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33 Cards in this Set

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Sodium bicarbonate advantage
rapid acting
Sodium bicarbonate disadvantage
short duration
possible systemic alkalosis
fluid retention in pts with HF and HTN
Sodium bicarbonate problem with renal insufficiency
acid rebound
belching and gastric distention due to CO2
Sodium bicarbonate dose limit
16-17g (200mEq) qday
for elderly and renal pts: reduce by half
calcium carbonate advantage
rapid acting
high capacity
calcium carbonate disadvantage
cause hypercalcemia
Milk Alkali Syndrome --> kidney stone
intense acid rebound
calcium carbonate limit dose for chronic use
magnesium hydroxide advantage
strong neutralier
no gas, no belching
magnesium hydroxide disadvantage
slower acting
cause diarrhea with chronic use
eliminated by the kidneys, thus can accumulate to toxic level in elderly and renal pts.
Why Aluminum hydroxide is a bad preparation
relatively insoluble
slower acting
low neutralizing power
cause constipation
phosphate depletion
tastes bad
Why is cholinergic antagonist no longer used for acid-peptic disorder?
Ach is not the only mediator for H+ secretion
Reduce basal H+ by 40-50%
H+ secretion is the least sensitive to anticholinergics
3 modes of action of H2 receptor antagonists
competitive antagonist of H2 receptors
Decrease acid secretion
decrease pepsin secretion
4 H2 receptor antagonists

all equal efficacy
2 mechanisms of H2 antagonist to decrease acid secretion
block Histamine binding to parietal cell
decrease response of parietal cells to direct stimulation by gastrin or Ach in presence of H2 blocker
Advatantages of H2 antagonists
decrease basal acid secretion for few hrs
Little or no H+ rebound
decrease food-stimulated secretion
nocturnal acid secretion inhibited to greater extent than meal-stimulated acid secretion
Cimetidine (Tagamet) doses
active ulcer: 300mg qid, 400mg bid, 800mg hs
Prevention of recurrence: 400mg hs
Cimetidine SE
well tolerated
in elderly: hallucination, confusion, slurred speech
DI - inhibit CYP1A2, 2C19, 2D6, and 3A4
Ranitidine (Zantac) doses
150mg bid
300mg hs
Ranitidnie SE
fewer SE than Cimetidine (headache, fatigue, confusion, diarrhea)
less inhibition of drug metabolism
Famotidine (Pepcid) doses
20mg bid or 40mg hs
Advantages of PPIs
inhibit both fasting and meal-stimulated secretion
block final common pathway of acid secretion - proton pump
most potent as acid suppressant (98% up to 24 hr)
equal efficacy amongst PPIS
Mechanism of action of PPIS
activated in acidic environment to sulfenamide
covalently bind to cysteine residue of H+, K+ ATPase catalytic subunit
Why should we give PPIs 30-60 min before first of day?
only 10% of proton pumps actively secrete acid in the fasting state
peak serum conc of PPI coincides with maximum proton pump secretion, which is stimulated by food.
Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome
hypersecretory condition, produce the greatest amt of acidity
give PPIs at twice the dosage
Enzymes metabolize PPI
CYP3A4 and 2C19
PPI interaction with Clopidogrel
Clopidogrel: prodrug, metabolized by 2C19
PPIs can inhibit 2C19, mainly in omeprazole, least with pantoprazole
PPI side effects
safe drug
diarrhea, nausea, abdominal pain
bone fractures: decrease bone resorption by inhibiting H+ secretion from active osteoclast
Sucralfate (Carafate)
complex of Al(OH)3 & sulfated sucrose
protective agent that enhance mucosal defense
Administer at least 2 hrs after other drugs
MOA of Sucralfate
binds to cationic groups in protein in ulcers or erosion
stimulates secretion of PG from GI mucosa
forms complex gel with mucus, decreasing mucus degradation by pepsin.
SE of Sucrafate
constipation, dry mouth, nausea, vomiting
Effects of Misoprostol (CYTOTEC)
inhibit histamine-stimulated cAMP production --> decrease H+ production
increase mucus secretion
increase mucosal blood flow
increase HCO3- secretion
accelerates cell healing
Misoprostol SE
diarrhea, abdominal cramps
Misoprostol contraindication
in women with child-bearing potential because of stimulant effect on uterus.