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67 Cards in this Set

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Bethanechol (Urecholine)
•Class: Direct acting cholinergic agonist
•Receptor: M
•Action: Prounounced effects on bladder and GI tract; 4° amine, does not pass BBB
•Indications: urinary retention, dec. bowel activity
•Contraindications: peptic ulcers, asthma
Pilocarpine (Isopto Carpine)
•Class: Direct acting cholinergic agonist
•Receptor: M
•Action: stimulates salivary and sweat glands;contract iris sphincter and ciliary muscle to decrease pressure; absorbed into the CNS
•Indications: Open angle glaucoma
•Side effects: blurred vision, sweating
Cavimeline (Evoxac)
•Class: Direct acting cholinergic agonist
•Receptor: M3
•Action: increase salivation without much sweating
•Indications: dry mouth
•SE/CI: none
Carbochol (Isopto Carbachol)
•Class: Direct acting cholinergic agonist
•Receptor: M, N
•Action: choline ester that is not not hydrolyzed rapidly
•Indications: Dx of asthma
•Class:Direct acting cholinergic agonist
•Receptor: N
•Action: initial stimulation of alrtness, skeletal muscles; not broken down fast causing desensitization
•SE/CI: high doses cause convulsions, vomiting, increased RR followed by depression
Varenicline (Chantix)
•Class: Direct acting cholinergic agonist
•Receptor: N
•Action: partial agonist of N revceptor in brain to block action of nicotine
•Indications: smoking cessation
•SE/CI: N/V, CNS disturbances
Edrophonium (Tensilon)
•Class: Cholinesterase inhibitor
•Action: short acting; binds reversible to enzyme; used to diagnose MG;
•Indications: Dx of myasthenia gravis
Neostigmine (Prostigmin)
•Class: Cholinesterase inhibitor
•Action: carbamate; 4° amine
•Indications: Dx of MG
•SE/CI: muscarinic side effects
Physostigmine (Eserine)
•Class: Cholinesterase inhibtor
•Action: carbamate; like neostigmine but 3° amine (can enter CNS)
•Indications: narrow angle glaucoma
•SE/CI: unpleasant
•Class: Cholinesterase inhibitor
•Action: organophosphate with long duration
•Indications: long term control of glaucoma
Organophosphate Pesticides
•Class: Cholinesterase inhibitor
•Action: phsphorylate AChE; reversible early but undergoes irreversible aging over hours
•Indications: pesticides, nerve gas
•SE/CI: similar to stimulation of both M and N receptors
Donepesil (Aricept)
•Class: Cholinesterase inhibitor
•Action: CNS acting
•Indications: Alzheimers
Pralidoxamine (2-PAM)
•Class: Cholinesterase inhibitor
•Action: can remove organophosphate to prevent aging
•Indications: organophosphate OD or carbamate OD
"Dry as a bone, blind as a bat, mad as a hatter, red as a beet"

•Class: Cholinergic Antagonist
•Action: does not enter CNS until high dose; block ciliary mm., lose of accommodation (cyclopegia); closes trabecular system; dose dependent effects
••Low - dry mouth, dec. sweating and dec. bronchial secretions
••Intermediate - tachycardia and blurred vision
••High - decrease GI, urinary retention, CNS effects
•Indications: to reverse effects of reflex vagal disharge, bradycardia, AV block, asthma attack
•SE/CI: side effects due to decrease of PNS and increase of SNS toen; CI - narrow angle glaucoma, BPH
•Class: Cholinergic antagonist
•Action: enters CNS easily to cause sedation and amnesia
•Indications: motion sickness (patch), pre anesthesia, dry bronchial and salivary secretion
•SE/CI: excitement, euphoria, coma with high dose; psychosis in kids
Tolterodine (Detrol)
•Class: Cholinergic Antagonist
•Receptor: M3
•Action: not lipid soluble, few CNS effects
•Indications: overactive bladder
Oxybutynin (Ditropan)
•Class: Cholinergic antagonist
•Indications: prevent bladder spasm after prostate sx
Glycopyrrolate (Robinul)
•Class: Cholinergic antagonist
•Indications: used surgically to prevent vagal response when visceral handled; decreases M side effects when neostigmine is used for MG
Dicyclomine (Bentyl)
•Class: Cholinergic antagonist
•Action: inhibit motility and secretions in GI tract
•Indications: GI antispasmotic
Solifenacin (Vesicare)
•Class:Cholinergic antagonist
•Receptor: M3
•Action: little effect on salivation
•Indications: overactive baldder and urinary frequency
Ipatropium (Atrovent)
•Class: Cholinergic antagonist
•Action: 4° amine derivative of atropine
•Indications: inhalation for asthma and COPD
•SE/CI: dry mouth
Tropicamide (Mydriacil)
•Class: Cholinergic antagonist
•Action: synthetic derivative of atropine with short duration
•Indications: mydriasis and cytoplegia
•SE/CI: CI- narrow angle
Diphenoxylate-atropine (Lomotil)
•Class: Cholinergic antagonist
•Action: opioid that decreases GI motility
•Indications: diarrhea
•Class: Non-polarizing Neuromuscular Blocker
•Receptor: Nm
•Action: slow onset, long duration; competitive antagonist at NMJ and prejuntional Na channel; causes histamine release; can be overcome with inc. ACh; ionized (no CNS entry)
•Indications: paralysis of skeletal mm.
