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12 Cards in this Set

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What are the essential features of schizophrenia?

What are sxs?
- disturbance that lasts at least 6 months
- includes 1 month of active phase of 2+ sxs of:

- delusions
- hallucinations
- disorganized speech
- disorganized or catatonic beahvior
- negative sxs (affect flattening, alogia, or avolition)
(note: only need 1 sxs if delusions are bizarre or if halluc is voices who keep talking or 2 voices talking to each other)
What are the subtypes of schizophrenia?
- paranoid
- disorganized
- catatonic
- undifferentiated
- residual
295.10 (Schizophrenia) Disorganized Type
Characterized by:
(1) disorganized speech
(2) disorganized behavior
(3) flat or inappropriate affect

B. The criteria are not met for Catatonic Type.
295.20 (Schizophrenia) Catatonic Type
Dominated by 2+ of the following

(1) motoric immobility as evidenced by catalepsy or stupor
(2) excessive & purposeless motor activity
(3) extreme negativism or mutism
(4) peculiarities of voluntary movement (inappropriate or bizarre postures, mannerisms or prominent grimacing)
(5) echolalia or echopraxia
295.30 (Schizophrenia) Paranoid Type
the following criteria are met:

A. Preoccupation with 1+ delusions or frequent auditory hallucinations.

B. None of the following is prominent:
-disorganized speech,
-disorganized or catatonic behavior
-flat or inappropriate affect.
295.60 (Schizophrenia) Residual Type
the following criteria are met:

A. Had at least 1 episode of Schizophrenia but now an absence of prominent delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech, and grossly disorganized or catatonic behavior while there is still some negative symptoms or 2+ milder forms of the above symptoms present.
Schizophrenia Base Rate ?

Median age onset?
.5% to 1.5%
10 times higher for siblings

Median age onset mid-20's men, late 20's women
Schizophrenia Differential Diagnosis
-Schizoaffective Disorder (or other Psychotic Disorder)
-Mood Disorder
-Substance Abuse
-Mental Retardation or Pervasive Developmental D.O.
-Schizotypal Personality Disorder
295.40 Schizophreniform Disorder
Meets the criteria for schizophrenia but episode of the disorder has been for 1+ month but >6 months.

(When the diagnosis must be made without waiting for recovery, it should be qualified as Provisional.")
Specify if:
Without Good Prognostic Features
With Good Prognostic Features: as evidenced by 2+ of the following:

(1) onset of prominent psychotic symptoms within 4 weeks of the first noticeable change in usual behavior or functioning
(2) confusion or perplexity at the height of the psychotic episode
(3) good premorbid social and occupational functioning
(4) absence of blunted or flat affect
Delusional Disorder
One month of non bizarre delusions without other active phas sxs of schiizophrenia
Types of Delusional disorder
- erotomanic - an individual of higher status is in love with you.
- Grandiose - inflated self worth, power, knowledge, special relationship with a person of high status
- jealous- partner is being unfaithful
- persecutory- person or close persons are being threatened
- somatic- having a personal defect or medical problem
- mixed type
- unspecified type
Prevalence Rate of delusion do

Indicators of delusion do

Functioning is generally unimpaired except for the delusion