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54 Cards in this Set

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Body Composition

The portion of muscles, bone, fat and other tissues that makes up a person's total body weight

Obesity in the USA Today?

Goal of Healthy people 2010?

68% adults overweight/obese

GOAL: to bring the % down to 15%

How to determine if one is over weight or obese?



WT(LB) X 703 / HT(in^2)


WT(Kg) / HT (M^2)

What is the BMI for someone who is





Underweight: BMI <18.5

Normal: 18.5-24.9

Overweight: 25-29.9

Obese: BMI >30

Health Concerns with too little body fat? (underweight)

-Hyper metabolic state

-Wasting = progressive and loss of weight and body tissue

What does BMI NOT take into account?

-how much of person's body weight is fat

-where fat located



-Adults over 65 lose inches

People w/ cancer often die NOT b/c of cancer but...?

b/c of Starvation=Cancer Cachexia

Health Risks Associate with Much Body Fat (Obesity)

HTN (Hypertension)

DM (Diabetes Mellitus)

CVD (Cardiov. Disease)

LESS serious Health Risks Associate with Much Body Fat (Obesity)

-Adominal hernia


-Kidney Stones

Factors that help an Obese Person Stay healthy?


-No Smoking

-Physical Activity (PA)

Central Obesity?

Excess body fat (Visceral fat) located around abdominal areas

People with visceral fat are at higher risk for:

-DM (diabetes)

-HTN (hypertension)

-CVD (cardiov. Disease)

-Dislipidemia (abnormal blood lipid)

How does Obesity increase risk of HD (Heart Disease)?

= Visceral Fat released what hormone? and what's its role?

-Visceral Fat releases ADIPOKINES

-Its role: regulate inflammatory process and energy metabolism in tissues

Subcutaneous Fat?

stored under the skin

ex) Cellulite

What does Waist Circumference reflect?

Reflects visceral fat stores in portion to body fatness

Waist Circumference for



Men < 40 in

Women < 35 in

How does one gain weight?

Energy in = Energy Out

Determining Energy In?

-familiarize with kcal in food

-Diet Analysis Software

-Bowes and Church

Determining Energy Out?

No quick easy method

Varies based on:



Genetics 1

how many kcal does 1 pound of body fat =

3,500 kcal

What hormone controls BMR?


Basal Metabolism (BMR)?

= Energy required to support the body's work such as circulation, respiration, hormone secretion...

What does BMR EXCLUDE?


-Voluntary Activities

What does BMR INCLUDE? (Voluntary Activities)





Factors that affect BMR?



-body composition


Thermic Effect of Food

-aka Diet Induced Thermogenisis (DIT) )?

The Body's metabolic response to food that uses about 10 % of meal's energy value for digestion

Estimated Energy Requirement (EER)?

recommendation for energy intake accounting for Ager, Gender, Ht, Wt, PA

How to Determind Desirable Body Weight for MALES?

Males- 106 for 5 ft

- add addition 6lbs for every inch over 5ft

EX: 5' 10") 106 + 66 = 172

Add 10% for large frame

Subtract 10 % for small frame

How to Determind Desirable Body Weight for FEMALES?

Females- 100 for 5 ft

- add additional 5lbs for every inch over 5ft

EX: 5' 5") 100 + 25 = 125

Add 10% for large frame

Subtract 10 % for small frame

Bioelectrical Impedance?

a technique for measuring body fatness by measuring the body's electrical conductivity

-only lean tissue and water conduct electrical currents

Dual Energy X-Ray Absoptometry (DEXA)?

Another method that determined:

-body fat


-body fat distribution

Skin Fold Test?

Measurement of the tickles of a fold of skin and subcutaneous fat using a calipers on the:

-back of arm

-below shoulder blade

What should Healthy Body Weight (HBW) be based on?


-Freedom of disease

-Comfort of body image

Too little Body fat?

linked with



-cant keep warm

Body fat % for



Men: 12-20% body fat

Women: 20-30% body fat

Average Body Composition for MEN?

45% muscle

25% organs

15% fat

15% bone

Average Body Composition for WOMEN?

36% muscle

24% organs

27% fat

13% bone

Meaning of Hunger?

Physiological NEED to eat:

Occurs every 4-6 hours

Factors that Initiate Hunger?

-nutrients in the blood stream


-sex hormones


Meaning of Appetite?

Psychological DESIRE to eat.


Perception of fullness that builds throughout a meal

(starts to curve appetite)


Feel Full - Stop eating

(we are actually full!)

Which food is the most satiating?



Body maintains a certain weight b/c of internal control


influence a person's tendency to gain weight or stay lean

Environmental causes of obesity?




-comfort foods

Obesity also caused by NEAT:

Non Exercise Activity Thermogenisis = energy expenditure associated with everyday activity (Not being active)

Low Carb Diet:

brings response similar to fasting

CHO runs out- body breaks down fat and protein. Forms ketones bodies to fuel brain (BAD)

Strategies for Weight Loss:

-set goals

-keep records

-Small frequent meals

Strategies for weight Gain?

-eat enough to store more energy than yo need

-exercise to build muscle

-Drink caloric fluids

Realistic Target Weight

-stop gaining weight

-obtain a healthy BMI

change negative behaviors

Healthy Diet?

-eat many fruits, veggies, and whole grains

-limit TFA and STA

-Consume foods DRI Recommendation:

CHO 45-65%

FAT 20-35%

Protein 10-35%

Energy Density Concept

amount of energy in comparison to how much the food item weighs