•SE/CI: ganglionic blockade, vagal blockade
Pancuronium (Pavulon)
•Class: Non-polarizing Neuromuscular Blocker
•Receptor: Nm
•Action: slow onset, long duration
•SE/CI: moderate block of N and M, vagal blockage, tachycardia
Vecuronium (Norcuron)
•Class: Non-depolarizing Neuromuscular Blocker
•Receptor: Nm
•Action: slow onset, intermediate duration
Cisatracurium (Nimbex)
•Class: Non-polarizing Neuromuscular Blocker
•Receptor: Nm
•Action: most commonly used; no histamine release
Rocuronium (Zemuron)
•Class: Non-polarizing Neuromuscular Blocker
•Receptor: Nm
•Action: rapid onset, intermediate duration
•Indications: Intubation
Succinylcholine (Anectine)
•Class: Depolarizing Neuromuscular Blocker
•Receptor: Nm
•Action: rapid onset and duration; initial stimulation and contraction but receptor desensitized causing paralysis; hydrolyzed by plasma pseudocholinesterase
•Indications: intubation, ventilation; Sx; convulsions; Ca channel blockage
•SE/CI: CI- bruens, severe trauma, nn. degeneration, CNS injury (causes release of K+ into blood leading to cardiac arrest)
Mecamylamine (Inversine)
•Class: Ganglion blocker
•Action: non-depolarizing competitive antagonist; blocks ALL autonomic ganglia
•Indications: used to treat HTN
•SE/CI: effects similar to blocking both SNS and PNS; decreases autonomic reflexes
•Class: Ganglion blocker
•Action: decreases autonomic reflexes
•Indications: Tourette's, nicotine/cocaine addiction
Epinephrine (Adrenalin)
•Class: Catecholamine
•Receptor: Alpha, Beta-1, Beta-2
•Action: short duration; dose dependent
••LOW- +ionotropic, chronotopic; increase in systolic and diastolic pressures followed by dec in D BP due to vasodilation of bv's; little overall change in BP but inc HR
••HIGH- more alpha; pressor effect; D and S BP increase while there is less inc HR; inc in blood glucose and renin
•Indications: anaphylactic shock; cardiac arrest; complete heart block
•SE/CI: CI- beta blocker use (severe alpha increase, severe HTN)
Norepinephrine (Levophed)
•Class: Catecholamine
•Receptor: Alpha, Beta-1
•Action: vasoconstriction to increase BP with reflex bradycardia
•Indications: severe hypotension
Isoproterenol (Isuprel)
•Class: Catecholamine
•Receptor: Beta-1, Beta-2
•Action: +ionotrope, chronotrope; vasodilation in skeletal mm. leading to dec BP with reflex tachycardia
•Indications: cardiac arrest, complete heart block
•SE/CI: large doses cause tachycardia, palpitations, arrhythmias
Dopamine (Intopin)
•Class: Catecholamine, DA agonist
•Receptor: Beta-2, D1
•Action: dose dependent:
••LOW- activate D1 in renal vascular beds, vasodilation
••HIGH- stimulate beta-1 in heart (+inotrope, chronotrope)
••OD- release NE to stimulate alpha-1, vasoconstriction, inc BP
•Indications: IV tx for cardiac shock
•SE/CI: N/V; tachycardia, angina, arrythmias; HA, peripheral vasoconstriction
CI- pheochromocytoma, MAOIs
Phenylephrine (Neo-Synephrine)
•Class: Alpha-1 agonist
•Receptor: Alpha-1
•Action: casoconstriction, inc BP with slight reflex bradycardia; mydriasis without cycloplegia
•Indications: decongestant; hypotensive emergency to increase BP
•SE/CI:ischemic changes with chronic use; CI- HTN
Pseudoephrine (Sudafed)
•Class: Alpha agonist
•Action: less tachy and CNS effects
•Indications: OTS decongestant
•SE/CI: HTN caution
Clonidine (Catapres)
•Class: Alpha-2 agonist
•Receptor: Alpha-2
