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63 Cards in this Set

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-too much action potential
-causes neuron death
-often caused by glutamate release after traumatic injuries
Post Synaptic Potentials
change in charge across a membrane when a neurotransmitter is recieved
they are graded
Sympathetic Neurotransmitter
Parasympathetic Neurotransmitter
drugs that are agonists and mimic norepinephrine, activating sympathetic drive.
they reduce para - so can cause dry mouth
Arachnoid Mater
weblike, soft, spongy, and filled with CSF
Pia Mater
lowest level of protection
adheres to CNS surface
most of the neurons in CNS
Ex: cerebellar purkinje cells that adjust to fine motor movements
Glial Cells
myelin producers, astrocytes, microglia, etc.
myelinate MANY axons
in CNS
Schwann Cells
myelinate only one part of an axon
in PNS
largest glial cell
many functions
can store and release neurotransmitters (commonly glutamate)
involved in response to injury or disease
another name for nuclei
a cluster of cell bodies in CNS
White Matter
bundles of axons (tracts)
the myelin gives them a "whitish" appearance
a bundle of axons in the CNS
Gray matter
cell bodies and dendrites (brain "regions")
telencephalon (cerebral hemispheres)
diencephalon (thalamus, hypothalamus)
composed largely of tracts
an information superhighway (brain internet)
origin of the reticular formation
reticular formation
important for arousal
keeps you awake
many tracts
pons-vental surface
cerebellum - coordination
Tectum and Tegmentum
dorsal surface
inferior colliculi - audition
superior colliculi - vision, process motion, helps us view fast moving objects
ventral surface
periaqueductal grey
substantia nigra
red nuclues
Periaqueductal grey
surrounds ventricles, important for analgesia, rich in opiod receptors
Substantia Negra
"black body"
important for movement
Red Nucleus
Thalamus - sensory relay nuclei
regulation of motivated behaviors
controls hormone release by pituitary
cerebral cortex
convolutions increase SA and processing power
has 6 layers involved in processing
corpus callosum
the largest hemisphere connecting tract
Frontal cortex
important for behavioral INHIBITION and decision making
Limbic System
emotional behavior and regulation of motivated behavior
mamillary bodies, hippocampus, amygdala, fornix, etc.
important for fear
fear learning
Basal Ganglia Motor System
translates emotional info into some kind of action
Ventral area of the striatum
-incentive motivation
-receives info from the ventral tegmental area (VTA)
-this pathway is called the "final common pathway of addiction"
AKA Mesolimbic Dopamine System
Mesolimbic Dopamin System
the last common pathway of addiction
the pathway between the ventral area of the striatum and the VTA
Overt Behaviors
activity, task performance, etc
easier to measure b/c you have operational definitions
covert behaviors
subjective experiences
hard to measure
operation definitions are needed; how do you define "High"
Balanced Placebo Design
the chart with 4 sections
differing instructions and medications
Between Effects
Give person A the drug
Give person B the placebo
PROBLEM - 2 people have very different life experiences
Within Effects
Give person A the drug/placebo at time 1
Give person A the drug/placebo at time 2
PROBLEMS - time effect, order effect, test-retest bias
Overall more powerful though
Independent Variable
x axis
the variable you MANIPULATE
ex: dose of drug, drug v placebo, route of administration
Dependent Variable
the effect of the drug on some operationally defined measure
"what we measure"
dependence = alcoholism
refers to a loss of control over drug behavior
Controlled substance
any food, beverage, or medication whose dispensation and use is regulated (tobacco, alcohol, etc.)
Controlled Substance Act 1970
scheduled drugs
created the DEA
1960 Food - Cosmetics Act
drug companies were forced to list ingredients in their drugs
Schedule I Drugs
have the least benefit
have the greatest potential for abuse
cocaine, heroine
Legal view of addiction
it is a "Social Disease" with social costs
a war to stop the supply of drugs
Induced Disorders
depend on you having taken the drug recently (hallucinations)
disordered behavior following acute administration of drug
Disordered Behavior
when a behavior is maladaptive, affects daily life and social situations
abuse disorders
harmful use of a specific drug
Substance dependecne
loss of control of drug behavior
Positive Reinforcement
relates to impulse control disorders
Negative Reinforcement
involved in compulsive behavior disorders
4 criteria for substance abuse,
must meet atleast one
1. recurrent physically hazardous behavior
2. continued use despite social/interpersonal problems exaccerbated by drug
3.Failure to fulfill major role obligations
4. Continued use despite legal problems
Substance Dependence Criteria
(need 3 or more)
1. Physical Withdrawl
2. Tolerance
3. Taking more or longer than was originally intended
4.Unsuccessful attempts to quit
5. Spending a lot of time obtaining, using, and recovering
6. Other activities given up
7. taking the drug in the face of physical or mental health issues caused by the drug
3 necessary but not sufficient causes of addiction:
heritability estimates
how much of a phenotype is attributable directly to genetics