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41 Cards in this Set

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Method of action of Cocain
Inhibits DAT and dopaime reuptake
Amphetamine method of action
inhibits the VMAT which increases cytoplasmic levels of Dopamine which reverses the DT
Cocaine and Amphetamines metabolite
How long is the product visible in the urine
36 hrs
What does an overdose of cocaine and amphetamine
dilated pupils, tachycardia, chest pain, hypertension, seizures, bugs crawling on my skin
Withdrawal symptoms of cocaine and amphetamine
fatigue, depression, cramps, sweating, hunger cravings
Treatment for withdrawal of cocaine and amphetamines
bromocriptine which is a dopamine antagonist
lorazepam for the agitation
Addiction treatment
nothing unforunately
Downsides of amphetamine
directly toxic to DA/5HT neurons
Method of action of Opiods
inhibit Gabaergic internuerons (inhibit the inhibitors) in the VTA b acting on u opioid receptors disinhibit the meolimbic DA system increase DA at the nucleus accumbens
Metabolism of heroin
Pro-drug converted to 6-monoacetylmorphine which is metabolized by esterases throughout the body to morphine
Witdrawal time frame
begins 12 hours after last does,
peaks 1.5-3 days
over by 5-7 or can last for weeks
Heroin overdose symptoms
loss of consciousness, respiratory depression, miosis, bradycardia, hypotension, pulmonary edema
Treatment of heroin overdose
naloxone- u opiod antagonist
shorter action so redose if necessar
Withdrawal of heroin
bad but not life threatening
involuntary movements
high fever
Treatment of Heroin Withdrawl
methadone- uopioid receptor agonist
using this helps diminish effects felt from heroin and prevents withdrawal symptoms
* must be given at a clinic controlled every single day
Withdrawal of heroin option 2
good for addiction not dependence partial u opioid receptor agonist high affinity slow to dissociate so get less withdrawal
*if you give before withdrawal signs you may get rapid displacement of full agonist and this can intesnify withrdral symptoms
Method of action of Marijuana
THC is teh active constituent which acts on CB1 receptors inhibiting gaba interneurons in the VTA disinhibition of dopamine system
Effects of Marijuana
increased appetite, increased heart rate, dry mouth, injection of the cornea
adverse effects
paranoia, amotivation, personaliyt changes, cognitive deficits
gate way drug
Method of action of alcohol
1. increases GABA inhibits glutamate chronic exposure leads to decreased gaba receptors and increased NMDA gluatamte receptors
2. indirectly increases teh mesolimbc dopamine azis and turns on opiod receptors
Type A dependence
lage onset older than 25
fe familial alcohol ependency
slower disease progression
important environmental infuence
minimal criminality
Type B depedence
much more severe
early onset
paternal inheritance patter
little environmental influence
frequent criminality
frequent presence of personality disorder
Treatment Stage 1
Identification- obtain history of family abuse, cage questions, evaluate tolerance and epednecne, determine if patient wants to abstain
Treatment Stage 2
Detox - benzodiazepines
Mild Alcohol withdrawal symptoms
agitation, anxiety, insomnea, nausea
Severe symptoms of alcohol withdrawl
autonomic hyperactivity, seizures, delerium tremens
Delerium Tremens
confusion disorientation, visual hallucinations, movement of extremities autonomic instability
* can cause sudden death
Stage 3 of acohol treatent
rehab_ life with out alcohol
inhibit aldehyde dehydrogenase causing increased nausea dizziness and headach, decreased desire to drink
opiod antagonist dont combine with disulfiram because both are hepatotoxic
best drug for treatment of dependence, restores balance bewteen inhibition and excitemnt of neurons
*contraindicated in renal failure
Stage 4 of alcohol treatment
aftercare- AA family support
Mechanism of action of Benzodiazepines
indirect agonists of the GABA recetpor
Withdrawal from benzdiazepines
anziety, agitation, increased sinsitivity to light, mm cramps, sleep problems, dizziness,
Treatment of withdrawal from benzos
diazepam (benzo with a long half life) gradually taper off
Nicotene mechanism
agonist of the NACHR receptor i
stimulates dopamine neurons in teh VTA
increases dopamine in the nucleus accumbens
treatment of nicoteine withdrawal
varenicline (Chantrix) partial agonist of nAChR with a greater affinity than nicotine reduces reward for cigarette smoking and reduces cravings/withdrawal symptoms
Hallucinogens mechanism of action
*do not produce addiction or dependence
activate teh 5HT2A receptors in the fronal cortex
hallucinatinos, living nightmares
treatment for hallucinogens
diazepam for non psychotic symptoms, for [psychotic symptoms use anti psychotics