•Action: acts presynaptically in CNS to decrease NE release; decrease in BP, HR
•Indications: HTN
•SE/CI: HTN may occur with fast withdrawal
Apraclonidine (Iopidine)
•Class: Alpha-2 agonist
•Receptor: Alpha-2
•Action: dec intraocular pressure
•Indications: Open angle glaucoma
Dobutamine (Dobutrex)
•Class: Beta-1 agonist
•Receptor: Beta-1
•Action: +ionotropic, chronotropic; increased cardiac output with little effect on peripheral resistance
•Indications: cardiac stress test; increase cardiac output for cardiogenic shock and CHF
•SE/CI: HTN caution
Albuterol (Ventolin), Terbutaline (Brethine)
•Class: Beta-2 Agonist
•Receptor: Beta-2
•Action: small effect on beta-1
•Indications: inhalation asthma tx
•SE/CI: HA, tremors, tachy
Ritrodine (Yutopar)
•Class: Beta-2 agonist
•Receptor: Beta-2
•Action: small effect on beta-1
•Indications: relax uterus and suppress pre-term labor
•Receptor: Alpha
•Action: long duration; similar to Epi but less prounounced; CNS stimulant
•SE/CI: herbal that was taken off market due to severe HTN and hemorrhagic stroke
•Class: Indirect acting symphatomimetic
•Action: displaces NE and DA from vesicles to inc their release from neurons; CNS stimulant
•Indications: enuresis (strong contraction of urinary bladder sphincter)
•SE/CI: tremor, tachy, HTN, psychosis, dizziness, HA, aggression, convulsions, coma
Methylphenidate (Ritalin)
•Class: Amphetamine
•Action: paradoxical decrease in activity
•Indications: ADHD
•Class: Indirect acting symphatomimetic
•Action: inhibits reuptake of NE and DA into nerve terminals; shot acting amphetamine effect thats more intense
•Indications: nasopharyngeal sx to dec blood flow and local anesthesia
•SE/CI: addicting, severe HTN, stroke, tachy, arrhythmias, MI, psychosis
•Class: Indirect acting symphatomimetic
•Action: increases release of catecholamines from nerve terminals; displaces them in vesicles (false NT octopamine); metabolized by MAO
•SE/CI: tachy; CI- MAOIs
Fendolpam (Corlopam)
•Class: DA agonist
•Receptor: D1
•Action: dilation of vascular beds; dec BP
•Indications: short term tx for severe HTN
Phentolamine (Regitine)
•Class: Alpha blocker
•Receptor: Alpha-1, Alpha-2
•Action: dec resistance and BP; inc NE release to inc HR; GI stimulation due to blockage of 5-HT receptor and increase histamine release
•Indications: short term tx of HTN crisis in pheochromocytoma
•SE/CI: tachy, myocardial ischemia, abd pain, arrythmias, hypotension; CI- peptic ulcers, viagra (severe drop in BP)
Phenoxybenzamine (Dibenzyline)
•Class: Alpha blocker
•Receptor: Alpha-1, Alpha-2
•Action: irreversible non-competitive antagonist that that binds covalently to receptors; inhibits NE reuptake; BP dec since alpha blocked cause beta to take over, reflex tachy
•Indications: pheochromocytoma
•SE/CI: severe hypotension may occur with hypovolemia; CI- Viagra (severe drop in BP)
Prazosin (Minpress)
•Class: Alpha-1 blocker
•Receptor: Alpha-1
•Action: reversible antagonist; relaxes arterial and venous smooth mm.; less likely to cause reflex tachy; resistance and BP and preload
•Indications: HTN, BPH
•SE/CI: CHF (half-life extended); CI- Viagra
Terazosin (Hytrin), Doxazosin (Cardura)
•Class: Alpha-1 blocker
•Receptor: Alpha-1
•Action: similar to prazosin; dec size of prostate
•Indications: BPH
•SE/CI: first dose phenomenon; difficulty ejaculating; CI- Viagra
