psychotic: in schizoaffective, psychotic sx predominate (“schizo” comes first in title) with periods of co-accuring mood sx, but at least 2 weeks of SEE NOTES
Major diff of delusional DO from schiz
Non-bizarre delusion
18. key diff btwn manic/hypomanic =
18. key diff btwn manic/hypomanic = marked impairment
19. panic attack: X sx, peaks over X time
19. panic attack: 4+ sx, peaks over 10 minute period,
21. OCD: both/and/or?
21. OCD: obs OR comp
22. PTSD: need ALL X categories
acute = X months
chronic = X months
22. PTSD: need ALL 3 categories: reexpering, avoidance, increased arousal; acute = 1 to 3 months, chronic = 3+ months
a. somatization DO: X sx before age X, WHAT categories, TIME duration
a. somatization DO: multiple somatic sx before age 30, variety of categories, several years duration
What is Conversion DO?
b. conversion: loose aspect of functioning when nothing wrong with them
Pain DO is what?
c. pain Dx: significant pain + psychological factors have role
d. undifferentiated somatiform: WHAT, timeline
d. undifferentiated somatiform: 1 or more sx that cannot be fully explained, 6+ months preoccupation
24. body dysmorphic: delusional or exaggerated?
24. body dysmorphic: not delusional but more exaggerated
25. facticious = WHAT role?
25. facticious = sick role
key for anorexia =
26. anorexia = refusal to maintain normal body weight (<85%)
Diff for bulimia =
27. bulimia = normal body weight
28. disomnia =
28. disomnia = sleep disturbed
30. adjustment DO = sx START w/in X months of stressor, continue no more than X months after termination of stressor
30. adjustment DO = sx START w/in 3 months of stressor, continue no more than 6 months after termination of stressor