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23 Cards in this Set

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Bethanechol (Urecholine)
•Class: Direct acting cholinergic agonist
•Receptor: M
•Action: Prounounced effects on bladder and GI tract; 4° amine, does not pass BBB
•Indications: urinary retention, dec. bowel activity
•Contraindications: peptic ulcers, asthma
Pilocarpine (Isopto Carpine)
•Class: Direct acting cholinergic agonist
•Receptor: M
•Action: stimulates salivary and sweat glands;contract iris sphincter and ciliary muscle to decrease pressure; absorbed into the CNS
•Indications: Open angle glaucoma
•Side effects: blurred vision, sweating
Cavimeline (Evoxac)
•Class: Direct acting cholinergic agonist
•Receptor: M3
•Action: increase salivation without much sweating
•Indications: dry mouth
•SE/CI: none
Carbochol (Isopto Carbachol)
•Class: Direct acting cholinergic agonist
•Receptor: M, N
•Action: choline ester that is not not hydrolyzed rapidly
•Indications: Dx of asthma
•Class:Direct acting cholinergic agonist
•Receptor: N
•Action: initial stimulation of alrtness, skeletal muscles; not broken down fast causing desensitization
•SE/CI: high doses cause convulsions, vomiting, increased RR followed by depression
Varenicline (Chantix)
•Class: Direct acting cholinergic agonist
•Receptor: N
•Action: partial agonist of N revceptor in brain to block action of nicotine
•Indications: smoking cessation
•SE/CI: N/V, CNS disturbances
Edrophonium (Tensilon)
•Class: Cholinesterase inhibitor
•Action: short acting; binds reversible to enzyme; used to diagnose MG;
•Indications: Dx of myasthenia gravis
Neostigmine (Prostigmin)
•Class: Cholinesterase inhibitor
•Action: carbamate; 4° amine
•Indications: Dx of MG
•SE/CI: muscarinic side effects
Physostigmine (Eserine)
•Class: Cholinesterase inhibtor
•Action: carbamate; like neostigmine but 3° amine (can enter CNS)
•Indications: narrow angle glaucoma
•SE/CI: unpleasant
•Class: Cholinesterase inhibitor
•Action: organophosphate with long duration
•Indications: long term control of glaucoma
Organophosphate Pesticides
•Class: Cholinesterase inhibitor
•Action: phsphorylate AChE; reversible early but undergoes irreversible aging over hours
•Indications: pesticides, nerve gas
•SE/CI: similar to stimulation of both M and N receptors
Donepesil (Aricept)
•Class: Cholinesterase inhibitor
•Action: CNS acting
•Indications: Alzheimers
Pralidoxamine (2-PAM)
•Class: Cholinesterase inhibitor
•Action: can remove organophosphate to prevent aging
•Indications: organophosphate OD or carbamate OD
"Dry as a bone, blind as a bat, mad as a hatter, red as a beet"

•Class: Cholinergic Antagonist
•Action: does not enter CNS until high dose; block ciliary mm., lose of accommodation (cyclopegia); closes trabecular system; dose dependent effects
••Low - dry mouth, dec. sweating and dec. bronchial secretions
••Intermediate - tachycardia and blurred vision
••High - decrease GI, urinary retention, CNS effects
•Indications: to reverse effects of reflex vagal disharge, bradycardia, AV block, asthma attack
•SE/CI: side effects due to decrease of PNS and increase of SNS toen; CI - narrow angle glaucoma, BPH
•Class: Cholinergic antagonist
•Action: enters CNS easily to cause sedation and amnesia
•Indications: motion sickness (patch), pre anesthesia, dry bronchial and salivary secretion
•SE/CI: excitement, euphoria, coma with high dose; psychosis in kids
Tolterodine (Detrol)
•Class: Cholinergic Antagonist
•Receptor: M3
•Action: not lipid soluble, few CNS effects
•Indications: overactive bladder
Oxybutynin (Ditropan)
•Class: Cholinergic antagonist
•Indications: prevent bladder spasm after prostate sx
Glycopyrrolate (Robinul)
•Class: Cholinergic antagonist
•Indications: used surgically to prevent vagal response when visceral handled; decreases M side effects when neostigmine is used for MG
Dicyclomine (Bentyl)
•Class: Cholinergic antagonist
•Action: inhibit motility and secretions in GI tract
•Indications: GI antispasmotic
Solifenacin (Vesicare)
•Class:Cholinergic antagonist
•Receptor: M3
•Action: little effect on salivation
•Indications: overactive baldder and urinary frequency
Ipatropium (Atrovent)
•Class: Cholinergic antagonist
•Action: 4° amine derivative of atropine
•Indications: inhalation for asthma and COPD
•SE/CI: dry mouth
Tropicamide (Mydriacil)
•Class: Cholinergic antagonist
•Action: synthetic derivative of atropine with short duration
•Indications: mydriasis and cytoplegia
•SE/CI: CI- narrow angle
Diphenoxylate-atropine (Lomotil)
•Class: Cholinergic antagonist
•Action: opioid that decreases GI motility
•Indications: diarrhea