•Class: Alpha-2 Blocker
•Receptor: Alpha-2
•Action: blocks presynaptic receptors and increase NE release; BP and HR inc
•Indications: natural alternative to viagra; antagonizes clonidine
Propanolol (Inderal)
•Class: Beta Blocker
•Receptor: Beta-1, Beta-2
•Action: competative antagonist; -inotrope, chronotrope; dec renin, production of aqueous humor; blocks glycogenolysis/lipolysis increasing VLDL and dec HDL; different drugs affect metabolism rate
•Indications: chronic use for dec BP; HTN, prior MI; angina and early CHF (dec O2 consumption); arrhythmias; hyperthyroidism
•SE/CI: CNS sedation, brady, ; CI- pheocytochroma, must give alpha-blocker to prevent severe HTN; type I diabetes
Timolol (Timoptic)
•Class: Beta Blocker
•Receptor: Beta-1, Beta-2
•Action: absorbed systemically
•Indications: open angle glaucoma (2nd choice)
•SE/CI: CI- pheocromocytoma; Asthma; type I diabetes
Metoprolol (Lopressor)
•Class: Beta-1 Blocker
•Receptor: Beta-1
•Action: local anesthetic; red. risk of causing hypoglycemia; better exercise tolerance (does not block beta-2); -chronotrope, inotrope
•Indications: HTN; migran prophylaxis, post MI
•SE/CI: dizziness, fatigue, brady, hypotension; CI- glaucoma due to anesthetic effect, Asthma/COPD
Atenolol (Tenormin)
•Class: Beta-1 Blocker
•Receptor: Beta-1
•Action: like metoprolol but without anesthetic; red. risk of hypoglycemia; better exercise tolerance; -inotroph, chronotroph
•SE/CI: CI- COPD/Asthma
Esmolol (Brevibloc)
•Class: Beta-1 Blocker
•Receptor: Beta-1
•Action: short duration
•Indications: IV when short beta block wanted
Nebivolol (Bystolic)
•Class: Beta-1 Blocker
•Receptor: Beta-1
•Action: vasodilation due to NO release; most selective beta-1 blocker; red. in C, TAGs, glucose
Betaxolol (Betopic)
•Class: Beta-1 Blocker
•Receptor: Beta-1
•Indications: open angle glaucoma
•SE/CI: fewer side effects than timolol
Pindolol (Visken)
•Class: Beta blocker with intrinsic sympathetic activity
•Receptor: Beta-1, Beta-2
•Action: minor effect on lipids, risk of brady is lower
•Indications: HTN, angina
Acebutolol (Secral)
•Class: Beta blocker with intrinsic sympathetic activity
•Receptor: Beta-1
•Action: local anesthetic; minor effect on lipids; risk of brady lower
•Indications: HTN, angina
•SE/CI: CI- glaucoma due to anesthetic
Lebatalol (Normodyne)
•Class: Combined blocker
•Receptor: Alpha-1, Beta-1, Beta-2
•Action: relaxes arterial smooth mm. to dec BP; prevents compensatory in in HR; local anesthetic
•Indications: PO HTN, IV HTN emergency
•SE/CI: alpha and beta blocker side effects; CI- glaucoma
Carvedilol (Coreg)
•Class: Combined Blocker
•Receptor: Alpha-1, Beta-1, Beta-2
•Action: vasodilation and dec BP without tachy; inhibits smooth mm. mitogenesis (beneficial for CHF)
•Indications: HTN, CHF, post MI
Guanethidine (Ismelin)
•Class: NT release blocker
•Action: inhibits NE release; replaces NE to gradually deplete NE stores
•Indications: used to be used for severe HTN
•SE/CI: complete loss of SNS
•Class: NT release blocker
•Action: interferes with uptake and storage of biogenic amines; depletes NE, DA, 5-HT; low doses dec BP
•Indications: not used clinically
•SE/CI: severe dirrhea, depression, Parkinson-like symptoms
Metyrosine (Desmer)
•Class: Synthesis inhibitor
•Action: blocks tyrosine hydroxylase; dec in DA, NE, Epi synthesis
•Indications: pre-surgical in pheochromocytoma